3 Post – 243 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Friendly reminder that Tidal costs the same, has a bigger catalog, does not pester you with podcasts, has lossless quality audio and it includes lyrics

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Speaking more than one language. Being from Switzerland, we're required to study 2 languages (+ our native one) at school. So it's not infrequent to encounter swiss people who speak 4+ languages

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Friendly reminder: Mozilla studied 25 car brands and NONE of them passed the privacy test. Mozilla even said that cars are "privacy nightmares".

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What the Archive did may as well be illegal, but the fact that the record labels did not even bother to send them a Cease & desist letter, instead suing directly for 400$M, tells you everything you need to know about the record industry

I generally like the spirit of the DMA and the DSA, but the age verification policy is utterly garbage. Privacy and age verification are mutually exclusive

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Cool, but the article is from July 24th

I know you're kinda joking, but I think there is some truth to that. I think he made the decision because he could not manage the whole thing alone, and the workplace environment Madison described could well be caused by general stress and mismanagement

If people still use it that way, it should be in the dictionary. Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive

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Another reason to avoid gender reveal parties, I guess

Did you read the article? Two drives, not one. In 3 months. By the same company. Who is aware of a problem, is trying to hide it, and pushed a firmware update that did not work. Also this second drive was a "safer" replacement the company sent the guy after the first one failed. I say an article about the whole situation is fully warranted

THANK YOU. This behavior has been bothering me since it was introduced but I thought there was no solution

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Then read the article and not just the headline. There are various examples of why that's happening.

There’s a canning recipe that’s been allowed to stay up despite the potential to make people sick. A moderator with zero 3D-printing experience joined as a “joke” to replace a mod whose expertise included identifying functional gun printing recipes. A new home automation moderator insists expert knowledge is unnecessary in a subreddit where bad advice can lead to electrocution or compromised cybersecurity.

Your examples are just funny, but when (good) journalists write "could", it means that they have analyzed something and they are predicting its outcome based on the data they have collected. It's not like they're just making stuff up

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Vampire Survivors seems to fit the bill: no story, a bit of tactics, you level up to get new items, and enjoy killing hordes of enemies at once. After every run you can unlock power-ups for the next run.. It's one of my most played games in the last few months. It's one of the classic "just one more run" type of games

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It's not that simple. Porn is a huge risk for a company, especially if it's user-generated content. You have to police access against underage kids who want to watch that content, and also have an enormous team devoted to immediately take down CSAM.

Lots of payment processors and advertisers do not want to associate themselves with porn because there are too many PR risks. Ask Pornhub how difficult it is to be a porn company on the internet, they've had lots of thorny problems. Or look at Reddit and how it's handling porn content before the IPO: they can't outright ban it or they'll lose users (e.g. Tumblr, another great example of what I'm talking about), so they are trying to hide it as much as possible.

Basically trying to monetize porn is not worth the headache. Last but not least, because there is so much free porn around. Risking so much to gain a few users that could go somewhere else in a whim is REALLY not worth it

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So I was curious about the question, and since every answer here was different, I asked Bing Chat. The response is pretty clear and - to me - surprising:

Baking and roasting are both forms of dry-heat cooking that use hot, dry air to cook food in an oven. However, there are some differences between them, such as:

  • Temperature: Roasting usually requires a higher oven temperature of above 400°F, while baking uses lower temperatures of 375°F and below¹². This affects the cooking time and the browning of the food.
  • Transformation: Baking often involves a transformation of the ingredients, such as turning a dough into bread, a batter into a cake, or an egg mixture into a quiche¹. Roasting typically involves whole, solid foods that retain their shape, such as meat, poultry, or vegetables².
  • Browning: Roasting tends to produce more browning on the surface of the food, which enhances the flavor and texture. This is because roasting uses higher temperatures and oils that speed up the caramelization and Maillard reactions². Baking usually results in less browning, unless the food is baked for a long time or at a high temperature.
  • Moisture: Roasting can cause more moisture loss from the food, especially if it is cooked at a high temperature for a long time. This can make the food drier and tougher. Baking can preserve more moisture in the food, especially if it is covered with a lid or foil³.
  • Application: Roasting is mainly used for cooking meats, poultry, and vegetables that have enough fat to prevent them from drying out. Roasting can also create a crispy skin or crust on the food. Baking is more suitable for cooking fish, seafood, breads, cakes, pies, and other desserts that need to rise or set in the oven.

Ok. So journalistically, the key points to get across here are:

  • Tidal is changing its subscriptions plans
  • They are now cheaper
  • That's pretty unique since literally everyone else on the planet is increasing prices, not lowering them

How would you have reported the news? Would you have done something differently?

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Sony could do wonders with these phones, if only they would market them properly. And yet...

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They have recently changed that. Lossless is now part of the basic plan

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Re: tidal on Linux, if you use Arch there are a couple of options in the AUR. I don't know about other distros.

linux as a non supported web browser

I'm confused about this one, lol. I did not know that Linux was a browser rofl

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man, those screenshots hurt

A factoid is something that looks like a fact, but is not

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Matt Millenweg seems to be a genuinely great guy, and usually seems to be a supporter of the open web. Let's hope he comes through

You look fine to me! Only the belt is kinda strange. The pointy end should point towards your back, while the buckle should be aligned with the zipper

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You can say whatever you like about Google invading privacy and generally spying on us, but they are probably the best tech company when it comes to security. They practically never get hacked

9 more... is an online tool that lets you do that, but you can also do it yourself with Stable Diffusion

Dayum, that's crisp

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Thanks to the fact that the 4 (and the 5) do not have a headphone jack, no, I have decided against buying it. That's a damn shame

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Holy crap I did not know that! This is huge

I'll bash them if and when they'll start to do shitty stuff. For now they are great

To people who don't know any better it's become synonymous with "the internet", much like Internet Explorer in its heyday.

Also, websites saying that they only work with Chrome is a pretty big deal.

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Imagine taking seriously a couple of incoherent sentences written by some anonymous conspiracy theorist

That's Business Insider for you

I have a question for native english speakers. I've read the TMZ article and they keep using the ellipses aka the "dot dot dot" (...). Why is that? It's usually used when skipping words inside quotations, but it does not seem to be the case here. They seem to be used instead of commas. Anyone can explain why?

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You don't know the Verge, perhaps

This is just a good news and they are reporting it as such

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I don't know about the team, but to motivate the players you can always decide to permanently install "anti-cheat" software directly into user's kernels. THAT will make them happy.

Also, did you know that the Riot client does not have an uninstaller? If you want to get rid if it, you have to search for all its files across your system and delete them manually. They are in at least 3 different folders. It's great!

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You might want to follow other people, my friend

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Still, if SSDs fail repeatedly, something's not right. That's the point of the article