2 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I haven't found a bluetooth set that works well with the deck yet. Everything seems to have a second of lag in the headphones when on bluetooth, that I never experience with wired. I've used both an old pair of Samsung earbuds that cane with an android phone over 5 years ago, which worked fine, and my personal go-to pair of Turtle Beach earbuds, with detachable boom mic. I leave the mic in my case unless I'm using it, and everything works well with that setup.

I live in New York, one of the most northern and blue states around, and have my entire life. In 7th grade I decided I didn't like saying the Pledge of Allegiance, the name alone sounded odd to me, like why are children pledging themselves to a country, when we can't even really understand what that means? So I stopped.

The school staff lost their minds.

Luckily my parents taught me to be firm in my beliefs, if I had truely thought about them and believed them. So I stuck to my choice, and my parents backed me up on it when they arrived at the school 45 minutes after the Pledge normally ended.

On a side note, I had read ahead in my Social Studies textbook that week, and learned about Nationalism in Nazi Germany, and it had sounded strangly familiar to me. Not long after the Pledge of Allegiance incident happened.

The logic of this is nonexistent. An argument could be made very convincingly that cars are dangerous to allow in the hands of criminals. 2 tons of metal, well known for and capable of ending a life, with the ability to aid criminal enterprises and avoidance of law enforcement. So should car sales now require a criminal background check? All this would do is further disenfranchise convicted felons, regardless of the actual crime committed, and create new difficulties for a group that includes a very high percentage of people already proven to give no shits about the law who will find and exploit ways to continue activities despite any laws attempting to restrict them.

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I don't live in a place without PSN, however I uninstalled because of the malware style anticheat files that a small update tried to sneak into my system. Fuck off Arrowhead and Sony both, no thanks, I don't need to jnstall that kind of stuff to enjoy games with my friends on PC.

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Disassociation mostly.

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If I had to pay to use a social media service, it would have to be something I found utterly necessary. I'm not a fan of the trend toward everything being a subscription, so if any service unexpectedly changes to a subscription based service, I'm far more likely to experiment with cutting it out of my life and routine to see if I really needed it to begin with. So far out of the hundreds of subscription service I've had over the last 15 years, I've resubscribed to only 10 or so, and out of those only 3 where because I genuinely valued the service enough to pay for it, rather then because I had gotten an offer for 3 months free, then terminated the account before I was charged for anything. Why pay a provider to use my data for profit and show me ads I have no interest in or desire to see? If I wanted commercials I would watch cable, instead of using a streaming service I explicit choose for not showing constant ads.

I would treat Lemmy the same way. If I had to pay, I wouldn't play. There are other options for my time, simple as that.

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No Man's Sky


"Thoughts and prayers" seems to have crossed the pond. I genuinely hope they are more useful over there, because they are absolutely worthless here and usually indicate that nothing of consequence will be done about the matter.

This is pure speculation, but since we found Lead caused so many development issues when it was so prominent in everyday life, and plastic has been likened to this generations lead- poisoning, I wonder if there is a link between the prevalence of micro plastics and the increase in ADHD and ASD.

Yeah, the Meta logo on the commercial was enough to keep me away from this forever.

Well it's a space ship so, somewhere between 1 and 0.

I thought the whole point of a kickstarter was people with a product, but lacking the funds to get the project actually going getting a kick start to get going.... Not for billion dollar companies to beg for cash.

Yeah, that's what it used to be. Unfortunately, there has been a concerning trend in large companies using crowdfunding platforms as a way to measure market interest in a product before putting in the effort time and money needed for the old R&D process. It pays to check on the company or business for a Kickstarter before backing. Unfortunately it seems alot of folks use Kickstarter as a sort of shopping cart for new stuff, rather then a way to fund the future additions and innovation to an industry they care about. I fell for that a bit at first, but I've learned to ignore the FOMO.

That's what the paperwork says

Biker Mice from Mars, I loved that show as a kid, gave me a lifelong appreciation for Root Beer

Sounds to me like there is a class of people that shouldn't continue to hold position. Even Jesus said the rich where detestable. "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to enter heaven." Once 'rich' and 'poor' aren't a viable distinction anymore, the problem you describe is resolved. Not that other problems wouldn't be present, just saying some change is needed.

I've been having a similar problem the last couple days, can't seem to find a solution yet however.

But her religion specifically says to go forth and multiply! /s

U/spez has turned Reddit into a carbon-fibre submarine.

You are complaining about exactly the same people that the workers are striking against.

Yes, because as a worker of any kind, I stand in solidarity with the people who are looking for fair compensation for their time and work.

The workers get to choose what gets produced do they?

Yes. If I work at a chemical plant, then find out the plant has been poisoning the town I live in, my most effective way to stop that happening is to refuse to make more poison and convince as many of my neighbors and colleagues who work with me to do the same. The boss won't come down from his office and make it himself, will he? As the person making it, I'm morally responsible for it's existence.

