1 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We know why but pointing out how Republicans only policy position is "explicitly kneecap everything so we can privatize it and funnel money to our friends at non negotiated rates 5x the normal end user retail cost" is apparently not allowed because some guys like guys and some people want to alter a pronoun by one letter or some such shit.

7 more...

Reddit refugees be like "Why isn't this Reddit and when will the devs LiStEn To ThIeR uSeRs AnD mAkE iT rEdDiT"

46 more...

Past generations saw some level of stability by their 40s and felt that something worked.

Ain't nothing worked for any of us and those people who did turn conservative in their 40s are now 80 and voting to literally murder gay and trans folk.

7 more...

Except for the veteran sub where I got perma banned for literally saying I don't like fascism, I never had many paths cross with mods.

Where I lost respect for them is when Reddit started telling them to open up or get replaced and most of them complied. I'd have some more empathy if it was at work where getting canned meant scrambling to pay bills - but we're talking about Reddit. They claim to stand for something but the second they're asked to give up anything for that belief they cave.

Psuedo interwebs powers just trump morals and values these days.

6 more...

This is that part where people trying to bail on Reddit need to remember that this is NOT Reddit. Lemmy is similar to Reddit but is not designed to replace Reddit as a SINGULAR centralized entity ^hence, yknow, all the decentralized talk.^

If you only want one server, with one set of communities, there are alternatives in the works. If you want to use Lemmy, you need to shift your expectations. The entire point here is that while one c/aww may "win," you can still have your own c/aww on your instance as a completely separate entity that can be ran and moderated differently by different people, and person C can have their own c/aww again independent of the others.

You can follow one, you can follow all, but they remain separate communities on separate instances.

50 more...

"Michael was driving a car from a company that shows every private residence in the country. But it's also a company that won't let us show the car that takes those pictures. In fairness to them, it is their property. If you want to know what the company is, all you have to do is 'something' it."

  • Arrested Development Narrator

"The court has investigated the court and found no wrongdoing on the part of the court"

Biden has accomplished alot of big things actually, they just aren't culture war issues so Republicans have never heard of any of them.

"We should judge this movie on its merits as a movie and not on social values like wokeness"

Judges movie exclusively on levels of social values like wokeness and corporatism without once mentioning a damn thing about the movie

Alongside that more reasonable point of individual features, alot of people are mad that the service is instance based and are angry that that there isn't a single iteration of communities, IE only one /c/aww or /c/vets or whatever.

Basically they fled a central organizational authority and got mad there's no central organizational authority.

24 more... has a little guide. I totally understand there being a learning curve, I'm IT so don't have much trouble but I get that people are flocking from "just works" land and most people have zero idea how any tech works.

My problem isn't people struggling to learn how this different system works, my problem is people who come HERE instead of one of the available more direct Reddit clones then refusing to learn how this system works, bitching that it isn't Reddit, and start harping that the devs need to make it Reddit. If you just want New Reddit, that option is available. A couple, in fact. Lemmy got some buzz though and people want to be cool kids, instead of picking the more suitable option for them. Shit's frustrating to me as a user, and I feel for the devs who have been working on this specific vision for this project then just wake up to 1,000 "MAKE IT REDDIT I WANT EVERYTHING ON ONE INSTANCE CAUSE I'M USED TO IT" posts.

Rant aside, I'm no Lemmy expert but if you have questions about how things work, I'll do my best to help.

12 more...

I settled on, but yeah 90% of the lemmy related discussion I see is "Why doesn't this work like Reddit and when can I expect it to work like Reddit?"

I've tried to do my part in explaining this isn't meant to be Reddit, but I'm already seeing an increase in hostility directed at devs for the lack of central authority (which is the thing they're fleeing in the first place but fuck me for pointing that out lol.)

9 more...

This. Even "liberals" are out here "PROTEST IS COOL AND ALL BUT DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY JUST MAKES EVERYONE HATE YOUR CAUSE" over a fucking sticker or sign stuck to something.

This. Violence is not the answer.

