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Joined 11 months ago

Pill form doesn't do Jack shit either.

Pseudoephedrine works like a charm though.

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"You can't out run a bad diet".

Exercise helps, but once you do the math and see how many calories hard exercise consumes vs how easy it is to eat more calories, it becomes very clear.

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Wow, that's some of the most concrete, down-to-earth explanation of what everyone is calling AI. Thanks.

I'm technical, but haven't found a good article explaining today's AI in a way I can grasp well enough to help my non-technical friends and family. Any recommendations? Maybe something you've written?

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Define "work".

Yep, the explosion of administration in colleges/universities since the early 80's is the massive problem.

What's interesting is some people recognized the oncoming issues in the 60's! Robert Persig notes it, albeit somewhat obliquely, in his book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".

We need to see some new educational competitors out there. When you can get the education for a fraction of what these government-secured organizations charge, then we'll see change.


Filth. Vermin. How many other people did they screw over under the badge?

I'm fine with longer. 20 sounds good.

Plus massive fines, like 5x what they stole, paid to the victims.

Vile garbage.

Fortunately I've been stocking up, since you can only buy one damn box a month.


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Starlink satellites deorbit on their own. What else is SpaceX leaving in orbit? (Serious question, maybe there are small components the launch systems lose?)

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Did you just finish Sophistry 101? Cause that's all we're hearing out of you.

I mean you've climbed up on the cross, and it looks like you're even putting the nails in yourself.

Save some wood for Jesus.

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Let the arseholes bring their ideas into the light, so we know who they are and what they think.

Suppression is just a bad idea, and your naivete is terrifying.

Yea, that's on the asswipe saying that. We get to meet them everywhere.

Yep. When my infinity app stopped working a couple days ago I said I'm done.

Now if I want something from reddit I just let my search engine find the post I need. Then save it to OneNote (lots of Android, Pi, Windows stuff)

I'd say well-maintained and prepared for use. As in tools need be well-maintained to be useful.

Whenever someone says it isn't dead to them, it tells me they don't realize most average consumers care about convenience most of all.

They (the average consumer - that is about 98% of them) don't understand the tech, so have no way of forming an opinion or realizing why they may want a jack.

Or removeable batteries, etc. They're easily swayed by shiny and seemingly "easy to use".

Guess a bunch of people like to see CA dictate to half of all other states.

Authoritarian much?

Hmm, maybe it's a state level thing then?

Thanks for the info, gonna have to look into it.

Thanks for finding which paper it was... I have a copy but didn't feel like finding it and finding the right paper. Call me lazy 🤷‍♂️

And in the end, they codified what they saw as a natural, inborn, individual right. That wasn't by accident - Jefferson was very intentional in the words he chose (and they argued over, properly). Knowing the language had to be clear and concise, this is what resulted. It's pretty clear if you've read anything from 1600 onward.

Some of how the writing of the time (and place, Britain) flows is, I suspect, partly an influence of French language that some also knew - "twenty and four years" is clear French construction, not English at all. Keeping in mind that before Shakespeare, the "English language" such as it was, was considered beneath "proper" Brits. Shakespeare marks the beginning of that change, so the French language influence carried on for a long time among the upper classes as a distinction.

It's pretty interesting to see this same kind of complex construction (from our perspective) in period writings, but also in many science papers today, where complex ideas are strung together in paragraph-long sentences in an attempt to capture the detail and nuance. Medical journals are particularly guilty of this.

Hour of cardio? Maybe 2!😲


Oh crap, you already done lost me in the second half there, but I'll give the link a watch.

Thanks again!




Don't see why this was removed. Though it does go right back to OP's victim mentality.

Thanks for doing the leg work, I wasn't sure where to start and figured I'd end up down a rabbit hole...too easily distracted!

Lol, I can appreciate your commitment. We all have our white whales, mine are rear fingerprint and cordless charging. Edit: Also prefer as much plastic as possible. Make it lighter and less likely to break. I have a ceramic phone, it's pretty (when it's out of the case) but it's heavy. So breakage is more likely to happen. I also have a Moto E5. You can throw it across the room.

I've had probably 5 times as many USB C port failures as I have micro ports... And I've had like 5 phones with micro (which needed charging all the time) and 2 with C. I do think C is better overall, but I don't believe the durability claims. I already have a nice phone that really can't be used for much since the C port died, and it's part of the motherboard. Fortunately it has wireless, so I can use it for a spare device, just not a daily.

Nice comparisons. Will add that to my explanations.


Use a different calendar app. I use One Calendar currently.

Also, Calendar Notifications has been a godsend, it allows me to snooze events for predefined or even custom times.

Why am I not surprised.

The FDA is exactly the opposite of what it was mandated for.

Yawn, this ignorant trope again. Go learn to read 17th and 18th century prose.

Yawn, it's clear you don't know how to read literature from the period. There's plenty of explanation of the phrasing, indeed by the writers themselves in contemporary missives. But you don't really care, you already have your ideology.

Go read any Jane Austen and you'll learn. Even better, the Federalist Papers, or the Adams/Jefferson letters.

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Lol, trying to dictate to half of US states wasn't working?

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