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Rights for preborn

Okay, lets go all the way with that. We need to assure future housing, so let's build homes and apartments instead of another office building or shopping mall. Also the preborn will need healthcare, so we're going to have to funnel tax money into public Healthcare reform. Those preborn deserve great doctors when they join the world, after all. Now they're going to need secure access to good food, clean water, and healthy air, so let's start banning fossil fuels and switch to nuclear and renewable energy sources. Oh and someone make a note, the EPA needs to have the power to shut down business that pollute, no more of this namby-pamby "fines" junk, time for criminal charges and businesses going bye-bye. Gonna need to get rid of the crop-genetics monopolies too, we need healthy and numerous varieties of food from a diverse network of farms. Good first meeting, group! Next meeting bring one page of ideas for undoing the damage to the climate that's already been done, and be ready for abolishing slavery worldwide once and for all.

Rights for preborn

Okay, lets go all the way with that. We need to assure future housing, so let's build homes and apartments instead of another office building or shopping mall. Also the preborn will need healthcare, so we're going to have to funnel tax money into public Healthcare reform. Those preborn deserve great doctors when they join the world, after all. Now they're going to need secure access to good food, clean water, and healthy air, so let's start banning fossil fuels and switch to nuclear and renewable energy sources. Oh and someone make a note, the EPA needs to have the power to shut down business that pollute, no more of this namby-pamby "fines" junk, time for criminal charges and businesses going bye-bye. Gonna need to get rid of the crop-genetics monopolies too, we need healthy and numerous varieties of food from a diverse network of farms. Good first meeting, group! Next meeting bring one page of ideas for undoing the damage to the climate that's already been done, and be ready for abolishing slavery worldwide once and for all.

I see someone else also listens to Factually! podcasts.

I've already said I don't pay for anything in Lemmy. If by support you mean, do I contribute code, servers or bandwidth to Lemmy as a project? No, because I don't have those things to contribute in this field. I only know enough code to announce "Hello World", I don't own or operate a server farm or service, and I don't have enough bandwidth to be able to contribute a reasonable amount to a project. However, I think your argument is starting to lose focus. I have not been advocating leaving social media of all kinds, that would be hypocritical since I'm posting this here after all, I have been advocating for avoiding the use of overly monetized platforms. I also noted that I don't have an objection to paying for a service I find desirable. I pay for a streaming service for my household, and occasionally purchase apps that I find important. However, I think the over use of ads and subscriptions have polluted the market of software and services. Of course open-source projects, like Lemmy, are going to develop slower then a corporate alternative. But we wouldn't be here if we all wanted the corporate alternative, would we? I can't speak for your choice, of course, but I for one use Lemmy because I left Reddit. I use Linux because I prefer it over Windows and despise Mac, and I use Raspberry Pi's because I prefer to self-host my photo back ups rather then use Google.

Twitter has become a shit show, not unlike watching Facebook devolve back in the early 2000s. I prefer not to use it because I have better options in life for my time, not because I think I'm better then those who do use it. My original comment was a sufficient explanation of this philosophy, I think. I'm not calling for such extreme measures as cutting all social media from use, I'm reminding with my own example to be cognizant of one's time and use of services that are not under one's own control. That can be Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Lemmy, Mastodon, Twitch, Youtube, or any of the numerous other platforms that are available today. Don't avoid the path if it's really the one you want to walk, but be aware of your choice and know you have one. That's all I'm saying.

I don't see why this is an issue. I used Boost for Reddit, which let me see all my upvotes on my account by checking my profile. I always assumed this could be seen by anyone. Also, to respond to a comment lower down, this is not a democratic process, this is internet opinions. Voting in an election is NOT equal to agreeing with a publicly posted opinion. I know you voted, if you showed up to the voting booth on election day. But you don't get to hide your identity either.

When I said there where other options for my time, I meant if I don't like the service's conditions, I can choose to not use it at all and do something else with my time. As an example, I don't like Facebook, mostly due to its privacy violations and seeking disregard for security. So, I don't use it. I spend my time playing games, or visiting a library, or pursuing a hobby. Facebook is unnecessary to my social life or my existence.

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Hopefully I didn't misunderstand the poster, cause it seemed like it was someone using the 'unborn' as a shill group again. But fight fire with fire, right?

Yeah, my mistake. I realized that afterwards, hence the edit. That's what I get for trying to use a meme response, I need to be clearer in my reactions.

What boot? The boot of the industrial propaganda machine that I'm refusing to be concerned about when it just might have to slow down on producing another cinematic universe for merchandising? Screw the studios, let them deflate a little while the people who do the work strike for better conditions and wages. I'm sure the next Thor movie can wait a couple more years before becoming a lunchbox.

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Oh no! Anyway...

Edit: In case the subtlety slipped by some folks, I was pointing out how very unimportant the film industry is as a whole. I stand by the folks striking for better conditions and pay, but without Hollywood the world will continue on. Humanity doesn't need a new Marvel movie to survive the next year. Food, water, construction, transportation, these things are critical infrastructure. But I do not care if Hollywood stops making cookie cutter movies for a while, let the studios feel the crunch. Who can honestly say they are totally caught up on all the shows they want to watch, anyway? Go watch something you didn't have time for before, because the newest season of "Someone else's life" just aired. Go make a new friend, read a new book, or explore a new place. Don't want to or can't for some reason? Ok, go watch anything else, there is more media then you consume in a lifetime available for you to peruse on the internet.

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