Until it is. Violence sometimes only can be corrected with violence.

2 more...

After offering my card to the person in front of me and being declined, I too would enjoy the show.

"All religious texts are porn and fairy tales....... Not mine though"

  • literally every religious person on Earth

If it's the same writing I'm thinking of I'll try to remember to link it when I get home.

"Tolerance isn't an ideal, it's a contract you're automatically entered into at birth. The contract protects all involved who agree to the contract, but if you break the binds of the contract you are no longer entitled to it's protections. To be intolerant of an intolerant person does not break ones commitment to the contract because the intolerant person is no longer protected by the contract. "

Paraphrased AF

I never used a third party app but I'll give this a spin lol.

8 more...

That's why I'm so frustrated about it "WTF Why isn't this Reddit"


2 more...

I see alot of people using an email analogy that people don't seem to follow, I saw another analogy so I'll give it a go (and probably butcher it haha.)

You have the planet, right? "Lemmy" as a concept, the "Fediverse" is the planet. Then, you have countries. Large, all encompassing central entities, each with it's own ruling government and systems. What you can get away with in Ireland, might not be legal in Turkey. Instances (or servers) like,, etc are the "countries." Each can have it's own standards, practices, rules, etc. Then the communities are like cities in those countries, beholden to the larger entity but otherwise allowed to run themselves and do what they do.

For your last question, let's look at those communities (cities, per our analogy.) Say I live in Franklin, Maine. Around town, if you're talking about home you don't say Franklin, Maine all the time do you? It's just Franklin, because if you're in Maine (or your home country if not US) it's presumed you're talking about the Franklin that you're in (or the Franklin down the road if you live two cities over.)

There's still a Franklin in Alabama, Idaho, Illinois, Michigan, and like 40 other states. ^(Thanks wiki :P) So if I wanted to talk about or visit one of THOSE Franklins, I would specify Franklin, Idaho, or Franklin, Illinois. That's the "Fediverse."

(Pretend for a minute we are in a community /c/puppies for this bit so it's less confusing) This group, for us, is just /c/puppies because it's our local /c/puppies, just as I from your perspective am just @CannaVet because we are both in our home "country" of (the instance/server.) If you look at one of the replies to the comment you replied to, you will see someone as He is visiting our "country" of, from his home "country" of Over in the "country" of, they may also have a community (city) of /c/puppies which is notated as such to HIM because it's local to his home country just as ours is to us - but for us to visit would be "traveling" so we would visit /c/ because we're leaving home and visiting another country. For him to come here he has to come to /c/ because HE would be the "traveler."

Same with users, I'm just @CannaVet and you're just @Swoggles because we're "at home" on, but if we click around and are perusing a community on we would show as and because we're "traveling." There may be a, but on they would just be @CannaVet and I would be, because I'm visiting their "country." If they come here I'm @CannaVet and they're

We're different users, with different accounts, on different servers, completely unrelated. Communities work the same way - I may run /c/ however I want, but somebody might be running /c/ completely differently with completely different rules and content entirely over on that instance.

As for exploring different instances, you can go most anywhere you want (mostly, my understanding is instances can block other instances from access, but I'm not super in the know about that.) Using the "all" button in search and browsing will open you up to other instance's content vs the "local" button that keeps you in your "home country."

I don't understand entirely how to link out to other instances, but if you click a link and end up logged out on a different server, you can manually visit by adding the community to the end of your URL like so-

This will keep you on and ensure you're "just visiting" where you're trying to go. Once everyone has a better grasp this shouldn't be a problem but I've run into this issue a few times.

Cliffs Notes-

Instances (,,, etc) are top level "countries" and run things as they see fit

Communities (/c/puppies, /c/, etc) are "cities" bound by instance administration and can exist on multiple instances completely independently of eachother, like how London, England exists independently of London, France.

If you run into trouble visiting communities on other instances, manually navigate with (or if you're registered on, etc etc.)

Sorry for the wall, hope it's at all helpful lol.

5 more...

Yeah, you seem chill to me. ❤️

No u

and yet the Democrats are still a right wing party.

