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Joined 12 months ago

It is my understanding that the statues that he's being charged under do not depend on the classification of the documents. The problem is that the documents belonged to the government and were not returned upon multiple requests. Therefore, even if the documents were declassified, which they were not, the same charges could still be brought against him.

You should see an increase, but likely small. Since the end point increased and since the curve only increases between upgrades, that means that all points before the end point must also increase. However, most of the benefit is now granted in the first half of the upgrades possible, so at your level the increase per level will be smaller than it was before.

There are a few games that you might miss out on with this method. Some devs (it's not many) list their games at what they think is a fair forever price and will not ever offer the game at a reduced price. Again, this isn't a lot of devs, but one notable one is Wube, makers of Factorio.

I generally agree with your method, mostly because I have a large enough backlog to be able to wait for sales, but it is also worth doing research on some devs to see if a sale will ever happen.

When a fraud department calls you, you don't need to provide any more information than your name and yes/no answers. If they are asking for any additional information, tell them that you don't trust their authenticity and that you'll call the number on the credit card. A legitimate agent will politely end the conversation there.

Then you better call that number on the card quickly.

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Doesn't yelp let businesses erase poor reviews for a fee? Is the only difference here that yelp isn't getting paid?

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They do great work, but they don't market and promote their successes well enough. I would prefer a society that favors humility more and therefore appreciate this administration's style, but it seems that a lack of hubris is now considered a fault in the public eye, on both sides of the aisle.

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Sikhs aren't Christians so they don't get the same rights as Christians do according to the Supreme Court.

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In 20 years, we could be up to 48 presidents or more, so you're right, trump's rating could get even lower. Hopefully no one beats him.

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It is possible to make glass and ceramics that are resistant to shattering from fair hard impacts. I don't know if that can be employed here, but there are other ways to deal with the problem.

Additionally, if 100,000 TB is something that people can carry by hand, then it is also possible to back up those drives relatively easily (relative to that technology).

Lastly, current silicon fabs have boxes of wafers that at the final stages can exceed $1M in the retail value. They have robots that handle those. If the 100,000 TB is worth something close to that, then a human will not be carrying it.

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Well the repubs stopped him from doing all the things that would have made him amazing, so he obviously totally sucks.

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Everyone says the darkest timeline started when Harambe was killed. I think it was when Stewart left the Daily Show.

Maybe this will be able to get us back a little bit.

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Ahh yes, I forgot that Biden was the only person that determined who got elected to the a completely separate branch of government.

You can just say that you're a republican or a foreign agent and that you don't like Biden. You would sound more believable.

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Juries and judges are the ones who should be making those decisions though. Not a political rival.

The report found that there was insufficient evidence and therefore it wasn't worth a jury or judge's time to review the case (which is what decline to prosecute means in this situation)

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Researchers need to be able to publish negative results or failures. They need to be encouraged to do that. Funding needs to support that.

Right now it doesn't. Mostly only "successes" are published and that's what gets further funding.

Their arguments are ridiculous. The state executed its right to select their electors. Congress has the power to remove the disability if supported by 2/3rds.

They are arguing that since they didn't impose the disability that the State overstepped their rights. This is not how the 14th was written.

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I think a lot of people feel that youtube is getting to eat all of the cake and is only offering crackers in return.

I think people accept that services need to advertise to survive, but become upset when that level of advertisemeant becomes excessive.

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They don't exactly fail the quality checks, they get binned into a lower grade. It's a common practice in many industries when reworking isn't possible or financially viable.

It isn't necessarily a bad thing either. Consumers can save some money when they don't need top performance, the company gets some revenue, and the products don't go into a landfill right away.

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This would be campaign spending, not military spending. Even if it was, the budget is decided by congress, not the president.

Some these Russian trolls are so terrible.

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The Supreme Court is supposed to rule on the constitutuonality of laws passed by the legislature. The court has no power to make laws.

Making a decision about the legality of medication is judicial overreach. That power is granted to congress alone, unless they have delegated some of that power to the executive branch (such as through the FDA).

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While text based messages on usenet may be dieing, the file sharing is still quite popular. My radar and sonar still pick up plenty of signals.

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That seems like a reasonable lesson to teach at that age. There's a lot of social development that happens during that part of life.

It may not be easy to teach at any age, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be taught.

