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Joined 6 months ago

Who reveres and emulates PewDiePie lol

Ya, except now that it's upside down it's more Australia than Canada.

They don't have offline backups?

Nah, you just need to be really specific in the requirements you give it. And if the scope of work you're asking for is too large you need to do the high level design and decompose it into multiple parts for chatgpt to implement.

Gitlab has a checkbox for squashing merge requests into a single commit. Not sure if GitHub has that too.

What's up with Elaine's change of tone? She was saying the condoms were great until Kramer came in, and then switched to saying she had a bad experience.

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I don't get this point. I feel like Biden's done a great job as president so far. He's had a lot of tough issues to deal with as president and so far he's handled everything really well.

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Everyone has said this about the younger generations for as long as humans have been around.

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I thought this was fairly common knowledge. You've heard of Mein Kampf, right? It was written when Hitler was in jail.

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I'm not defending this, but at least a human electively chooses this procedure and understands why they have a device attached to their head. The monkeys must have had no idea what was going on and just wanted to remove the foreign object.

Give me more of the company or I'll destroy the company

There was a black mirror episode about this.

A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.

  • Will Durant

I don't think WFH is completely to blame for that. A significant contributor to the explosion in housing prices was historically low mortgage rates (<2%) as part of the covid era stimulus plans. This triggered a wave of home buying, which in turn led to a lot of panic from people that were afraid they would be priced out of the market and fueled further home buying.

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Because the USB standard allows the number of USB ports to be significantly expanded through the use of hubs.

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The article says fossil fuels. Not all petrochemical derivatives.

Nah, the Earth doesn't have enough mass to become a star. If it did, it would already be one.

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This would be easy to fix. Just run the result of the first openai api call into another one asking "Is this a valid product description?". Or even cheaper, just filter out any results that contain openai.

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What would the argument be for eliminating Biden though? Biden hasn't committed insurrection. Trump has.

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No, I think the other commenter is right. They definitely store every version of every comment on their backend. Just because it's not displayed publicly doesn't mean they don't have the data.

Renting isn't sinister. You're paying for a roof over your head without any large up front investment or maintenance costs. But it should be affordable, and owning should also be affordable. Neither are at the moment.

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Which is nice because the Philips always gets stripped.

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Religious extremists generally view it as immoral. By having it on their computers it highlights their hypocrisy.

There's a flip side to this too. First world countries that are completely opposed to immigration are starting to see a significant population decline which will come with a whole host of other problems.

And in the US at least it's actually extremely difficult to immigrate through legal means. You have to be a qualified professional and generally have to be sponsored by an employer to get a green card, or have family members that are citizens. The main issue is people that abuse loop holes to get into the country without going through the immigration process. And I agree, that's a problem that needs to be solved. It really does a disservice to the hard working immigrants that work their ass off to become US citizens/permanent residents the legal way.

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That's not the point at all. They wanted to automate this with computers and it failed. They had to rely on workers in India to do the analysis. That's why they're canceling this service.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with quitting on a high note. Not everything needs to be milked until people are sick of it.

Some people pay like $60-80k for those big trucks you see

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I understand that it was about the Israel/Hamas conflict. And I understand that many people disagree with the US supporting Israel and the way things have played out so far in Gaza. I wish the US would not get involved in conflicts in that region, but to me a single international policy isn't enough to negate all of the good that I feel Biden has done during his presidency. I also believe that any Israelis that have committed war crimes should be held accountable.

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The news publishes what makes them money. People find mysterious disappearances more interesting and engaging than tent cities.

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I'm sure large investment firms did buy a lot of homes, but to pretend no normal people took advantage of the interest rates is just ridiculous.

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According to Google a hot air balloon costs $150-250. I'm not sure where you live, but in the US that seems completely reasonable to do for a unique experience.

Thousands of BLM protestors have been arrested: I didn't have to look very hard to find this. It's simple - break the law, get arrested. Keep pushing your agenda though.

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Same for Rivian. Its IPO was at $78 per share, it climbed up to $130 and it's at around $10 now.

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Collusion plus the fact that a significant portion of food brands are owned by a handful of companies:

They used supply chain issues as an excuse to raise the price of all of their products to obscene levels, and then never brought the prices back down after the supply chains resolved, if that even was a real issue in the first place. I guess they figured people don't really have the option to just not buy food.

It's also not great when the pressure is on the outside of the vessel. It's good at containing pressure because that leads to tension on the carbon fibers which is when they're their strongest. But when the pressure's on the outside of the vessel they're more or less useless.

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Chaos is the natural state, but life is part of the universe and life brings order. As long as there is energy for life to use to do its work, it will continue to bring order to an unordered universe.

You dab with toilet paper afterwards to dry. Bidets do still require toilet paper, but significantly less and they leave you significantly cleaner.

It looks like there weren't many. I think everyone that committed a crime during the BLM protests should be held accountable. And I'm glad that the people that broke into the capitol on Jan 6 are being held accountable. Surely you agree with that?

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I think he addressed your points pretty well in the interview OP linked. Inflation has gone down significantly since he took office. The real culprit for a lot of the everyday expenses Americans are struggling with right now isn't inflation, it's corporate greed. Companies used inflation and supply chain shortages as an excuse to raise prices to obscene levels and collect record profits. Those prices are never coming back down now, no matter how good the economy is.

Why do his fingers have an extra joint?

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