Should I switch to Wayland? to – 144 points –

Hey Community,

Since I just read a post about the X11 vs. Wayland situation I'm questioning if I should stay on X11, or switch to Wayland. Regarding this decision, I'm asking you for your opinions plus please answer me a few questions. I will put further information about my systems at the bottom.

  • What are the advantages of Wayland? What are the disadvantages?
  • I do mostly music production, programming, browsing, etc, but occasionally I'm back into gaming (on the desktop). How's performance there? Anything that might break?
  • what would be the best way to migrate?
  • why have/haven't you made the switch?

Desktop: Ryzen 3100, 16 Gig Ram, Rx 570 Arch Linux with KDE 144 hz Freesync Monitor and 60hz shitty monitor

laptop: Thinkpad L540 (iirc), i3 4100, 8 GB Ram intel uhd630 gfx (iirc) Arch Linux with heavily customized i3-gaps


My short answer:

Should I switch to Wayland?


Applications that don't cope with wayland still work via Xwayland. Go ahead.

I've fully switched to Wayland some time ago (it could be already a year) after I learned about how insecure X really is and I honestly do not experience any issues that I sometimes see on the internet. I've been using Gnome for few months, but now I switched to KDE. I think a lot of apps are working natively on Wayland, but for other cases you have XWayland that also works flawlessy in my opinion.

One of things that was issue for me was that I couldn't use Auto-Type feature in KeePassXC, because Wayland doesn't let apps pretend to be a keyboard or capture windows as easily as X does. Funnily enough, I've managed to get it working by running keepassxc --platform xcb, but it stopped working some time ago and I'm not entirely sure why. Other thing that is a problem for me is screen sharing. Wayland doesn't allow apps to capture screen as I mentioned earlier so it heavily relies on PipeWire for this and PipeWire has its own sets of problems. It seems working correctly for the most part, but I couldn't really figure out how to share screen with sound. Not a dealbreaker for me, and a workaround would be to route audio as a microphone input for example, but it is an issue nonetheless. This is only a problem on Discord, in OBS you can easily select video and audio sources.

If you're using KDE already, you could just select Plasma (Wayland) in your display manager and play with it a bit to see if you like it and experience any issues.

I don't think Discord screen sharing has sound on X11 either, does it?

It doesn't. You're better off running Discord on the web to get those features.

Especially because you don’t have to deal with updates. I hate that pop-up every time I open the app.

I'm using Wayland with Gnome and have no problem with screen capture.

Screen capture is taking a screenshot, Screen sharing is when you present shit at a zoom meeting. Did you mean screen sharing?

On that note, screen sharing worked just fine for me on Wayland Fedora 38 with Zoom Flatpak.

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You just said you don't experience any of the issues I sometimes see on the internet then proceed to describe how an app you use didn't work out of the box, you were able to work around the issue, and then it broke for a reason you don't understand. You follow this up with the number one frustration: Screen sharing being broken.

You forgot mixed DPI being broken on everything but very recent KDE used by around 15% of Linux users. It's not like buying a monitor at worst buy and plugging it into your laptop which has a different DPI is an incredibly uncommon thing at this point.

Well, not really. KeePassXC works properly apart from the Auto-Type feature, which is not that big of a problem because you can use browser integration or just copy and paste it. As for the screen sharing thing - it works, i've had problem with capturing sound with it but apparently it is just Discord for Linux thing and not really Wayland. I never had any issue with DPI, neither on Gnome or KDE. I don't remember what is was on Gnome, but UI scalling on KDE works fine.

On everything but plasma 5.26+ Applications running via xwayland are scaled in a fashion that makes them blurry when the desktop uses scaling eg high dpi, furthermore if you have monitors A and B which use different scaling the X app can't be scaled differently on each monitor like X apps can be under X nor like Wayland apps are under wayland. If you use a single 1080p monitor you wouldn't have noticed any of this but its ridiculously common if for no other reason that there are shit tons of high dpi laptops and low DPI external monitors

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If you're not having performance issues, then I don't see much reason to change. Sure, Xorg is basically in maintenance mode, but so what? Your setup works for you, so do your thing.

