1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I liked your comment myself, but I wished period was more normalized and not seeing as something "disgusting" or "embarrassing"

How about a fediverse dating service? 😏

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I am with you. To me these are non-obvious details, just a bug waiting to silently happen in production.

Yeah, I was daring my luck, in case someone had enough motivation to implement it technically. With so many good social apps in the fediverse.

If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail

There is a website I discovered recently for doing text summaries of YouTube videos.

This video was also posted on YouTube, so here you can see a summary:

While you may be correct, I think op was referring to the the tool that counts the comments for this chart.

It maybe used the APIs to count comments and that's why the sudden drop in the comments count. It just can't count them as reliably anymore.

But it's just a guess.

Pixel + Graphene OS is such a good combination! I've been using it for months now and I feel free with it.

I wish small pixels were still a thing, now they are all 6inch+

You reminded me to go to pay the dentist a visit. I wish you luck!

It was a very good week! I had a session with my psychologist where I got to undersand with her a few aspects about my present life.

It feels good to actively understand those issues. Now that I'm aware of them, i can start taking some actions.

Imagine that. It's the latest ok-sized phone and it'll probably get discontinued.

I'm making my bets on Asus fixing the bootloader unlocker tool to later make this phone last longer with custom OSes.

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I just installed fedora a couple of days ago and this happens to me too...

I guess I'll try a different distro 🤷‍♂️ it was being a nice experience until I tried to play a video

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I hope you have fun! You can ask anytime for help, it's a great learning opportunity

It's ironic how it injected an ad in "ad blocker" in the summary

That's awesome. Just by Café Tacvba and Caifanes I'd be already very hyped

I'm a native speaker, I'll subscribe to that community and see if I can contribute anyhow 😁

Deberíamos tener una comunidad aquí, al menos una de Colombia 😁

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I would really consider to get a fairphone if they had a smaller variant. Lately I've grown tired of only having huge phones and I don't mind making some hardware sacrifices if I can use it comfortably.

The Asus Zenfone 10 was a good candidate, but their bootloader unlocking tool is still down, so you may be locked to only 2 years of OS updates

The camera is very good too. I would say that the pixel takes very good pictures but it applies a lot of opinionated touches to the end picture (like the extra HDR)

Overall I didn't find myself taking too many pictures anyway, I'll give it a better try later! 👍

That's good, I think having a powerful phone if you can use it comfortably is great.

In my case, I started having wrist pain from just using the phone.

The ideal situation for me is that there are several options coexisting for everyone to choose, so I could get a small phone with some compromises and you could get a fully capable bigger phone also.

Sounds fun, go for it!

I love those random vending machines at the end of hiking spots in Japan. They take convenience seriously haha

I'm on sync and it didn't autoplay the gif. If I didn't read here that it's a gif, I'd never understood.

Is there a way to autoplay media or at least show some icon to know that the media is playable?

I was just playing around, of course haha

But it would be good to have a way to develop services like this but don't get corrupted by money so easily

I agree with you. I got a surface go for some time because I wanted to travel with a mini computer that could do some coding with my preferred IDE, document editing, web browsing and a couple other tasks like a computer, even if it was slower.

At the same time it being a tablet was also very useful to watch movies in other rooms!

I used the stylus only because I was curious, but didn't used it more than a couple of weeks

If you care about installing custom roms, then don't buy a Zenfone yet. Asus has us in the wait for the bootloader unlock tool for a year now, and I lost hope already :/

I want to see it!

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I am using Firefox as well and I don't think I'd go back to Chrome, but I wish it supported progressive web apps a bit better!

I mean yes, it's a way to solve playing offline videos, but it doesn't seem to stop there. I found that codecs for playing videos on Firefox are also missing

I could install Chrome as well or hack my way, but it makes me want to recommend the distro to beginners even less

In the worst case scenario, you can access it via browser and then bookmark it.

I do that on my tv for which almost no apps can be installed and found no issues so far. Even HDR media plays, which I found that it is (or was?) a paid feature on Plex

If it is a pure value, I'd assume yes, but if it is tied to a side effect (E.g. write its value to a file), then it would be not used but still could break your app if removed.

I'm not familiar with rust language specifically, but generally that's what could happen