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Joined 1 years ago

Finally someone is fighting those companies that take advantage of controlling the platforms.

Dude ms defender used to delete my "Hello World" executables built using visual studio just because they were made by an unknown publisher.

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While i agree with them, i do think Microsoft is attempting even worse steps in turning bing/edge into the next google: literally cant open windows help links on any other browser, the task bar's search functions are bing only, popups about using edge instead of chrome, defaulting 100 file types into edge.

Those big companiew are shit. They all attempt the same stuff while blaming others for succeeding in doing so.

Imagine this very thing being illegal after web drm is implemented.

This shit basically killed reddit as a proffesional information aourcr ror me. No im not gonna log into reddit on my work pc, i just need to be looking for technical data i can find elsewhere.

Once you lose your convenience status you are doomed to die a slow death into becoming a niche old website.

I personally only pirate indie games to make sure only triple A titles are profitable.

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Moatly about capitalism i think. If you put on privacy restrictions, you are regulating the market, while capitalism believes that the market should regulate itself, and customers will simply stop using those websites/softwares overtime if its too bad. I find this completely delusional in the era of mega corporations, but thats the capitalistic aproach to this.

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They offer 1 month free to show their appreciation? Dont they offer 1 month free to literally everyone? You just open youtube and you are bombarded by "try youtubr premium free 1 month".

Such bullshit "appreciation". This is insulting.

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Is that one of those rich people jails, where you are basically in a vacation?

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So i tried this one and for some reason i cant find candy crush in my start menu. What did i do wrong?

Is it even legal to force you to pay more than the menu reads? I know tipping 18% is a social norm now in the states, but you can technically say no to that. Can you say no to this service tax?

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Lemmy will die out without monotization such as every 6th post being an ad.

I love it but feel like libre projects that have constant maintenance costs beyond developers' time need to find ways to become mostly self sustainable without relying on donations. I also dont mind less than 20% of the posts being ads.

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Honestly, this is not a minor super power.

Good. Keep cluttering the app until people move to simpler alternatives. Preferably libre.

A floating window for things that should clearly have a tab-like look, like windows 11's start menu - why in the world does it float like a window?? Why is it not connected to the taskbar like in every other desktop? Or firefox's new tabs design.

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The pc game Wuppo

Its a frickin amazing and super cheap indie game.

At this point its easier to find new movies through pirating platforms. So many different streaming services and they only allow searching through their own platform, and obviously push all their newest and shittiest shows. I just go to a neutral platform that has everything and no agenda and find great movies in a matter of minutes.

Man, they already managed to piss off their tech savy users, then their moderators, now their paying users. All thats left is pissing off the content creators and the site is basically done.

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What im wandering is this: is this one of those houses where you have to enter the yard in order to ring the bell/knock on the door? If so, this is an actual death trap - you dont know if this is the right house, and in order to verify you have to step into the property where you may be legally shot.

How do you protect yourself when you have to visit a house but are not sure which is the correct one?

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They did say "except in select countries".

Hebrew. I hate how everything is gendered. You cant communicate with a person without assuming his/her gender. You cant ask "how are you?" or "what is your name?" without using the other person's gender. Its worse than spanish/italian. We have genders for verbs, our "you" is gendered, heck, NUMBERS have genders (two girls, two boys - you use a different word for two).

Have you ever spoken to a person and werent sure about their gender? In hebrew you would be screwed.

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I have a strong feeling the terms of usage for this opt-in will include something along the lines of "we can use your voice for our future projects" and then in a few years they will just create podcasts using podcasters' voices without their true consent and make a ton off their backs while increasing their competition.

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Bullshit. The U.S. constitution is AI written. You will never convince me otherwise.


Tipping culture does not create better service, have you ever been to Italy? People tip because its the social norm, not because they like the service.

This is true, and the reason people need to stop using social media as their source for news.

When a company has sophisticated algorithms ment to only show you things that will get you engaged - you are not getting unbiased news. Add Meta's personal agendas on top of that and you get the shitshow that is facebook as a news source.

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Any cloth i have seen in cars absorbs my swet, and is hard to clean up afterwards, unlike leather.

Back then internet users werent normies, but nreds and tech savy people. Also, chrome learned from IE's mistakes. It wont stop functioning and will keep updating, so the average normy user wont mind.

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Lego rock raiders.

Not horror, but can be scary and when monsters arrive it sometimes gave me a jumpscare.

No compensation? Seriously?

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The only truth here

If web drm becomes a thing, nothing, not even firefox and vivaldi will be able to block ads on websites that implement web drm.

"stop breathing"

Boom dead. Best assasinatoin superpower.

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Opera is chromium based though.

You dont even need this DRM bullshit to become law. Chrome will simply put a warning before entering websites without it that goes "this website doesnt use name of a technology the user doesnt understand and therefore might be dangerous". Thats it. Every and all websites will immediatly implement this DRM bullshit or die.

You cant disable all telemetry for "security reasons".

But on Google Pixel for example, you have no trivial way to get rid of the google search bar on every pagw on your home screen, and the global phone search also always uses google for the web results. This can only be changed by replacing the launcher or OS. this is not a fair competition. Google are abaolutely abusing their ability to control the platform.

On windows 10 its 1 click away only for Edge. For any other browser the settings page is opened and you do it feom there. Now, for me and you the settings page is the most trivial thing to operate, but for others it might not be.

On windows 11 they have broken down the default browser to a million default settings, and you need to change each and every one individually.

In google pixel a chrome-like search bar is stuck to every page on your homescreen, takes a full row, and very accidently clickable. You need to change the OS or launcher to stop this.

And then some things on all of those systems will always open eith chrome/Edge with no non hackish way of changing that.

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But the underlying problem here is even bigger than unity's shitty practices - it means you can change your ToS at any point, at any time, without notice, without the need of consent, and the user has nothing to do about it.

Basically, the user agrees to a certain contract, that the other party can just silently change at any time, and if this is applicable in court, we are screwed.

What if visual studio suddenly added a line in their ToS "we have full rights to any code you ever write in VS" and they suddenly own your 10 years old project? What if android just silently added "we can take pictures of you from your front camera and sell them to porn sites".

How the hell is it possible you can change the ToS without any notice or consent?

Dont worry, the market will simply regulate itself.

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If all of the oil companies comply, all is gonna be well. If only one of them doesnt, things are gonna end up well as well. If only two dont, its probably still gonna be good. If three.....

They just all wanna be that "one company that doesnt comply", so they all dont comply.

There is a known experiment about 100 students being given a choice before a test - choose A and you gain 2 extra points. Choose B and you gain 6 extra points. However, if more than 30% of the students choose B, no one gains anything. From what i checked, in every iteration of this experiment, no one gained anything in the end. Thats just human nature.