Part of the Social Security website ( only works during certain hours to Mildly – 563 points –

.. its a website run by the US Government. Why does it have such large downtimes in this day and age?


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We know why but pointing out how Republicans only policy position is "explicitly kneecap everything so we can privatize it and funnel money to our friends at non negotiated rates 5x the normal end user retail cost" is apparently not allowed because some guys like guys and some people want to alter a pronoun by one letter or some such shit.

at this point i don't even think its that deep anymore sometimes. Sure they do things like that. But at this point...sometimes they really are just fucking cartoon villains. Being evil just because.

That's how I feel gesturing broadly at the 3 or 4 states they're still actively fighting against minimum marriage age laws.

Their voters out here voting for them to "protect children" from pronouns, from books, from learning - then turn a blind eye when they vote to make marrying at 12 legal again or to force 12 year olds to give birth or to send 12 year olds back to the mines. Not only are the politicians cartoon villains, in 2023 so are their voters. Full Stop.

The answer is much less exciting. It's mainframes.

Plenty of systems operate just fine without 4-6 hours of daily scheduled downtime. This is just deliberate.

Wow this I don’t understand at all.

translation: "It's impossible to have a conversation about the GOP "Starve the beast" policy because the conversation will be derailed by "LGBT people exist, something something woke ideology""