The new Zenfone 10 has a great size to – 52 points –

I recently moved to a Asus Zenfone 10 from my Google Pixel 6 pro, and Zenfone's size is great.

I missed having a phone that fits well in my hands and pocket and doesn't feel like carrying a brick.

I agree that Pixels are great. Good cameras and performance, but 95% of the time outside I just need access to my chats and Google Maps.

I wished that there were more flagship options that are not so big!


I'm rocking a Fold 5 now and the outter screen is pretty small and I love it

Its screen is only 0.2 inches smaller than the Pixel 7a though. I want a nice 5 inch Android phone!

Those stopped to exist ! All my first phones were 5in screen ones 🥵

Of course they do, screen aspect ratios have changed. People need to stop comparing based only on diagonal screen size. A 5" 16:9 screen has similar screen area to a 5.4" 20:9 screen, and the same width as a 6" 20:9 screen.

I can only agree, it's small enough to pocket. You can also chose to have a stock android experience which I appreciate.

hows the camera compared to pixel?

The camera is very good too. I would say that the pixel takes very good pictures but it applies a lot of opinionated touches to the end picture (like the extra HDR)

Overall I didn't find myself taking too many pictures anyway, I'll give it a better try later! 👍

Too much sharpening in software, but the magnetic camera lense stabilization is really nice.

For me, my 6.7" phone still perfectly fits in my hand. It's not hard to reach anything for me, even though I don't have particularly large hands or anything. It probably just comes down to how I hold it with one hand, as I do not encase its back with my finger completly, so stabilize it's left side with my fingertips, but place my tips on it's back and place it on my small finger. It's still pretty stable and I can reach everything very quickly as that position allows much more movement of the thumb in every direction.

It fits in all pockets, even in the backpocket; I could only imagine the typically small pocket sized womens pants to not have enough space for it - though that would apply to every phone then. It doesn't feel like a brick, neither really in size nor weight.

That's good, I think having a powerful phone if you can use it comfortably is great.

In my case, I started having wrist pain from just using the phone.

The ideal situation for me is that there are several options coexisting for everyone to choose, so I could get a small phone with some compromises and you could get a fully capable bigger phone also.

Asus is killing their phone division, so good luck with that.

(They didn't they made an official statement saying the rumor was false)

I'd be wary, a reorg like that is usually a precursor to something. At least the current phones will still be sold.

Imagine that. It's the latest ok-sized phone and it'll probably get discontinued.

I'm making my bets on Asus fixing the bootloader unlocker tool to later make this phone last longer with custom OSes.

Keep an eye on xda too, I sincerely meant it when I said good luck.