Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series to – 315 points –
Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series

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I like how they just came and dropped one of the best games of the year then immediate quit the series.

I understand the reasons why but when phrased that way it sounds pretty funny

They made great games before, this just went viral


bg3 isnt even their best game, dos2 is. BG3 just got mainstream hype. Its a great game but its a little over rated lol.

I mean, I loved DOS2 as well, but I definitely think BG3 is the better game. There's a lot of replayability from the combat in DOS, but the story and characters in BG3 are on a whole different level. DOS2 does definitely rank in my top 5 CRPGs though (BG3, BG2, DOS2, DA:O, and probably NWN would be that full list)

I don't think there's anything wrong with quitting on a high note. Not everything needs to be milked until people are sick of it.