1 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No offense, but I don't like this. Not having Karma is one of the main advantages lemmy has. Karma sucks.

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Mastodon was very depressing for me, this follower centric self presentation stuff is super not my style, it don't want it to be about me, I most likely suck but I say smart things some times, so I want it to be about the stuff I say.

Plus I don't mind being downvoted into oblivion. I actually think that this can be a good thing. It means that there was something at least controversial about what I posted so I might be wrong or have to argue better.

Lastly, mastodon is too much safe space and filter bubble. I want to read things from people that I disagree with and I want to argue with them in good faith. When I tried this on mastodon, I got misquoted, blocked, harassed... You name it.

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Don't forget Otto Normalverbraucher. Nobody cares about Otto Normalverbraucher.

Arch Linux


  • Pacman
  • the AUR
  • community driven
  • bleeding edge
  • pragmatic stance regarding closed source software
  • sane defaults
  • minimalism, build your own without too much compiling
  • the wiki
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You can't have a chatbot that gives good answers without having a chatbot that gives liberal answers.

The Allies left West-Germany in 1994.

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Peertube is Federation.

Vimeo and Dailymotion are at least not Google.

Philantropism is a scam.most of the time. And the correct answer is Dolly Parton, but she might not be a billionaire.

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The idea that government intervention is bad puzzles me every time I encounter it. Government in a democracy should be "the people" and intervention could protect you in so many cases. Assuming you're from the US, from an outside perspective your job 'market' is utterly fucked. Because of cuts to the welfare system (which have been marketed with somewhat racist propaganda, see welfare queens), most people are forced to take highly unregulated, low-paying jobs (yes, plural) while rich people and big companies earn more and more. The government could intervene and make it harder for companies to exploit workers the way they're doing it right now.

Look at how it was 60 years ago. Single income, blue collar households could afford houses. Now double income academic households can't. And all that despite the huge technological progress we made. We need so much less manual labor than in the 1960s. Everything should be easier. For everyone.

Or mum

Linux Mint is great for beginners. Have you ever installed windows? Installing Linux Mint is as easy as that. The day to day use is not much different compared to windows. Don't be afraid to try it out, you can always go back to windows if it does not work out for you

We solved the Ein Stein Problem. And when I say we I mean people way smarter than me and when i say ein stein i actually mean ein Stein as in german for one stone. It's a shape that can tile the plane infinitely without producing a repeating pattern.

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I think the solution is not getting large. The Federation is designed for lots of instances that can interact with another. Wikipedia is different, they have centralised servers. If you run an instances you can limit how many accounts you allow.

Quantum computing is mostly a hoax. At least how it is presented to investors and the public. Quantum Computers will maybe be capable of solving a very small set of problems much more efficiently than regular computers, most of these problems aren't of any parctical importance. It is a massive (financial) bubble that is going to burst soon.

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Plain arch is great for gaming, no need for a gaming specific distro

So I'm an Arch user since 2013 and I don't think I'm toxic. I am not really offended by this post but a bit worried. Why this hate against Arch (users)? I use Arch, btw is a meme that may has some truth, but like every good meme it is exaggerated. Arch users may have some pride in tunning Arch but most of the time they're (in my expierence) helpful and inclusive. The OS itself fits right to my expectations: community driven, pragmatic, highly customizable. And I think the community is doing a lot for the overall Linux community with the Arch Wiki and for the Arch-based family with the AUR.

Edit: I didn't seek help in the Arch fotum myself but read some threads there. Haven't encountered any bm there.

Transportr is what you're looking for.

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Thought this would be about the US

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Free speech does not mean that you can say anything. You can't break the rights of others by using your own rights. For example, racial slurs violate human rights of those targeted by them.

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Don't cp, use rsync!

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Though you get a smartphone built from ethical sourced raw materials. Which you can't get any cheaper atm.

second-person narrative mode

Is it really wrong? Do you have numbers? I think the most people claim above is at least plausible. It surely fits my personal experience, but that is of course not worth much.

I would argue that most people use their PC for web browsing, light photo editing and personal office stuff and maybe gaming (at least outside work) and those people are not affected by "the software I need does not work and there is no alternative".

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From the paper:

The legal basis for a living donation in Germany is a relationship or close personal connection between donor and recipient.

Two months, 220 comments, 2 posts. But in 8 years on reddit i had like 10 posts and 2000 comments.

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Because she will expierence sexual abuse there.

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Linux Mint for everyday users, Pop!OS for gamers, OpenSUSE or Manjaro for thechy people with already good windows skills.

Why not Ubuntu? I don't trust Canonical. They're a bussiness, and they made several questionable decisions in the past.

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Despite the overall quality of the water in the region, the water pipes can ruin it. If you got lead pipes you should avoid drinking the water or using it for cooking. Boiling won't change it.

In Germany, landlords are legally required to tell you if there are lead pipes in your house, don't know about other countries. Typically, the risk of having lead pipes is higher if the house is older.

TL;DR: lead pipes are very bad

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I don't think there is such a thing like making someone gay.

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I can recommend linkding..

Many palestinians are still stateless world wide around 5 million persons.

Some words should just not be used in certain contexts. Even if no one who would be offended by the usage of these words hears or reads them, they become more accepted and tolerated among those who are confronted with them. That makes them more likely to use these words in places where people are hurt by them.

Woke originally means being aware of the systemic racism against the Black minority in the american society during the Jim Crow era. So nothing bad about being woke.

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No problem. As my edit above says, you can find out the exact chipset model this way:

  1. Open a Terminal Emulator (xterm, kitty, konsole, yakuake....)
  2. Enter lspci
  3. Find the wifi chipset in the output (probably realtek) or post the output here if you have trouble finding it
  4. Search for [chipset name] ubuntu drivers
  5. There will be results with specific instructions for your chipset
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Hugo is quite nice and has lots of themes

Any evidence that is run by "tankies"?

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But what about T-junction/t-junction?

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You seem to be very misinformed. Browsers do not lack hardware acceleration. Some distributions do not include the necessary packets in their default configuration. Some. And when you get it to work, like in Arch Linux, where almost nothing is installed by default, it works flawlessly for years, never had an update breaking browser hardware acceleration.

I can run 12 4k youtube videos at the same time and route the audio to different channels of my different audio devices AND accept several calls from different webapps and the only thing that is not smooth is your way of discussing things LOL

Jumper wire into bread board.

Runner-Up: Paper clip into Socket

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I got gift cards for a shady prepaid credit card company that would have cost me at least a little more than the cards were "worth" due to fees and hidden bs in their TOS. Worst case they would have costed me around ten times their "worth".