2 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Same here man, but it makes me think. Does Monica Lewinsky count as an official act?

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Weird it doesn't feel like it.

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Wait where is is he safe is he alright?

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waiting in line when there are self checkouts available. I just dont like doing it.

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I hear you man, I'm starting to push back on digitally downloading stuff and opting for the hard copy for like video games (go gamestop). Streaming is cool, but subscriptions are a bit inflated. Everything is 9.99 a month. I feel like some are worth like .99 cents a month max so I feel priced out of many things that I might otherwise be inclined to actually subscribe. Or perhaps we are all just really feeling how bad the current wealth inequality actually is.

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nah, those workers need some good stories to tell

Voyager is cool, we have home, all and local. I would like a news sort option or at least be able to put any post with a news story link in its own category.

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I don't know if we are smarter, but I'd most of are here because we don't want to put up with some companies antics. So we seem to be a group that left on a matter of principles, I can get on board with that.

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Chris Cornell

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I really doubt they would let him be an atm tech though. Who made that hiring call, he is probably now explaining to his buddy that he now discretely steals small amounts from the atms under the guise of a job

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Seems to be pointing above me, I agree my ceiling is definitely gay.

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I was a delivery driver once, I loved the job. Until they made us follow their crappy routing system called "ORION". Problem was you can't implement it in real world settings. Since we were forced to follow it, I argue it put our personal safety at risk due to increased turns and overall time driven. Quit because I'm not dying over it. But it was the most frustrating, hellish thing I ever had to do.

Lol thats just what happens if you follow Orion. Quit due to that but left before the rollout of the camera. I assume it was delivered and he just had to take a picture to complete the stop? Maybe didnt realize it until the next stop

War, we have always been good at killing, no signs that we will stop anytime soon.

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It’s been solid for me, just blocking a lot of news type communities so I can browse all a bit more easily

For me its whenever someone gets me hooked on a band. A specific example is a friend I knew briefly really, got me with the band Say Anything. I listen them a lot. So a small decision to ditch school that day and hang out with him has impacted my life just by the amount of time I've spent jamming.

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My old man liked the Doors, L.A. Woman is a great album for me each track on it rocks, though riders on the storm was overplayed on the classic rock station growing up in the 90's 2000's. He was very much a rebel in his days so the music lines up lol

Both my parents smoked in the 90's and I never really thought about it until I was like 12, by then it was being banned in many more places. I thought cars smelled weird that didn't reek of smoke. I also sometimes smelled of smoke and probably smelled more to people who were not around smokers. Being around smokers from 0 -18 knock on wood I haven't yet had been diagnosed with anything. Second hand smoke everyday. I never took it up, as we know its not good for you. But I dont mind being around smokers, brings a sort of nostalgia for me the second hand smoke that is.

See this is why we need the transparent casing

Always plenty to be gloomy about, I tend to block those communities though, not because I'm in denial about it, I already know to vote Green or Democratic for like my whole life, you don't need to convince or sway me.

I liked the First Season opening for DBZ but only for like the first 50 or so episodes then it changed

I find myself listening to year zero a lot, maybe I'm too big a fan of NIN in general. Something I like from every album.

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Just Like a Woman

Super Metroid is great, I wandered for 2 hours once just wondering where the hell am I going or even doing. The original Metroid thats tougher as nothing is really clear and certain things are really well hidden, almost too hard. I wouldn't blame anyone for watching a walkthrough before playing, at a minimum at least look up low key references on how to look for stuff and passage ways

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Black tea is good, I leave the bag in the whole time

Sorry my Dude, had mine for a 3, Lemmy has been solid, lighter on content so far but I guess I just gotta post more.

GI JOoooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

peak living there my dude.

no I said Hey Blinkin

Well for a 90's and 80's movies I really liked:

Robin Hood Men in Tights, A Goofy Movie was solid, Biodome, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters

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Combined with climate change I'm reading up on subsistence farming. I remain hopeful green tech will keep gaining steam but its still gonna get worse before it gets better

It should probably replace us where it can, the assumption is that the displaced will be able to do other more productive work increasing productivity overall. Though if we are unable to find other work this would probably lead to either a universal basic income or laws mitigating its use. It could lead to hardships if it ever could really displace us in mass. It seems so far though it isn't quite at a replacement level and is prone to errors itself. Probably act more as a complement to current jobs in olace of total replacement

I thought I liked dark chocolate then all the studies came out about certain brands having lead. After checking the brand I guess I just liked lead.

I see they listed 6 circles of hell

yeah get another cat named Brutus, lets see if history repeats itself

Instead of screaming they start singing operas. It puts opera singers out of work. NEVER teach them italian!

It is filled with a bunch of stuff I don't wanna do, but I'm simple if I can play tennis and some video games I'm happy. If the world goes to shit and I can't do either I guess its time to die.

I bailed around 8 months ago, I felt the same way and that was only 3 years into it. I block a lot of news type communities in all You'll notice some communities are similar/same as it is the local vs all of lemmy instances

! ! ! ! ! (prequelmemes is small here mostly not active) ! ! !

I will say star trek is more popular here and its pretty good !

1 The Fediverse, how it ought to be 2 Rebel and never sellout 3 The Fediverse abides 4 The privacy toolbox 5 What's an ad?

I dont necessarily think in all cases its overpowering someone, its more making advances and the person is not saying no or unsure how to deflect their advances. Either gender can hold a position of power. Still rape does not really matter which gender is doing it to whom. No grey area consent must be clear.