2 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

But it's also about the MacBook – the series sold 10 years ago had replaceable HDDs and memory units, I upgraded the disk twice in the lifetime and fixed the disk cable three of four times (they had a funny design so that you had to break the cable several times to fit its place neatly). The current laptops are sold with every component glued/soldered to place, and this is getting a trend everywhere. It probably started with phone batteries: my first phone (Ericson GA628 with an exchangeable front panel!) had a battery you could replace in two seconds, now even 2500-3000EUR laptops are considered single-use throwaway items, it's insane.

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Use - it will not only cut ads, but also the sob story about the writer's grandmother and how they kept this thing a family secret for exactly 137 years until now.

The AdBlock arms race is still going on - would have been more precise

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Yepp, I always wanted to have a login to a porn site verified with my ID and connected to my home address

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I don't mind bashing Musk for a second, but as far as I know China follows a startup mentality with electric cars - the government supports the industry so they can sell cars below their actual price, and once they killed all their competition they can increase.

There's no fair winning against this policy

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What I don't get is why anything these guys are saying makes the news. It's changing every day, and it's always a lie. They know it, everyone else knows it, it doesn't make any sense to write about it.

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Have you tried tiny macros with q and @? Syntax highlighting? Z-folds? Or turn vi into a hex editor with :%!xxd ?

If that doesn't work, try :divorce

Not all, they were kicked out from Hungary - although that was less a victory of workers' rights rather than that of the taxi driver union.

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Ebben Eastern Germany had a better solution:

The guy with the scat fetish that disappeared the moment his wish started to come true

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I know only one case where this shrinkflation thing was stopped - one beer company decided to sell 0.4l cans, because "that's what the customers want". It turned out pretty fast that wasn't what their customers wanted :)

Wait, in the last thread it was a bank

While that's true, we still have for example safe air travel, although I'm pretty sure companies would be happy to ship their passengers minced to maximize their profit.

Also, thorium reactors would be a great step forward, unfortunately its byproducts can't be used for nuclear weapons, so their development was pretty slowed down.

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But... Isn't that standard equipment in every household?

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My wife loves that show, I was never able to fathom why it is so interesting to watch people being frustrated in you free time. Cooking should be so about fun and love, don't shout with my food, please.

One suggestion in the old days was to stick a nail in an apple for a while and then eat it. The apple of course. Without the nail

I happen to rarely read recently published books, so I paid for an ebook a single time. In a series of eight books, each of them had an appendix saying "this file was formatted on purpose for torrenting. The estimated cost of producing the book is roughly 5.27$. If you liked it here's my bank account and my website if you'd like to buy the book on paper".

But what do you do if that field is needed? A throwaway address won't work as it's easy to recreate. Buy your own domain and run a server?

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I strongly disklike any subscription, but having to choose between paying for a high-end gaming rig that I rarely have the opportunity to use and paying 10$ or so for renting a cloud VM instance for the few months I get through a game, I choose the latter. Also, upgrading hardware is somebody else's problem.


I think there was a 99% invisible podcast episode about that, it's prison inmates. For some never-changed rule they are only allowed music on cassettes, so they are probably the target audience mainly.

Just a few years ago I had an old car with a cassette player/radio, and from time to time I enjoyed the cassette player with some leftover stuff, but in most cases I just used an FM transmitter

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I miss the old Yahoo games site where during night shift you could play Canasta with probably some retired folks from the other side of the world

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There's a hedgehog in the garden. BUT IT'S NOT THEIR ONE!

Right, but for nonEU trips you have to exit the Schengen zone, which comes with passport control, I have no idea how one can avoid that

Any ideas for T-mobile? It seems that Verizon and AT&T use exotic frequencies for my phone, so maybe that could be the best option, but I don't know how good their coverage is...

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My best guess is hemorrhoid followup - what would you do, ask your neighbor to look and comment on your butt?

Did I miss something from the news? Why is a field hospital needed in Libya?

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So, basically the start of The Swarm? Great.

Can you elaborate on that? Honestly I'm not very familiar with the guy except the name, and the news articles were obviously mostly positive

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And Afghanistan was not available on that week?

I use a Kindle, but never bought a single book from them. I mostly use their transfer method for convenience instead of looking for a cable. As for books, I downloaded a few gigs of ebooks in html/RTF/doc format well before e-ink was invented, and use those with calibre to convert to epub. Pdfs are rather suboptimal for ebooks.

I was looking for this comment. It's unfortunate that Julia basically dies in the shadows of python, in some sense it's much more logical, out at least f ing print and division doesn't change between versions

Yeah. Way worse that the cup thing or the Japanese eel stuff or the others. That crap still haunts me

One local news site wrote that it might be a mistranslation, and a poet from Leva got to be leftist poet. Can't confirm personally, my Slovak vocabulary is 20 words at maximum

Thanks for the great summary! eSIM is unfortunately not an option (it wasn't really trending yet two years ago), now I just have to check which of these providers use the same bands as my phone does.

So, the thing is we can't really predict CMEs. What we can do is observing them by satellites like SOHO or SDO (actually you can also check these data, check for jHelioViewer). While light indeed needs roughly 8 minutes to travel from the Sun, the ejected plasma is much slower than that, it travels at a comfy pace of 1000km/s or so. So it takes about a day to reach Earth (you can do the precise numbers as a homework or use Wolfram alpha to cheat), so from the observations we have roughly this time to do anything.

Maybe. We had one of that too, but didn't use it too much either

Sure, there are transmitters without Bluetooth. I somehow preferred the SD card, as it would hold a few Gb of music and needed no internet connection. The only downside was if I was driving short trips only for a while, and it stuck with a 20-min long Deep Purple concert track every time :)

Whoa, this would be nice, unfortunately my phone doesn't support eSIM yet

I think this was it (it's not for a weak heart)