That said, Sway is a window manager intended to be a drop in replacement for i3 on Wayland, and is pretty close from what I hear:

Plasma is very good with Wayland, although you might want to wait for Plasma 6, since they're apparently making several improvements, and it's due out soon anyway:

You can install Wayland and switch sessions during login too, so you can check it for yourself and see if your i3 dotfiles work with Sway.

Xorg is in maintenance mode for the next few years (most likely), so it's really not something that anyone needs to worry about today.

You should, I think. You don't have Nvidia GPU, so you can avoid almost bugs and get better performance.


  1. Better performance. e.g. for Firefox, @lilydjwg got double performance in wayland.
  2. Better multi-screen with multi-DPI support.
  3. Better maintaince. Many DE has put more and more to wayland. And many new features will only be implemented in wayland. (That's because implementing many new features will be difficult or even impossible in X11 old software architecture, as KWin developers said.)


  1. Some missing feature, such as remote desktop.
  2. Many bugs when you use Nvidia GPU.
  3. None of the compositors except KWin and Hyprland can use input methods with electron.

I don't know which DE/WM you use. If you use Plasma/GNOME, migration is simple, just switch in SDDM/GDM. If you use i3, you can try sway, it's compatible with i3 config. If you use others, you can try hyprland or wayfire. Wayfire has fantastic animations.

I switch to wayland because I buy a new screen with different DPI... But when I switched, I found I got better performance and video hardware acceleration in Firefox (this feature was introduced to Firefox Wayland first).

which DE/WM

do you know about weston (the wayland default/ compositor from wayland devs)?

It's reference implementation, but isn't suitable for daily use. Because it lacks some convenient features. It's used as a behavior reference when some one develop a new compositor.

lacks some convenient features

found out the hard way. haha.

should have read your answer first.

thanks anyway. Ive took time to try out sway in the meantime. firefox still doesnt want to run in wayland mode. but In general sway fells good (coming from i3 daily driver)

Firefox only uses wayland by default in nightly. You can enable it in stable version by setting environment variable MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1.

yeah it is set.

even after reboot xeyes still recognizes it and about section clarifies the window protocol as xwayland.

double performance in wayland

Ya that is complete nonsense.

Firefox accelerated decoding works in X11 as does mixed DPI

There is a benchmark use

  • X11 + Intel card, 1080p 60fps, GPU fully utilized, one third of frames dropped! 4k 60fps is about the same. It turns out that the focus is not on the resolution (the GPU isn't used to its full capacity anyway), it's on the frame rate of the video.
  • Wayland + Intel cards, 4k 60fps, not even dropping frames, let alone anything else, and the GPU is used for about half of the graphics calculations.

For hardware decode, when I switched to wayland, it was only implemented in Wayland. After they implememted EGL on X11, they implemented hardware decode on X11 as well.

For mixed DPI, applications can implement it use screen information, but not all applictions will do this. But wayland ask them to implement this feature.

Debian (a very conservative distro) switched to Wayland by default in debian 10 if I'm not mistaken (we're now on 12).

I didn't notice the change until I tried to run a niche program that really needs X11. Unless you're doing this kind of thing, then you can probably just use Wayland. At least in Debian it's really easy to switch between Wayland and X11 by selecting the session type when you log in.

Same with fedora iirc.

I've used fedora for a long time and pretty much had the same experience you described. It works until some random obscure program doesn't like Wayland.

The biggest Sin by far of Wayland is making users think about the graphics stack. Does this feature or this app support Wayland or X? Does this Compositor support this GPU? Does this particular environment support this mixture of displays with this DPI? Do I need to set a particular env variable or change a setting to force this app to start in Wayland mode because under X11 its scaled funky. What works in each environment? What doesn't work between environments?

Well before you reach the end of this flow chart you have lost virtually all of your users. This transition has single-handedly set the Linux desktop back by 20 years in terms of supporting more users whose level of interest in configuration is limited to clicking a control next to their monitor and making things bigger or smaller.

A saner design would have handled scaling correctly from the start and would have had a permissive mode which just made everything from the users perspective work while progressively adding a correct UI to provide features like global hotkeys, screen sharing, only to those apps users had authorized like android. If it wasn't a such a clusterfuck to use it would have had orders of magnitude more users much earlier in the development phase and perhaps attracted more development interest as well.

