Starfield's planets aren't all interesting, but they're not all "supposed to be Disney World" to – 126 points –

You'll probably find that a lot of planets in Starfield are pretty boring, but Bethesda says that's kind of the point.


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People complaining about planets not having anything fun to do have never played Elite Dangerous.

Just the fact you're exploring a new planet, to me is a cool feeling.

I've had this same thought since Starfield came out. Go play ED: Odyssey and then complain about how plain and boring planets are.

You are all saying that both games have boring, procedurally generated planets. Sounds like both games were designed with boring elements people don't want. Just because ED is more boring, doesn't mean Starfield is good.

The point isn't that ED being boring makes Starfield good. The point is that space exploration is mostly boring, and ED exemplifies that well. If I wanted unrealistic space exploration, I'd just play No Man's Sky.

I guess there's an argument that boring space exploration has an audience. I just didn't think that overlapped much with Bethesda's audience.

Imo its nice to just pop some chill music on and just fly/ explore around without thinking too much... keeps ur eyes busy while listening lol

I mean, I never thought ED boring, I kind of enjoyed seeing new planets.

I joined an expedition of 2 no ths out in the black, exploring out there. Enjoyed all of it.