Just because we let Republicans pull the Overton Window so far to the right it's damn near broken doesn't change the fact that Dems are still right wing.

2 more...

Cool story bro

Now try being this angry about cops when THEY break things and steal shit and yknow KILL PEOPLE.

I have the same problem in a heavily conservative city - I have a big beard so many of my social conversations go from "shitty job market eh?" to "Target funds antifa terrorists" in record time.

Literally under 30 seconds one time, gave me whiplash. 😂

Weirdly, even today, huge swatches of immigrants too. Legal AND Illegal.

Turns out pulling the ladder up behind you knows no racial or socioeconomic bounds.

"I can't be a literal nazi - checkmate libs"

Did anybody else lose the ability to report? I guess that's why I got a week ban for "report abuse" even though the linked report was agreed with and actioned by Reddit, they're starting to take down anyone flagging the Christoterroism shit since Spez has allied up with Musk.

I saw a dude with nazi tats on the bus today and while I didn't hit him what I told him after he got all huffy and in my face for saying "fuck you nazi" would probably get me moderated. But it involved a famous Inglorious Bastards reference and how it would be the centerpiece at a party I'd be arranging if he touched me.

Are you seriously fucking trying to gatekeep the fediverse? JFC get a life fam.

I'm not terribly surprised but I was excited at the potential of everyone going "fuck it replace me then" and Reddit trying to limp through an IPO with a whole army of noob mods with zero moderation tools 😂

Lemmy is strong enough that Reddit trolls have to come and try to lure us back to Reddit by badmouthing the competition.

Seems like Lemmy is doing pretty well to me. 😉

That's how I feel gesturing broadly at the 3 or 4 states they're still actively fighting against minimum marriage age laws.

Their voters out here voting for them to "protect children" from pronouns, from books, from learning - then turn a blind eye when they vote to make marrying at 12 legal again or to force 12 year olds to give birth or to send 12 year olds back to the mines. Not only are the politicians cartoon villains, in 2023 so are their voters. Full Stop.

"Here's your free speech zone 6 blocks from the event you're trying to protest behind a huge black curtain so nobody can see you"

It's not pointless, it's just......not Reddit. Decentralization offers a different approach than they do. All the Reddit exiles come seeking a central authority but lemmy exists explicitly to remove that from the equation, that's the entire point of the project. There are people working on single server Reddit clone-ish alternatives that may be more your speed, and that's perfectly fine. Also, for the record, if you want ALL of the c/aww (or whatever) you can just follow every c/aww you come across from 6 different instances, you don't have to pick one and forsake all others.

In regards to your other point, It's also important to remember that the developers of Lemmy consider it to be in alpha IIRC, and the system is currently facing loads they wouldn't have dreamed of a few weeks ago. It's a learning curve for literally everyone involved but the smart techy people behind it all are working hard to flesh out a stable system for everybody to enjoy as they see fit with no central authority.

10 more...

Then it should be treated as what it is, an illegal venture based off of theft. I don't get a legal pass to steal just because the groceries I stole got cooked into a meal and are therefore no longer the groceries I stole.

I made my first ever Twitter account a month or two before Musk bought it, for purely NSFW reasons. I'd log in every couple weeks or whatever, handle my business, and move along. After he bought it, I said whatever I'm not doing anything useful data wise so I'll continue my few times a month visits.

First post-Musk visit, it's fine. Business handled, close my incog window, move on.

Second post-Musk visit, I log in, and it's CP as far as the eye can see. I immediately deleted my account.

He's literally just doing whatever Musk tells him to. Get rid of all the people who cared about the site, then you can advertise your site as a walled garden for bigots and terrorists

1 more...

So he scabs as a total noob first time mod, AND his whole plan is rely on bots that won't work in a few days and require govt id to mail someone some chips?

Fucking lulz

Shoutout to the mod who just bailed immediately 😂

Wouldn't it be neat if she faced consequences for her actions, instead of the US working overtime to make sure potheads do as much time as they possibly can before they're finally forced to admit they lied about pot