What's your favorite tech podcast?

ominouslemon@lemm.ee to Technology@lemmy.world – 76 points –

I'm a longtime This Week in Tech listener and I've realized that downloading the new episode every Monday morning has become a habit I could never imagine quitting.

As I was thinking about that, I've started wondering which other tech podcasts are people listening to, and if that's second nature for them, too.

So, what's your favorite technology podcast? (And why should I start listening to it? I would love some recommendations!)


Darknet Diaries.

Only recently started to listen to podcasts in my car. Spotify recommended me Darknet Diaries, I’m at episode 10 so far and liking it! Does it maintain that quality, does the content shift by episode 100 or does it more or less stay consistent?

It does not maintain the quality. It gets significantly better as it goes on. That guy really found his niche and is growing into it very well.

I've also been listening to Darknet Diaries since episode 1. The quality remains high and the stories always interesting.

Agreed. Started casually listening a few months ago. The content quality is so high! Started with the first few then jumped around. So far I've liked every episode I've listened too.

In the same vein, Malicious Life is also good, though Ram is a bit difficult to understand.

I also love Smashing Security and Hacking Humans for the news side of Cyber Security

Malicious life is great. After I listened for awhile and learned his accent, I really like Ran's delivery.


Easily my favorite podcast. Good chemistry, thoughtful commentary, and interesting digressions.

This one for sure. The hosts rarely make mistakes (at least when they cover tech topics) and when they're corrected (during recording or after it's released) they strictly start the next episode with a detailed correction.

They have good chemistry and are well spoken, and unlike most podcasts, they don't ruin the show by bringing on mediocre guests.

When they make an exception, it's always an exceptional guest. In several hundred episodes they have had three guests if you don't count a couple brief entertaining side cameos that were somewhat off topic.

They limit the show to interesting (or entertaining) content. Boring news stories are skipped (get your news elsewhere) and if it's a slow news week they have a list of timeless subjects ready and waiting to have an episode recorded. If a topic needs five seconds, they give it five seconds. If it needs five hours, they'll cover it over several episodes.

Finally, one of the hosts is both an audiophile and the developer of a major podcasting client and various podcast editing tools. The audio quality is absolutely perfect, and the editing is even better. Even the ads are well done (and there aren't many, and you can subscribe to remove them).

OK as I understand, this is one if the most popular ones. When I tried listening to it, though, I had the impression it was very focused on Apple and on programming - not so much on news, which is what I was after. Did I get it right or should I try again?

Thirded. It’s like listening to me and my homies banter. Just so much fun.

JB Labs has good shows. My favorite is the Self Hosted show.

I started listening to the Self Hosted show last week, really enjoying it.

Been listening for nearly a decade. They're amazingly consistent!

Was looking for a JB shout-out. Plenty of good shows on the network. Linux Unplugged is also great.

My top 3 are:
Foss Podd - Has interviews with open source devs from some pretty large projects
Self Hosted - If you're interested in self hosting, you've probably come across some of their resources, why not listen to them?
Unnamed Reverse Engineering Podcast - Interviews with hardware hackers and talking about the tools they use. Very interesting.

To add to Unnamed Reverse Engineering Podcast,

Embedded.fm @ https://embedded.fm/

The Amp Hour @ https://theamphour.com/

Both podcasts have regular interviews with industry folks and "just two folks chatting about their subject" episodes

Nice! I'll have to give them a listen!

Much appreciated!

ETA quite the backlog on both, that'll fill in some gaps with ones I'm caught up with!

Darknet Diaries is easily my favorite but if I want something fictional I go with No Sleep.

Click Here is a good one. More like journalism and news on an information security level.

I also like Hacking Humans.

Crime Junkie is a good one as well.

I love MKBHD's podcast as well. Those guys just get me laughing as they have become less professional and more personal on screen as time has gone on.

Click Here sounds awesome, thanks for the recommendation!

It is a great podcast and I think Jack Rysider from Darknet Diaries has recommended their podcast before.

It's more professional, IMO, and informative. It also just lays the facts out and the problems in a pretty unbiased way. More like, here is an issue on this topic with or without this thing or related to this thing and here is why you should be aware of it.

TWIT is also my go to. Haven't missed an episode for over a decade. Used to watch Leo on Tech TV. A veteran of the industry that still keeps current, and he also is always bringing in younger guests and specialists to fill gaps and add different perspectives.

Same here! My only gripe with the whole network is that it's financially struggling and that has some effects on the podcasts themselves. All About Android getting shut down is a prime example. Also I think the guests were better (or just more famous?) some years ago, but that may be a symptom of the higher competition in the podcasting space. I wonder if you have the same impression!

Sadly many of my former subscriptions have quit lately, like hello internet, this is only a test and I think there were others, too.

But I have now found digital foundry podcast at least, and gonna try those listed here. Thanks all

I look forward to Grumpy Old Geeks Podcast every week. Two old timers from the tech industry. tagline for the show is "What went wrong on the internet and whose to blame."

Opensource Security podcast, 2.5Admins and pretty much anything by Joe Ressington, Hacker Mind, SelfHosted.

How To Fix the Internet by the EFF.

Beers with Talos

I found TWiT to be one long ad for Microsoft products.

Joe Ressington

Ooh, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time! I used to listen to him on Linux Action News - or was it Linux Action Show? That man has had soo many podcasts, lol. Anyway I used to love it, and I don't even remember why I stopped listening. Either him or his co-host stopped doing it, I think?

Edit: TWiT is definitely not a "long ad for Microsoft products". Maybe one of their guests loved MS?

I'm not sure what the situation was with TWiT at the time, this was a few years ago. I listened to 3 or 4 episodes and it was around some update shenanigans that they were totally whitewashing away, and pushing an agenda. I didn't bother following it any more.

And as for Ressington, I haven't any complaints about his podcasts, they all are interesting topics with interesting co-hosts, and his production quality is the best I've seen of all the podcasts I listen to. If everyone built their podcasts like him, I'd enjoy them a lot more.

He was on LAS but Fisher sold the podcast network he built, Joe ended up working for the new company and then got shitcanned because he presumably used the word "cunt" in a meeting and the Americans in the meeting weren't familiar with how that's kinda Commonwealth vernacular. He went all in on his own podcast network and seems to be doing well for it. Good for him, I think it was a step up from working with JB.

Other than what was already answered, I also like Coding Blocks (programming podcast), Tech won't save us (a sociological/ethical discussion on the tech industry) and DevOps Paradox (podcast on devops)

What's already mentioned is also very good, but I really insist on darknet diaries which is probably my favorite podcast of all time.