Nobody's requiring you to use Wayland currently, I mean realistically name a Wayland-only app (excluding the ones like remote desktop apps that are replacing X11 apps that don't work at all on Wayland), they don't exist. But with new technologies will always be growing pains, the X11 -> Wayland transition will still be another few years I imagine, I mean at this point we're really only waiting on NVIDIA 🫠. It's a painful process, but one that is only so painful because it's been put off for so long, if we put it off for any longer it would've just been even worse.

It's painful because the developers took 14 years to produce something semi usable while ignoring incredibly common use cases and features for approximately the first 10 -12 years of development

Well, such is the downfall of OSS, I mean look at VR on Linux, Mesa straight up will hard crash if you try to run SteamVR on the latest versions, and the time it takes for VR related bugs in Mesa to get patched are insanely long.

Just gotta make a hubub about it until someone with the knowhow can fix it.

Nobody's requiring it until devs start not supporting X11 anymore and start saying things like "won't fix, use Wayland". Which is already happening

See: GNOME's response to a critical GTK4 bug on x11 that makes any program using GTK4 unusable on certain devices under x11

I think that's a little bit premature for GNOME to do, though I have to ask, what "certain devices" are we talking about?

certain hardware configurations. I have two computers on linux. One of them has issues with GTK4, the other one doesn't. The only difference between these machines is hardware.

And yeah, I agree that's premature for them to do

certain hardware configurations. I have two computers on linux. One of them has issues with GTK4, the other one doesn’t. The only difference between these machines is hardware.

Right, what are the "certain hardware" configurations? Are they really old? Are they really niche?

if I knew what exactly was causing it hardware wise I would have a way to fix it, and I don't

given GNOME's solution is "use Wayland" (which I can't for a variety of reasons) I don't think I can ever figure out what the problem is. Their attitude from the start is already non helpful.

all I know is my hardware isn't niche nor really really old. And Im not the only one experiencing this

  • Wayland has several new features like, say, removing screen tearing, but it's not necessarily "advantages" that are the reason to use Wayland. It's sort of a redo of how graphics should work in the Linux world, and it will be the standard going forward. X11 development has more or less ceased with those developers moving to Wayland (in fact, Wayland was created by X11 developers to address issues they had with the architecture of X11). It's not a matter of should you switch to Wayland; it's a matter of when should you switch to Wayland. The answer is, as soon as you can.
  • Gaming varies drastically. Some games are fine. Some games make me launch Steam via Lutris to start (not sure why it works, but it does) but run fine after. Some games can't reach higher framerates. That said, no screen tearing is a plus. When it works, Wayland is very smooth, but it doesn't always work yet. An example off the top of my head, no matter what I do, Street Fighter 6 doesn't get above 45 fps on Wayland. It's a good idea to have an X11 option as a backup still imo
  • The best way to migrate is just to install a Wayland compatible DE/WM. I've used both GNOME Wayland and Hyprland extensively and they both work great. If you're used to i3 (that's what I used to use and is still my X11 backup), Hyprland is great. KDE like you have on your Desktop already works good on Wayland from what I've heard.
  • I have made the switch because most of my apps can run on Wayland, and it's the future. I still have a backup in case there's a game or something that doesn't quite work for me. For instance, I can't share screen on discord. It won't even recognize the pipewire route. Thus, I've gotta switch to X if I want to do that.

You should, and you will :) X11 is legacy, and is going to die. The only question is whether you're going to try and hold on to a broken system riddled with security vulnerabilities for as long as possible until you're forced to switch, or whether you're just going to enable what is mostly already the default stack on most desktop Linux systems anyway.

I would switch if it worked at all I just get a black screen if I try a Wayland session lmao. If switching is such a hassle then I'll just stick with what works.

That's not to even mention all the things I use that aren't supported

No, you shouldn't.

If you need Wayland you will know, if X worked for you well and you didn't search for how to sandbox it or maybe for some other functions that Wayland has then don't switch and don't break what works for you.

You're not using any NVIDIA hardware...? Hmm, nope, that's all hardware that runs under Mesa. Give it a shot, if it doesn't work, you can always switch back.

