Biden campaign drops an attack ad on Trump from Normandy to politics – 123 points –

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This would be campaign spending, not military spending. Even if it was, the budget is decided by congress, not the president.

Some these Russian trolls are so terrible.

Biden is telling us hes going to, like he did this term, push for more military spending, he's all about military and wants more of it. And the president has a huge impact on the defense budget, being the one to request the amount, especially as a democrat president that will get democrat reps voting in favor of his higher requested budgets.

As opposed to Trump, who famously balanced the budget.

being similar to Trump is not gonna win any approval from me.

Yet fools like you just blabber on and offer no real solutions. BoTh SiDeS every time.

I offer the same solution you do. Vote for my preferred candidate.

Trump did make a whole new branch of the military to funnel government money into. But yeah, you’re right, they’re the same…

Nothing is going to win approval from you. You have already made your decision.

Im out here bringing up policy specifics and metrics and substantiating why i dont approve. You come in with nothing but a broad dismissal.

Am I wrong? If Biden cured ass cancer tomorrow and made the cure free for all Americans, would you realistically change your mind?