Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance to World – 2170 points –
Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

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While that's true, we still have for example safe air travel, although I'm pretty sure companies would be happy to ship their passengers minced to maximize their profit.

Also, thorium reactors would be a great step forward, unfortunately its byproducts can't be used for nuclear weapons, so their development was pretty slowed down.

I’m pretty sure companies would be happy to ship their passengers minced to maximize their profit.

That actually sounds more comfortable than normal airline travel

Also there was that german experimental Thorium reactor that was so mismanaged, it made Burns' Springfield power plant look well handled. I think that scared a lot of people off of Thorium for a long time.

Source: Lived right next to that reactor during my childhood.

If only we had a non fossil energy source we could safely export to developing nations instead of ICE technology.

(Intenal Combustion Engine)