The big advantage is improved support for new features, like adaptive sync, multi monitor support, display scaling, etc. You'll notice, new features (mostly gaming related features) will just work better on Wayland. There will be a performance hit though.

I made the switch because it's just plain better, adaptive sync works (it never worked for me on X11), oh yeah and the night color actually works. Night color on KDE just does not work on X11, AMD or NVIDIA, least for me.

What are the advantages of Wayland?

More modern and in some cases better performance (as if Xorg performance were bad ... but hey)

What are the disadvantages?

Basically none of your current software works out of the box (you'll need a special Xorg implementation that works with your Wayland implementation in order to run non-Wayland applications). Most applications are specific to your Wayland implementation instead of a general application that runs in all environments.

why have/haven’t you made the switch?

I did not find one single floating WM that is as good as Openbox for Xorg. Also: Screen recording with OBS is problematic in some constellations.

you'll need a special Xorg implementation

Ok it's true that op would need XWayland for some things, but that will be installed alongside the rest of the Wayland packages, and will run seamlessly.

Most applications are specific to your Wayland implementation

This isn't true. Some applications will use features that aren't available in all Wayland compositors, but they are rare. The main offenders are apps that interact with other apps, apps that take screenshots or record, or apps that draw outside of a window (like docks).

Basically none of your current software works out of the box (you'll need a special Xorg implementation that works with your Wayland implementation in order to run non-Wayland applications).

I've never seen any distro with Wayland that didn't have XWayland set up and working out of the box, so that's not something the end user needs to worry about. And "Basically None" is also not true anymore. Practically anything made with GTK3/4, Qt5/6, SDL2, recent Electron versions etc. natively runs on Wayland. It's mostly games, Wine and a lot of proprietary software that doesn't.

Most applications are specific to your Wayland implementation instead of a general application that runs in all environments.

Wdym by that exactly? I mean, a KDE application will run just fine on GNOME or Wlroots compositors.

XWayland doesn't mixed/high DPI properly anywhere but under KDE >= 5.26. On Void I found Plasma's Wayland implementation somewhat flakey and sway completely useless as it didn't handle scaling + xwayland.

Have you tried labwc

I did. It misses (or missed?) most of the functionality I use with Openbox.

  • shading (rolling up) windows
  • “resistive” window borders
  • menu icons
  • pipe menus
  • freely bindable key-and-mouse combinations for window movement (including all buttons and including all 5 wheel directions/clicks)
  • customizeable decorations (no minimize/maximize buttons, for example, size, mouse interactions, etc.)
  • and some other minor issues.

Especially the menu stuff makes me not wanting to use it. Since my Openbox menu uses icons for 100% of the entries and 95% of the menus come from pipe menus this is an absolute deal breaker.

I think, it needs to be said that it doesn't have to be a hard switch. With KDE, you can just install the Wayland session and then when logging in for the first time after booting, you can select whether to start X11 or Wayland. To switch back and forth, you just need to log out and log back in.

With i3, that isn't as simple, since i3 doesn't support Wayland. You'd need to install a WM which supports Wayland + customize it, to be able to switch back and forth.

With i3, that isn't as simple, since i3 doesn't support Wayland. You'd need to install a WM which supports Wayland + customize it, to be able to switch back and forth.

While it's not as simple as KDE, switching from i3 isn't that hard thanks to Sway. It's a tiling window manager that's intended to be used as a drop-in replacement for i3 on Wayland:

Sway doesn't have a functional Xwayland implementation insofar as it doesn't handle mixed/high DPI

Ah. I did not realize that. My bad.

What do you mean? I'm using it with a high DPI screen and I don't see anything wrong, Xwailand clients may get a little blurred but that's it

"A little blurred" You are probably one of the fellows who walks around with a phone with a spider web of cracks because it "still works". Not sure why you imagine a blurry screen is a usable or acceptable thing. Excuse me while I return to using my 4k + 4k + 1080p 3 screen arrangement in which NONE of them are blurry and in which an app that is moved from a->b remains the same size because UI elements are scaled to the same identical size.

Honestly it happens with just a few apps, and I try to fix or replace them when I find the time. Also, I don't think that's specific to sway, that's just the way xwayland works

Most people have more thinks to do than fix things that already work.

