Meta and Mastodon: What’s really on people’s minds? to – 52 points –
Meta and Mastodon – What’s really on people’s minds?

A very detailed article about the whole Meta (Instagram/Threads) vs. Fediverse discussions. It's a long read, but well-worth it if you're interested in the subject.


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People act like facebook isn't a hellspawn of far right hatred, fascism, and general stupidity in all of it's glorious forms. I'm just fine with my instance defederating them because Im just fine with not seeing posts from Moms for Liberty, or proud boys, or ivermectin treatments, or whatever the fuck goes on over there now a days. If I wanted to see facebook shit, I'd go to fuckin' facebook wouldn't I? It has little to do with corporate or not corporate.

It has little to do with corporate or not corporate.

It does a little. Because controversy sells better. And scandals are free marketing. So these platforms thrive off this shitty content. At a minimum they tolerate it. Maybe they even actively push it.

Given that they default to showing an algorithmically curated feed, instead of just by most recent, a strong argument can be made that they're actively pushing the content you see.

But the guy above is right, it's more about the choice of affiliation. Certain communities will want their privacy just by their nature.