What hobby seems boring to most people but is actually fascinating if you dive into it?

Bluetreefrog@lemmy.worldmod to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 247 points –

Tell us why we should unexpectedly come to love your hobby.


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So competitions are just a guy with a yoyo?

1A, one yoyo, typically unresponsive for loose tricks

2A for two-handed, looping tricks with responsive yoyos

3A for two-handed unresponsive yoyos

4A for off string (yoyo not tethered)

5A for Freehand (string tethered to a counterweight)

AP for artistic performances, regardless of the competitive style.

bonus trivia: Steve Brown, the creator of 5A, was on an episode of Wifeswap.

My favorite thing about yoyos is that they were sort of used as a deadly weapon in the Philippines. I say sort of because they were heavily modified.

I accidentally hit my kid in the head with a yo-yo. He would say it could be a deadly weapon. Still gives me shit for it.

There’s an episode of Netflix’s “We Are the Champions” on competitive yo-yo, if anyone wants a 30 min primer. (It’s also just good entertainment)