Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series

ylai@lemmy.mlbanned from sitebanned from site to – 315 points –
Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series

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They made great games before, this just went viral


bg3 isnt even their best game, dos2 is. BG3 just got mainstream hype. Its a great game but its a little over rated lol.

I mean, I loved DOS2 as well, but I definitely think BG3 is the better game. There's a lot of replayability from the combat in DOS, but the story and characters in BG3 are on a whole different level. DOS2 does definitely rank in my top 5 CRPGs though (BG3, BG2, DOS2, DA:O, and probably NWN would be that full list)