
1 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

And I've already seen comments that it's not available in the official Reddit app. Shocking (/s if that wasn't obvious.)

Darknet Diaries.

5 more...

A decade ago Tom Scott was recorded for Computerphile with this hilarious an enlightening cautionary tale. Never, ever, write your own calendar code.


1 more...

People always forget the last part of the quote: "The customer is always right in matters of taste."

</pedantic> ;-)

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One wonders when His Royal Doucheness is going to invoke Prima Nocta.

It's the budget for the earthbound scientists who will be handling the geology side of the mission. The astronauts can't know everything -- this is their expert ground team for one part of the mission.

It's a... Saguowlo cactus! 😆😆😆

...I'll see myself out.

Former RIF user here; Connect is very comfy to use. Almost no learning curve save for learning how the fediverse works and even that's been made easy.

Here's how TOR works. It's amazing.


And here's how Onion hidden services work...


TOR lets journalists do their job safely from dangerous places, lets whistle-blowers report things we should know, and lets people in oppressive regimes see the rest of the Internet that their government blocks. It's an amazing tool.

Forget what? 😉

Just for a bit of perspective -- Scary hacks like this happen all the time in the for-profit corporate world, too. They just don't tell us about it. It will continue to happen as technology constantly grows and evolves.

Praise to the Admins and Devs who play this constant game of whack-a-mole!

Come in and check out our Gluten-Free Roofs!

Why, I couldn't even get into the article before it faded into a paywall.

To get past paywalls, add "http://archive.is/" to the front of the URL.





It works 99%+ of the time.

"Oom," I say, "Oom." Good to see the cDc putting out software again; the name is a wonderful play on the words "veiled" and "valid." I'm excited to see what gets built for Veilid after details of the protocol are re-veal-ed at DefCon. ;-)

Thanks for the work you did on the SF sub; I got the sense it could be a handful on occasion. Nice to recognize some of the cool ex-redditors here. I modded /r/chaosmagick and a half-dozen other tiny subs. It's pleasant to get away from the flustercuck spez has turned reddit into.

What most people fail to realize, though, is that if you used time stop to sleep you would certainly have more productive hours "awake" -- but at the cost of reducing your remaining life span in the time-wise world by one third. You'd still be aging while you sleep.

And in the pilot of Firefly, during the Battle of Serenity Valley, the cannon that Malcolm Reynolds briefly mans bears a Weyland-Yutani logo.

Predator, Aliens, Blade Runner, and Firefly are all in the same Universe.

Boost for Lemmy is also coming soon. (For those who preferred that to Sync. Both are awesome.) Nice to see former Reddit talent helping out in the Fediverse.

The impact of our cars, though significant, is far outstripped by global shipping (those container ships aren't carbon-neutral), power generation (EV cars gotta get their power from somewhere), or the simple burning of rain forests to make room for cattle or crops.

It takes energy to smelt steel and aluminum and build a car, or to mine Rare Earth Minerals needed for the latest tech.

Driving and old car that you maintain, repair, and keep out of the junkyard is far more environmentally sound. So far. Hoping that balance will change in near decades.