The only advantage for the end user is better support for multi monitor systems with different refresh rates. If you don't have problems with that there's no real advantage in upgrading. Also avoid using Wayland on systems with an Nvidia GPU.

Wayland is not ready for gaming/streaming since it lacks a few features on obs (mainly the docks) and there is forced "vsync" on the games and you can't have tearing unless the game is wayland native and you have a recent desktop environment version on your distro thag supports it. Also some other apps may be buggy but for general usage is pretty much ready i'd say.

I'd consider asking in a Linux audio or music production community (I'm not aware of any on Lemmy that are big enough to have a likely answer though). If music production is a primary use case and audio latency matters to you, almost no general users are going to be able to comment on the difference between X and Wayland from a latency perspective. There may not be a difference, but there might and you won't be likely to learn about it outside of an audio-focused discussion.

Ardour and Audacity work just fine for me. Dunno if that's what OP uses but, worth mentioning

That's an interesting report but it's possible to "work" at different latencies. And unless you have specialized audio capture/playback hardware and have done some tuning and testing to determine the lowest stable latency that your system is capable of achieving... "works" for you is likely to mean something very different than it does to someone who does a lot of music production.

It remains an interesting question to some users whether Wayland changes the minimum stable latency relative to X and if so whether it does so for better or worse.

What are the advantages of Wayland?

The big one is proper support for diffrent refresh rate monitors and VRR. Also some security improvment and long term support (X11 probably has only a few years before development stops).

What are the disadvantages?

Its still a little buggy in some cases (especialy when using Nvidia hardware) but with an AMD or Intel GPU its more then usable. Some apps don't play nice with Xwayland but its pretty rare.

How's gaming?

I haven't encontered any major issues with games. Some games might need launch parameters but usualy you can just google it and find the answer very quickly. Performance its exactly the same as on X (maybe even slightly better)

What would be the best way to switch?

On your desktop with KDE you can just select "KDE (Wayland)" in your display manager and KDE should just run like normal but with Wayland. On you laptop you'd need to switch to a diffrent WM since i3 dosen't support Wayland. Your best bet would probably be Sway since its compatible with i3 configurations.

Why have you made the switch?

I wanted to check out how well Wayland works and found that it works fine for me, and so i decided to move. Also X was giving me issues with screen tearing and multiple monitors.

X11 probably has only a few years before development stops

Development has stopped. The only things that see updates still are those that are needed to run X11 apps on Wayland transparently.

Why would a user care if development had stopped in the first place?

You have the hardware ideal to switch to Wayland without any headaches.

Just make sure you're running the latest stable release of Plasma.

You can also install Swaywm on your laptop and bring over your i3 dotfiles to it. Should be fully compatible.

The only system I have where X11 is still better is a Raspberry Pi. The whole Broadcom software stack there is horrible and should diaf anyway.

Your laptop is old enough that it's probably not worth teaching the old dog new tricks. I have an 8th gen L480 that Lenovo already doesn't want to sell a new battery for.

The desktop would definitely benefit from a windowing system that understands "multi-headed" beyond being one weirdly large framebuffer. Wayland is architectured to deal with multiple screens with multiple DPIs and different refresh times.

For gaming, Wine/Proton currently targets X (with magical Xwayland protocols to bypass the worst of it), but it's going to be Wayland-native before you know it. Valve has a lot riding on making Linux/Wayland gaming better, and they're going to keep on plowing development into that. Intel and AMD are 100% on the train, and even Nvidia is being less bad about it.

in my experience wayland is faster to log in and less input lag, problems are things like discord that don't implement screen record, but it work on the browser, and sometimes i need to find replacement for some apps that work on wayland(like xdotool to simulate mouse etc) i use fedora so wayland is default

I've been on sway since 2019 and I've had fewer issues than I did on i3. The performance was an immediate improvement. Feels silky smooth like x never did. Stable as a rock.

Why don't you just install it alongside X?

I dove headfirst recently and switched from KDE Plasma to Hyprland. I ended up using someone else's config as a base, and I'm still tweaking, but so far, I have no regrets.

