What's your favorite tech podcast?

ominouslemon@lemm.ee to Technology@lemmy.world – 76 points –

I'm a longtime This Week in Tech listener and I've realized that downloading the new episode every Monday morning has become a habit I could never imagine quitting.

As I was thinking about that, I've started wondering which other tech podcasts are people listening to, and if that's second nature for them, too.

So, what's your favorite technology podcast? (And why should I start listening to it? I would love some recommendations!)


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Darknet Diaries.

Only recently started to listen to podcasts in my car. Spotify recommended me Darknet Diaries, I’m at episode 10 so far and liking it! Does it maintain that quality, does the content shift by episode 100 or does it more or less stay consistent?

It does not maintain the quality. It gets significantly better as it goes on. That guy really found his niche and is growing into it very well.

I've also been listening to Darknet Diaries since episode 1. The quality remains high and the stories always interesting.

Agreed. Started casually listening a few months ago. The content quality is so high! Started with the first few then jumped around. So far I've liked every episode I've listened too.

In the same vein, Malicious Life is also good, though Ram is a bit difficult to understand.

I also love Smashing Security and Hacking Humans for the news side of Cyber Security

Malicious life is great. After I listened for awhile and learned his accent, I really like Ran's delivery.