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Joined 12 months ago

People complaining about planets not having anything fun to do have never played Elite Dangerous.

Just the fact you're exploring a new planet, to me is a cool feeling.

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I mean, just get the free game every week on the epic game store. That should cover all your free games gaming needs

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I was super excited for this game, and after watching that gameplay video, removed it from my wishlist. Was really hoping for a good moria survival game, but all the mechanics in this video look subpar.

Still better than the labs guy who just sounded like a robot

Because they take time

I grabbed it for the couch co-op, which we really enjoyed in the first one. But in ftk2 every controller can control every character, which feels weird. Also playing with the controller feels more clunky than the original.

For me, I always come back to multiplayer survival games.

I just love the building up from nothing with friends.

I mean, I never thought ED boring, I kind of enjoyed seeing new planets.

I joined an expedition of 2 no ths out in the black, exploring out there. Enjoyed all of it.

I recently grabbed American truck simulator.. Like it so much that I bought a steering wheel, and now it's the only thing I play.

Although this week we're getting the new stardew valley update, might go check that out.

Yep, I really enjoyed DRG:S, brings a bit of new mechanics to the "survivore genre" and the upgrades are pretty cool.

That's some pretty cool tech right there!

I read the title and thought it was a LOTR place :P

I mean they made a movie...

That's pretty much like the early unreal games that were all green/brown in color

Is legends as good as the original? The original was truly a game you had to try out. Loved all the puzzles in that game.

Been playing this game a lot recently. I know this feeling.

Yeah wait a year after release before even touching it

I tried the demo of American Arcadia, it's a story driven side scrolling game, with some nice twist to it. The Demo can be finished in like 30 minutes, totally worth trying it.

I mean ubisoft had the problem with all their games. Wait a year before buying a ubi game. It will be fixed and half price

get both and stream to the steamdeck, getting like 12h of battery instead

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