I switched recently and it's still just a tiny bit rough around the edges. People have been saying to switch for years and that can't have actually been a good idea until like half a year ago. KDE fills in some of the missing functionality with e.g. its screen sharing portal and global hotkeys emulator, so if you use something with less Wayland support/shims it might be rougher. The upside to me is FreeSync/VRR and security improvements.

Staying on is fine for now if you don't need any Wayland features - Wayland is very close to being completely polished so if you really can't deal with one of its rough edges I'd check back in like a year and it will probably be seamless.

Performance is the same. Nothing has broken for me for gaming yet, and I've thrown some obscure games at it. Xwayland seems sufficient to fix any Wayland quirks that programs aren't expecting.

Last time I tried it, obs studio was unable to capture video on Wayland, which is a dealbreaker. Functionally they're are the same point for a regular user, so I've been shown using xorg without issue but it is a point for to consider

OBS Studio has been working fine for at least a year. It was an issue on OBS' side.

Oh yeah definitely OBS's fault for not upgrading but that still left me with no option but to use xorg.

I can do video on OBS on Wayland (as a Flatpak). KDE pops up a screen sharing picker so it works that way, or you can probably use this plugin. Like I said this seems to be a bandaid that KDE put in to fix this shortcoming, so if you use a different DE then it probably doesn't work as nice.

I last tried 8 months ago so maybe they added that in between but at the time it straight up didn't work. Good to hear its been fixed, given how Wayland works in don't think this being removed is happening anytime soon.

I've switched to wayland full time, on amd GPU so I didn't get any nvidia problems.

Used sway and hyprland as my compositors, and a large pro was incredibly smooth desktop experience, especially when browsing when compared to Xorg. No screen tearing, just smooth as butter scrolling. Also when gaming, I found the fullscreen/borderless experience to be way less of a hassle than on xorg.

That's where the pros off the top of my head end. The cons are that it's new, so it's lacking in some software like autoclickers (can use scripts as workaround), and the security feature of applications not being able to read each others inputs, which does help against potential keyloggers but disrupts any push to use/talk applications. If you want to create an autoclicker script or use discord's push to talk, you'll likely have to bind it through a compositor with varying results, or be pretty much limited to using them in xwayland windows. And recently, it seems that my loading times of games on steam went up, though not sure how much of that is wayland's fault.

Apart from that, yeah. It's a shiny new thing that is perfectly usable, and if you want to - go for it. For your use case specifically, the cons probably won't matter unless you don't want to use a window manager, because then I'd probably stay away if I were you. The only desktop environment that supports wayland is KDE and last I've heard the experience is still rather experimental. But overall, is it worth switching for practical reasons when compared to xorg? In my opinion, no.

On voidlinux with recent Plasma, I switched to Wayland a couple weeks ago. (Always change a running system, imho 😄)
I am not recording anything besides a couple screenshots here and there using spectacle (plasma native app?) so I can't say anything about this topic.
But I am using Steam and Lutris without problems with an older amd gfx card without tuning anything special.
Minor quirks here and there. Nothing fancy.

You probably won't notice a difference in day-to-day use, especially since you use Plasma. I can't vouch for performance, but you don't have a Nvidia GPU so you should be fine. The easiest way to migrate for you on your desktop is to install plasma-wayland-session, and for your Laptop to install sway and put in your i3 config.

I switched from Arch + DWM into Artix + DWL and my Thinkpad with Ryzen 5700U doubled the battery life from 3-3,5 hrs to 6-7 hrs. Also if I close the lid, the battery won't run out as fast it was actually used. I don't know what explains all this so I don't make claims either.

I'm not switching on my main laptop until xwayland app scaling is figured out. Either figure out how to make the apps scale properly or just leave them tiny on my screen. None of this stretching them to fit and making them blurry bullshit.

I use it on everything else because all my other computers don't have high dpi screens.

That's up to the compositor. Plasma can keep them unscaled, for example. Not sure about others.

KDE plasma has this feature. You can choose between forcing x11 apps to scale or allowing x11 apps to scale themselves. Some apps won't scale at all when you do the latter option but most at least increase the font size or have their own way of scaling.

