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I’ve been using Claude pretty heavily for the last couple of months and have been very satisfied. More satisfied than I was with ChatGPT for mostly helping me cobble together various powershell scripts, or troubleshoot complicated and complex excel formulas. The latter, I am often doing as part of my job, and have been for a decade. So, when I run into trouble it’s usually deeep in the weeds, and Claude has saved me several hours of manual investigation by pointing me quickly to the problem areas to examine. The only thing I wish it had is image generation, but that would mostly just be for making joke images to send to friends and coworkers.

Edit to add: While I do prefer the info I receive from Claude more than ChatGPT for my use, I think it’s actually the interface that I find much more useful. I forget what they call the programming interface that you turn on in settings somewhere, but I really like how it breaks out all the code on the right side, separate from the conversation.

Or… “I work hard and live modestly in a small apartment with two dogs that I love. Oops, the landlord just jacked up my rent and I can no longer afford it, and the multi-billion dollar company I work for refuses to allow pay increases to help their low-paid employees deal with inflating prices. Now, I have to live in my car briefly while I figure this situation out.”

i can sew my own clothes and bake?

Weird. Creepy.

Hard disagree. I wish I knew how (and had the time to) make my own clothes. And, who doesn’t love baked goods? These both sound awesome.

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I still sign up with them when I’m researching bigger, or long-lasting, purchases. Cars, washing machine, and that sort of thing. I’m always a little annoyed at the price, but the content is SO MUCH better than any other online review source that I’m always happy with my decision in the end. Reddit comments are probably second, but I’ve found those to be littered with what seem to me to be suspiciously positive reviews for items that are not significantly better than their competition. I feel like I need to dial up my critical nature to 10 to fight against the echo chamber and/or the covert advertising.

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The bigger reason I don’t go to McDonald’s is because of the self serve kiosks they’ve forced on us instead of paying people to run the registers.

Price is still a reason though, so I’m glad they are at least considering that as well.

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The same dark comedy thought crossed my mind!

I expect they might retire and replace the existing judges, one every two years, in order of length of time already served. This would make it so they start this new system off already having 9 seats filled.

I sometimes wonder how much of the “power efficiency” modern appliance manufacturers trumpet is completely annulled by the fact that they have 30% the useful lifetime of their less efficient ancestors.

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Agree. Lemmy loves to trash on Apple, but this is actually something it’s hard to criticize them over. Especially compared with any other consumer electronics manufacturers.

You pass! I’ve done several thousands of these over the past decade.

Always exciting to see in the wild!

I guess it’s cultural, or regional, or just who you spend time around. Among my male friends, most of whom are straight and married with children, I don’t think any of them would even blink an eye at either of these things.

I do have colleagues from other cultures and US regions (US Italian, Central America, rust belt) who I’d bet would act the way you describe. I’m not jealous of that aspect of those cultures.

Trump did make a whole new branch of the military to funnel government money into. But yeah, you’re right, they’re the same…

I replied to the person above to brain dump my love for the audiobooks. I can see where the first half of the first book could be a slog to actually read, but the audiobooks are really quite amazing IMO. Highly recommend trying it out.

I don’t know enough to have my own solid thoughts on this, but people I trust and know more than me have all said that Tesla is wildly over valued compared with any other auto makers and considering their P to E. Considering that, I’ve been thinking that once the Musk distortion field goes away, the price may just drop down to where it “should be” by normal standards.

My heart agrees with what you’ve said, implying that musk is actually holding back the price at this point, but my brain says that might not actually be true.

The audiobooks are among my all time favorites. I’ve listen to them 4 or 5 times all the way through. Mark Bramhall is the narrator, and he he’s incredible. Many times I think, “jeez.. how is he doing that? I know if I were reading that paragraph it would not have been that powerful or interesting”.

I think having been a young boy, and now being a grown adult, helps relate to a lot of the emotional parts of the story. The naive love of youth, and the conflicting feelings of welcome-banality and a desire for life to be more as an adult.

The books get criticism for being “Potter/Narnia for adults”, but I think people who say this maybe haven’t actually read the whole series. That is extremely surface level, and is plainly discussed in the story. The whole point is that this kid grew up obsessed with books like this, and is now just outgrowing the phase of youth where it’s not weird. All of the magic stuff becomes pretty meta after the first half of the first book.

I’m noticing, but failing to see why that’s significant. Is something interesting going on with spaceX?

Why wait? Just post the graph now.

Hasn’t he already avoided the whole jail problem with the SC deciding that anything a president does is totally cool and perfectly fine as long as it’s “official”?

I thought so too, but I just went searching for the source and it appears that everyone gives attribution for this as “according to the WSJ”, and the WSJ attributes it to “people familiar with the matter”. So, no actual statement from Musk that I could find.

That said, I still think he’s likely contributing to a PAC (which makes it technically true that isn’t directly giving to Trump…). I also suspect that it’s very likely he has an agreement with the PAC that they will then spend this money on ads at Twitter, though I have no evidence to back that up.

Happy cake day! First one I’ve noticed since joining lemmy.

Do you know which specific episodes?

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Honest question: Could all of the other stuff you’ve suggested happen without getting into amendment territory? I honestly don’t know almost anything about where all these SC things are defined in law, but changing the way the entire SC operates sounds pretty extreme when compared with simply adding term limits. It’s hard to believe it wouldn’t also stray into some constitutional territory.

Great, thanks!

Thankfully, I’m not completely void of any sewing skill. I can hem pants, or repair some outdoor gear, as you mentioned. But, I don’t think I could make a complete shirt that didn’t look homemade.

I have a massive wingspan:weight ratio, so I always have to choose between sleeves being long enough on a shirt that’s 4x too big, or sleeves that end 3 inches short on a shirt that mostly fits. If I could make my own shirts and hoodies from scratch, it would be great. I just have too many other hobbies, and not enough time to dedicate to learning a new one right now.

This sounds like user error to me. Hold the spacebar, then drag your thumb to move the cursor exactly where you want it.

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You’re talking about variables. But, pi isn’t a variable, it is a constant number. This would be more akin to saying “let 7 = 9”.

It’s always obvious when someone has watched every Rambo movie, but has never been within 10 miles of a military base. Good luck to them…