1 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Your average linux loving Anacho-Synficalist trans emo cat girl

ASK her if can move in

They took old zeeland from me

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Fuck people who turn on the light, they give me a headache and burning eyes

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Just in: Why we should normalize eating landlords, a new perspective

I'm in this picture (not literally, I was in Halle) and I like it!

I'm also protesting on the streets against them

The news

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They made great games before, this just went viral

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Cat craze cat craze cat craze

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I was in a mental hospital (because I was suicidal, because I'm trans) when I told my dad. I specifically told him that this is the reason why I was there and he still thinks "it's just a phase" and deadnames me whenever I'm around. I just hope it gets better when I'm on HRT, but for now I just avoid him

Every second song ..... At least in my head

We should add prices for basic need to this chart to show the non believers that there's no reason other than greed for this

Lost my dad over eastern, he's alive and well, I'm not

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Why are you showing me these things! I already have enough things on my todo list

I'm so super sorry for all of our ppl that vote for these piles of thrash. I wish far right propaganda wasn't so fallable

Oh noo

Hiii, thats a cool mane u got there <3

Calling me out again

Don't listen to this comment, I have tried small scale industrial Sabotage and I a had a very good time lage scale is obviosly more fun

I just dress how I feel most comfortable

Hey, I meet those criteria!

With expanded Soundtrack

Of course I know her, she's me!

Well, we could always kill nazis for that

I was hosptitalized for severe suicidal thoughts late December due to my ex partner making me relive some childhood trauma. Now they rejected me again for new years celebration. At least with the year starting at its absolut worst, it can only get better right?

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Thats a win-win Situation, why wouldn't I push it?

Me rn, too

Tell me you don't know anything about communism without telling me you don't know anything about communism speedrun any%

Every Saturday, especially when there is a backlog of easy tasks...


u2 :3

Because YouTube is well known for actually paying their creators..... A lot of the creators I watch get a lot of their videos demonotized for nothing really, so I'd have to become a channel member to support them, at wich point I might as well just completly switch to their patreon. And just because it's on par with other stupid subscriptions, doesn't make it fair. There are a ton of useless perks to me I'd have to pay for. Doest Premium still come with YT music? Yeah that kinda shit. I you use all the stuff, fair, but I certainly wont, so no the price is not fair for me

If it was fairly priced then maybe, but as of now yt premium just isn't a good opntion

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This goes hard

Hey I'm a bit late but, I can share my personal experience, maybe it helps. For context, I had a girlfriend, before cracking my egg and for me, using the dick was really not a great experience, it just felt wrong and overshadowed everything. I very much enjoyed everything that didn't involve it and disliked or even hated everything that just involved it.

I for sure can tell now, that if I was in your shoes, I'd definitely not miss out on anything, but thats just my personal experience with that topic, maybe it helps you

He's just like me!

No violence

But also no boundless pacifism

As someone in your dream, I can confirm that you in fact Ð̷̛̩̯͉͈̯͈͍͑̿́͛̌̕ï̴̫̻̭̝̱̣̮̾͗̌̀̽̽͠Ð̴̨̛̘̖̩͓̱͌͋̍̋̒͜͠ñ̷̞̗̘̲̺̩̝̍̄͋̎͛̾̚'̷͈̙͕̥̳̺̰̒̐̌̈́̅͛̿†̴̛̱̰̥̹̫͈͐̇̌̈̐̾͜ ̸̟̺̩͙̯̹̲̋̈́̉͛̎͊͠w̷̦̦̻͈͇̖͊́̃̋̆͗͂ͅå̷̧̳͇͍̬̫̉̏̓̃̎̈̌͜k̸̡̡̧̛̦͈̪̮͐̈͒̆̇͝ê̶̡̖̗͙̯̪͙͋̿͆̔̑̔̕ ̵̢̹̞̺͙̬̤̐͐͗̈́͑̄̌µ̵̗͖̪͉̳͙͈̃͛̀̎̆̋̓þ̵̢̠̳̘̰̦̖́̉͑̒̐̍͝