I can`t give you any technical details, but real-world ones -- it (drastically) decreased my cpu temps and cpu usage, while providing a slightly better performance overall.

t. Tested this on a rpi 4 while running Doom 3 (the closest of a "Crysis for rpi 4") a couple years ago. Pretty sure its even better right now.

same, i use wayland in my laptop because of that, better battery etc

I wouldn't be in too big of a rush, especially if you don't have a lot of time to experiment. I gradually switched over when I realized that Sway was meant to be a wayland replacement for i3wm. There were some rough edges at first, but starting about a year ago I switched to Sway on most of my machines. I didn't have any trouble installing sway alongside i3wm and xfce4, and I would highly recommend keeping an x11 option as a fallback when or if something doesn't work.

Initially, I tried out Sway because I heard that most x11 developers were shifting their focus to Wayland and I figured that I should start experimenting with it. I like getting out in front of change. Eventually, Sway shifted from interesting to good enough for daily use. I figure that I'll have less time to play around with my computers in the future, so I might as well try new stuff out now before it gets forced on me.

i switched my desktop to wayland a few months ago due to weird performance issues in some 3D applications

it went mostly flawlessly, i haven't had much if any issues in terms of app support, as long as your wayland compositor supports xwayland, everything should work pretty great!
the application ecosystem isn't as widely developped though, so you may run into issues if you try to use standalone window managers/compositors like sway, hyperland, etc… but besides that, everything's been great for me!

On my surface go 3, I used pop os at first and the screen tearing was so bad that I stopped using it. I then changed for arch with gnome on wayland and everything works much better.

Though, for my main computer, I recently switched my main OS from Windows and went for Hyprland on Arch. I love it. Most applications run fine. Though I have a 3080. This means that most electron apps are very slow, almost unusable. Also, some applications just refuse to open, notably Plex. For jellyfin, half the time the screen is black and I need to restart the app. I also have a KVM switch that I use for my work computer. When I switched to it and came back, I got a red screen of death for which I had to exit Hyprland and get back to SDDM to log back in. I was able to start and play games though. Global shortcuts didn't work easily (feature, not a bug), so I want to use a support app for Path of Exile. Impossible on Wayland. And finally, I tend to use a screenshoting tool. Flameshot isn't available on wayland so I used snappy, but it doesn't freeze the frame, rendering it useless.

Now I switched over qtile in X11. Everything works fine, electron apps are much more snappy. Most importantly, the WM doesn't crash when I use my KVM, so my sound device works perfectly. The only issue I'm facing is the audio, there seem to have a very small delay (I'm using pipewire).

The only thing that I miss now is a way for me to assign an audio output to an application so that if I close the application it even restart my computer, that assignment is still remembered. Currently I have a tool that does that that I autostart with my WM, but it doesn't redirect the audio, it just adds the other assignment without removing the default audio output.

There you go, wayland is not recommended if you have a nvidia GPU, even though it still works.

If your video card is Radeon, then yes. Otherwise you should wait for opensource Nvidia drivers.

I use xmonad and won't switch until there's a viable alternative (probably never).

I could not turn off mouse acceleration, which was a deal-breaker for me.

Actually not Wayland's fault if I remember correctly, something about libinput changing it's format, and my window manager wasn't compatible with it yet. After trying for several hours I found a bug report (can't find it right now). The Devs thought it was a minor issue, but for me it was huge so I decided I'll wait another year.

I must say, Wayland was smoooooth, didn't even experience X as slow until I tried Wayland.

I am no fan of wayland, but if it works the software you use and your workflow, then it would probably be advisable to do so. It is not for me and my day to day workflow.

I just distro hopped to a distro that ships wayland by default and I've got from a near flawless linux experience to an awful experience. I am gonna have to be careful what distro I recommend to people because I dont want anyone's first linux experience to be with wayland. So many issues and every single time its wayland related with no fix. I ended up going back to x11. -NVIDIA graphics card user with KDE plasma.

No it’s bad.

E: anti wayland, anti pulseaudio, anti systemd, pro xscreensaver. I-was-saying

Isn't pipewire the wayland of pulseaudio ? (Like pipewire is supposed to modernize pulseaudio just like wayland and x11)

There is still way too much instability and too many paper cuts on KDE Wayland. IMO if you have waited this long just wait for their Qt6 release. X11 will remain the best supported experience for KDE 5.