0 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Why don't the workers get all the cookies? Are they stupid?

I feel like this is a dialectic that has been endorsed by the ruling class when talking about menial jobs. 'Now nobody wants to work' and whatnot

Nah, Warframe still keeps getting updates and it's free and not p2w so I'll see y'all there

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The problem here is that we are dealing in largely imprecise terms. If we instead turn to semantic versioning for inspiring what we'd consider a large change, then Plasma 5 -> 6 is a big change, breaking previous API.

The new desktop edit effect is largely irrelevant under this rather precise terminology.

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I don't think anyone has misunderstood you here. You misunderstood what you wrote in your first comment. The new desktop edit window is not proposing any new functionality that wasn't there, but showcasing it in a more streamlined fashion. That's in itself refining the user experience, which is exactly what you wanted.

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The ultimate litmus test for knowing if a south American country is a democracy or not - does an English speaking lad want to overthrow its government? If that is the case, chances are high it is a democracy...

Does Netflix count as the open web? It definitely feels like so, but I'm ready for a wealth hoarder to tell me otherwise!

Aren't you supposed to test that shit before going live?

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Going from the last gear to first by mistake is impressive

Data really looks like Grand Admiral Thrawn with jaundice in here

I tried it, but Firefox didn't play some videos. As it turns out, it was an issue with non open source codecs. I'm not helping anyone navigate those issues, I'd rather point them out to a ready to go kind of distribution.

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Whatever people choose, but with second turn. Too many times a fragmented vote makes it seem like a certain candidate has larger support when it is not the case

Some years ago, a friend recommended me the following albums:

  • Atom Heart Mother
  • Animals
  • The Wall
  • Dark Side of the Moon

I liked some tracks of the last album, but overall none of the albums clicked for me. I am aware they are respected by the wider community, so I guess I didn't get them.

Idk man I was getring tired of mishaps breaking the fuck off the cellphone's jack port. I do like to have it just in case, though.

Please, remember to vote on the European elections! We do need the EU to keep taking actions like this

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Just took a look at the reddit comments on a similar piece of news. It's a cesspool of just-created accounts up voting each other on pro-Israel comments.

It's a pity some influentiable people won't be able to immediately notice that they are bots.

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It's even funnier because the lyrics are provided by MusixMatch

The EU and the digital world: sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit. In Spanish we say 'una de cal y otra de arena'.

Suppose the bill goes through. Is there any reliable alternative for privately communicating? Asking for myself.

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I confess I'm a big fan of the post title

In the case of my home country, you could already tell because of the rating

Do I want to know what this meme is about? The comments before me clearly scream no you don't, but curiosity on the other hand...

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Finally, content worth reading on LinkedIn The comment, I mean. I can't care for their five reasons for whatever.

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You have to be given a sword by a strange lady laying in a pond

That's what it comes by not really understanding what you're doing. Most of the AI models I work with are the state of the art just because they happen to work.

In my case, when I solve a PDE using finite difference schemes, there are precise mathematical conditions that guarantee you if the method is going to be stable or not. When I do the same using AI, I can't tell if my method is going to work or not unless I run it. Moreover, I've had it sometimes fail and sometimes succeed.

It's just the way it is for now. Some clever people have to step in and sort things out, because our knowledge is not keeping up with technological resources.

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Yes, I go to concerts.

checks version number

Every day is a good day to remember President Allende!

It's flooded with bots as well as karma farmers. You can tell by the way they write down their comments.

For better or for worse, you'll often find real people at the reddit comments when sorting by controversial. Often for the worse, but sometimes for the better.

At least in Spanish, the newest "respectful" term gets eventually used as an insult. We've been like this since at least the late 80s.

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This whole suffering builds character thing oozes of what only well-off people would say

Loudspeaker enjoyers, arise!

Warframe ever since 2012!

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Pink Floyd is the most mediocre group in the prog rock scene (also works if you remove everything after 'group')

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This very much feels like disloyal competition. If you burn through your money in the hopes of sweeping out the competitors, and then you have to dial back on your competitor's practices, it's a dead giveaway you've done something fishy

Ah man, I was hoping I'd be rickrolled

I'd argue that if you exactly call the model you refer to by their actual name, you'll get much different reactions. For instance, expert systems have been around for a long while.

Probably audition for the Electric Light Orchestra

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Answering the title: one thing can't be denied, and it's that production quality has been in a steady decrease from the 80s onwards. If you can look past that, there are some current really good music groups.

Now onto the body of the message: I am a big prog rock fan, but I can't stand Pink Floyd. My dad can't either, we never ever spoke about that but found ourselves agreeing on it when I turned 20. It seems like there is a large gap in quality to the likes of Alan Parsons, ELO, Genesis, Yes and whatnot.

I think that Ready Player One was terribly ported from the book format to the movie. The book went so much more over the top than the movie did, the latter turning down on a lot of nerd aspects. Having said that, different formats need different ways for conveying the same idea. The main character would literally get a "+1 blazing sword" in the book. +1. As if it were an MMO or something.

Having said that, Dune (book and movie) were terrible. The movie felt plagued with references to stuff I didn't get. Only recently did I read the book just to find it was as uninteresting as the movie.

I'll never forget those opera singers singing right to my ears when a ship would land... Now that's a way to startle a person.

On the bright side, reading the book has allowed me not see the second part of the movie.