
1 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I believe these actions will make us stronger and deliver significant value for our shareholders

Yeah, fuck people, it's all about the shareholders

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Ability to regrow lost teeth

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If you want a TLDR: every time dating apps work, they lose two customers, and they don't want that

The correct name is "waste of time"

Atomic bomb are also dangerous because if someone end up launching one by mistake, all hell is gonna break loose. This has almost happened multiple times:


We've just been lucky so far.

And then there are questionable state leaders who may even use them willingly. Like Putin, or Kim, maybe even Trump.


True, but on the other hand, phone screens used to be 16:9 and have larger borders around them. A 21:9 6" phone of today is roughly the same physical size as a 5" phone of 5 years ago.

It's also true that phone are actually getting bigger and bigger by the year, and I don't really like that

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We have cats that can be alive and dead at the same time. Perfectly normal, no magic involved.

And we can make you age slower than your twin brother, just go on a very fast space trip. Still no magic needed. It's totally legit

Depends on what you expect them to do exactly. Today's transistors aren't much different than older ones, just smaller mainly. People of, say, 20-30 years ago may have the technology to inspect them (electron microscope or something like that), and the knowledge to understand them, but not the equipment to reproduce them.

If you go much farther back in time, say before integrated circuits (1960) or even transistors (1947) were invented, I think it's unlikely that someone could reverse engineer the thing

I can't wait to have ads in my dreams /s

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Pleas fix the bug that makes the stats decrease automatically after level 35

He's just a troll, or a shill. Don't give him attention or he will feel important

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Microsoft: we don't do that here

"Either you die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain"

Easy, just invert the polarity of the microwaves

ncdu: shows how much disk space is used by each directory, can also explore subdirectories and delete files

tig: interactive terminal UI for git with lots of functionality

It's a very bright black, obviously. Duh

Wrong. The next terrible thing is mass-AI-generated propaganda and disinformation. Like in the "dead internet" theory

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  • bug fix: you can now go to a room without forgetting the reason you went there
  • bug fix: you can now produce your own vitamin C again

My bet is USA vs. China over Taiwan

And then what? You drive the solar panels at 88 mph?

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I'd keep it on during the shift, and turn it off outside of it. If you don't expect calls or other communications during the shift, put it in airplane mode for maximum savings

Don't take the Bible too literally

Why Russia isn't actually collapsing (RealLifeLore on YT)

It's a bit long and I don't remember everything, but a good part is that Saudi Arabia reduced their oil production so that the price goes up, and Russia is still selling a lot of oil to China and others

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"You're the minority, Cartman"

Is this China's final warning?

So scary /s

Well, the guy is trying nonetheless

Should have happened many years ago really

Technically, yes... but if it's in movie/show, you already know it's fiction

I use a password manager and the database is automatically synchronized to multiple devices. I use syncthing for that, but a public cloud would be fine as well, because it's encrypted (well, as long as the master password is strong enough)

How to make TNT (in minecraft)?

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We're likely talking about lossy compression here

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Pen and paper first

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Adding to the "no standard bootloader" point: you can't boot your typical smartphone from a DVD or USB stick like you do for a PC. The procedure to flash a new rom is probably meant only for recovery purposes by tech support, rather than the end user

Don't forget Netflix and Apple

It's mostly not your fault. Apps, games, and socials are intentionally designed to be addictive. That's because the more time you spend on them, the more ad revenue the owners make.

If sheer willpower doesn't work, find other ways around it. Someone else already suggested going to a library or another place, that's good advice. Of you phone is an issue, you could turn it off and allow yourself to turn it back on after you've been productive for an hour, or after you have achieved a specific goal.

B-b-but... line must go up!

Wait until you find out the composition of the Earth's crust and mantle

(Spoiler: about 45% of them is oxygen)

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