Article states the use of an electron beam to enable this. So not currently scalable, but still a seemingly significant result.

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Well if wives are fair game, the Thomas's are going to have a rough time.

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The times article, which the Hill article is just rephrasing:

I realize there maybe a pay wall for some, but I didn't have an issue.

The Hill article also misleads by saying that he won't have to pay. They mean that Carroll may not get paid until the appeals are finished. However, Trump will have to pay a deposit to the court or secure a bond while appeals are pending, so he will have to pay someone for now, but that might not be Carroll yet.

Yeah, that fucking clown of a politician trying to create policies that would only benefit his voters (well and everyone else, but clearly he doesn't care about those people). If this passed, and thankfully it won't because the Republicans in congress will be sure to protect the public, then it might actually get him reelected because people might think that he was good for the majority of Americans. That would be so awful.

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I think those are the Church of Satan principles.

Some may prefer the Satanic Temple's tenets:

Either way, I agree, LA should be required to put up the beliefs of all religions if it will require even one.

Agreed, subscriptions only make sense when there is an on-going service, like on-star (no idea if it is worth anything).

So if the digital assistant and driver assistance programs where getting service updates, then this would make sense. However, I'd say that driver assistance really shouldn't need a lot of updates if it was truly ready for the road.

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Great work! If you can, please keep helping. You're doing the right thing. Thank you.

This is a civil trial, so it would be a monetary penalty and would prevent him from doing business in NY.

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People have given you a lot of snarky or rude answers, which isn't warranted. I partially agree with you, but partially disagree too.

For ToTK, High resolution doesn't matter a ton because the game is well optimized for its intended platform, for playing on a switch can still give you great vistas and pictures. This is where I agree with you.

However, the difference between 30 and 60 fps makes a big difference in this game. Controls, motion, and fights all feel a lot smoother and natural at 60 fps. And while vistas and pictures still look great, a lot of the game has additional beauty when in motion. The improved frame rate does make a difference and can enhance the experience for a game that deserves it. The people who made this game clearly put a lot of thought and creativity into and the switch isn't always able to deliver that experience to the players. Think of it like going to an indoor play with sunglasses on; it may still be enjoyable to but some of the experience is lost.

That's a really fucked up story, but that site is awful! Forced redirects and constant reloading.

Game play is better, but similar. The improvements make it a fun challenge to take down the monsters piece by piece. I didn't enjoy the game play of the first nearly as much.

The continuation of the story is good, but not as intriguing as the first. If story in the first was 10/10, this one is 8/10; so still pretty good.

If you enjoyed the first one, this one is definitely worth playing. There will also be a 3rd and having played the 2nd game will be required to understand the story.

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Determining how care of the children within a state is handled may be the responsibility of the state only (I'm not certain of this). If it is, then this case would be handled by the state supreme court, and would never be seen by the US supreme court.

The only way I can see this getting out of the state courts is if the prospective foster parents can show that their constitutional rights were infringed. Being a foster parent isn't a right (you don't apply for rights), so I don't see what they could claim.

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Been waiting for Steam releases of 16 and Rebirth since they launched. I'm guessing I'm not the only one.

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There are still other people present who probably didn't want to be part of their sexual adventures. They were deriving pleasure from the presence of those people but the other people didn't consent to being in the presence of this behavior. That's wrong.

I think this is a function that should be delegated to an app, so that users can choose from a variety of options. Having it built in would restrict that choice. Kind of like keyboards.

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Apple will not cover water damage, even though the phone has protection.

Democracy itself is biased against voter disenfranchisement. How ridiculous. They should let us vote against it. The people need to be heard.

Surely the warning is justified though? Yes it's a hurdle, but it seems reasonable and other platforms also warn users about apps from unverified sources, so it is common within the industry. If the play store is determined to be a monopoly, and gets broken up or off, I think a warning would still be warranted.

The default install thing used to be an issue, i.e. MS Explorer, but people seem to have stopped caring since all OS's now have pre-installed junk.

I guess the argument could be made thst the play store should allow downloading of other app stores? I'd be in favor of that, but I don't know if the courts can force something like that.

Umm, I'd rather wear an itchy shirt than cut off my arm. The level of discomfort is orders of magnitude different. Also, I can take off the shirt at the end of the day, but I don't get my arm back.

Or you're a troll.

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