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I mean, this isn't that surprising as the algorithm is intended for full dopamine distribution. It's like a fucking dopamine faucet and we are all just a bunch of apes.

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Here's my argument: tough titties. Everything Greg Rutkowski has ever drawn or made has been inspired by other things he has seen and the experiences of his life, and this applies to all of us. Indeed, one cannot usually have experiences without the participation of others. Everyone wants to think they are special, and of course we are to someone, but to everyone no one is special. Since all of our work is based upon the work of everyone who came before us, then all of our work belongs to everyone. So tough fucking titties, welcome to the world of computer science, control c and control v is heavily encouraged.

In that Beatles documentary, Paul McCartney said he thought that once you uttered the words into the microphone, it belonged to everyone. Little did he know how right he actually was.

You think there is a line between innovation and infringement? Wrong, They are the same thing.

And for the record, I'm fine with anyone stealing my art. They can even sell it as their own. Attribution is for the vain.

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People act like facebook isn't a hellspawn of far right hatred, fascism, and general stupidity in all of it's glorious forms. I'm just fine with my instance defederating them because Im just fine with not seeing posts from Moms for Liberty, or proud boys, or ivermectin treatments, or whatever the fuck goes on over there now a days. If I wanted to see facebook shit, I'd go to fuckin' facebook wouldn't I? It has little to do with corporate or not corporate.

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It's called the "Military Industrial Legislative" Iron Triangle. It works like this: Military retirees go into cushy industrial lobbying positions then lobby to the congressperson to build weapons and "create jobs", this is an easy win for the congressperson and helps with reelection. The congressperson then passes laws that give huge military contracts to the industry.

I think it's the abrams tank where each of the 50 states makes at least one part for the tank and then it is assembled somewhere else. It's not just a complex any more, it's much worse than that.

But there in lies the problem, money is solely the domain of government, and anyone who thinks it isn't is extremely ignorant and naive of how money actually works. The crypto bros have been lying to you, and while the cypher punks meant well, they are woefully ignorant about things like history and jurisprudence.

There is a path forward with crypto currency, but it isn't through private endeavor. Otherwise we would be trading in wampum shells.

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lmao rfk is a fucking idiot of gigantic proportions.

Absolutely "governments" have always been in control. How do you think they get the gold out of the ground? An elite hires people to do that work. The elites are the government in these ancient times, and they always controlled the mines. That is literally the very first thing they go for, and we have plenty of evidence for this. The precise locations of these mines was not unknown to these peoples by any stretch of the imagination.

Further, these gold mines were not simple operations, they required skill and aptitude to extract and form the metal into it's required physical form, indeed just the process of what the physical form should be is itself a complicated political process. It's also a myth that this is something recent, we simply don't have the archaeological or written evidence to know what they did, but that doesn't mean that local elites weren't controlling the monetary supply through various rhetorical, political and/or physically coercive means just as their distant Sumerian progeny would end up doing. We have evidence of direct economic control going back almost to the very beginning of civilization.

Yep, these people are fucking crazy. At least it's consistent though, I guess.

disabled people? bro, you think middle managers give a fuck about disabled people? what are you? compassionate?

I don't know i think it would be kind of cool to have a herald yell out when we come and go, like the medieval times.

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Meh, there is always some kind of feature it's missing that I want from the official app or one of it's competitors. I tried it for a while but ultimately went back to my regular apps.

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yes but ultimately perception is reality.

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This could be an innocuous regex bug, but considering the founder and that there have already been reports of black users being harangued on the platform, I don't think we should give any benefit of the doubt. It definitely helps that they fixed it so quickly.. normally a shit company wouldn't do anything for months and months or even years or try to fall behind some "free speech" simpleton kindergarten reasoning. People have been putting nword in their usernames for decades so I don't think this is something where the devs can claim they didn't see this coming.

I certainly wouldn't ask an internet forum. Any answer other than advising you to seek the help of a professional is the wrong one.

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Just explain to the students that it's like a calculator except the answers might be wrong.

I don't think the idea should be to make the algorithm's ungameable because I feel like that is literally impossible with humans. The first rule of web dev or game dev is that the users are going to find ways to use your site, app, software, or api in ways you never intended regardless of how long you, or even a team of people, think about it.

I'd rather see something where the algorithm is open and pieces of it are voted on by the users and other interested parties. Perhaps let people create and curate their own algorithm's, something like playlist curation on spotify or youtube but make it as transparent as possible, let people share them and such. Kind of like how playlists are shared.

Well hopefully I would be ejected from the gravitational pull of Earth and sent into the far reaches of space where I would float for billions and billions of years. Eventually, I would be found by an advance space faring species and reanimated, thus starting my triumphant bid to take back my home planet, only to learn that humans died off billions of years ago and an newly emerging, yet rather intelligent homonid has evolved on a planet Earth that has healed from it's homo sapien induced climate disaster.

By now, the planet's tectonic forces will have moved the crust into a "neo-pagea", in fact this has happened a few times over by now, and our old home's surface is unrecognizable from what I would have left behind..

My first plan will be to plant an obelisk on the planet, to see how these new hominids behave.

Well on the bright side, you helped an animal and that is awesome! Yall brazillians in general are pretty awesome peoples.

shit, gimp is like photoshop from 2003.

plus as a park ranger you gotta be a fucking cop. no thanks, never. ACAB.

This would be like creating a family safe environment and forgetting to require clothing so a bunch of nudists show up and you're like "WHOOPS? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF CLOTHING?" Then when the parents are like "what the hell?" you replied with "I MEAN THIS STUFF HAPPENS YOU KNOW?"

disallowing the nword in the username is like beginner level business requirements dude.

I love a balogna sandwich.

Topaz photo software and Mendeley Desktop

Had the bolsheviks ensconced themselves within the flames of Jesus H Christ they would still be here today. It was right in front of them, but alas they were too short sighted to understand the power of emotion.

Looks nice but I wouldn't mind a light mode..




Thanks, Ill check it out and direct any of my friends there that may want a space like this.

that is fucking fantastic!!!

There are greens, yellow, and reds. Greens agree with you, yellow may not agree but you can have a constructive conversation, and red are people who never will and will only double down and care little for evidence or logic. Angloworld conservatives are reds. They are fascist.

I hear ya, I hate when games have too much story. The stories are never any good and usually outright eye-rollingly bad. I particularly hate when they do "..."

Legend of Zelda, the very first one. Yoshi's Island. FIFA.

Damn, that sounds fucking tough. I can offer no advice, but I bet you are strong enough to handle whatever happens next and that you will come out better for it even if it doesn't seem that way at first.

I amassed a huge amount of gold and then wasn't sure what to do. The story said I had to find some guy but I kept just chasing him around the map and could never catch him.


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You're right of course, but we are talking about two different things.
