3 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

You do realize you don't "own" anything on Steam right? Every dollar you give them is towards a "subscription" to play the game.

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would that principle still apply in the scenario of a window and wall being in the equation? I would imagine if that were true than more efficiency could be produced with a smaller fan inside ductwork vs a large unit which covers the entire cylinder size.

I've been watching Majority Report with Sam Seder. Watched Breaking points since they were on the Rising with The Hill. Something just started to slowly change with them when they broke off. There's the constant Ad's (which is understandable, but was excessive), segments hidden behind a paywall, personalities started to change after surgery then Kyle Kulinski got heavily into the mix including romantically. I don't know, just seemed the show started to take over the lives of the hosts, Sam and Emma have been a breathe of fresh air on Majority (even when Emma drinks a little too much lol). The show is their job and Sam is pretty professional, decent daily live show with clips of segments also being uploaded.

something doesn''t feel right....

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? What's the difference between setting up a free forum (they're everywhere) versus setting up Discord channels? It's the exact same process.

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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make unless you're saying no one has to create a Discord account, or have to download an app, or have to find an invite to locate the server. My keys are auto-generated and auto-saved, simple 20 second process. Forums are also a lot easier to sign up for than Discord, if you're worried about making another account I don't know what to tell ya because every service requires it.

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huh TIL.

Radio frequency -- RF waves do not respond to the dead layer of skin on the outside of your finger -- the part that might be chapped or too dry to be read with much accuracy -- and instead reads only the living tissue underneath. This produces an extremely precise image of your print, and ensures that a severed finger is completely useless.... This means that the Touch ID sensor should be remarkably accurate for living creatures, but it also means that only a finger attached to a beating heart will be able to unlock it. source

I feel like I stumbled into a very innocent and unaware thread involving stimulants and the world. People bickering about whether or not you should include caffeine or proper sleep in your schedule, while the rest of the world is just downing copious amounts of drugs trying to keep up and sane (neither are possible).

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My partner still visits reddit on mobile (the communities they want just are not here and they don't like to post), I know when showing me something we've clicked on a post to have to scroll past a "Presented" comment (ad), the communities stickied bot comment, then we finally get to the first real comment only for it to be some highly upvoted joke comment. Sprinkle in bots and native ad's, I seriously don't understand still putting up with it. It's like saying a shopping complex is still a social hot spot like a mall was back in the day.

ITT: A lot of people wanting to argue the headline and not the articles or legislation.

The plaintiffs said they would order drinks that included milk and would substitute the milk for non-dairy alternatives, such as soy, oat, coconut, or almond milk, and were charged an extra $0.50 to $0.80 for the substitution.

The lawsuit notes that Starbucks typically uses 2% milk for their milk-based products and would substitute that milk for another type of milk, such as 1% or skim, for no additional cost. Starbucks will also offer caffeine-less or sugar-free options for no additional cost.

Customers who are lactose-intolerant or have milk allergies may pay up to $2 extra at Dunkin’ Donuts when substituting oat or almond milk for dairy in their beverages. (from the link in the article)

The lawsuit against Dunkin’ points out that the chain already modifies its regular beverage offerings to remove caffeine and sugar at no additional cost for those with diabetes, weight-control issues or hypertension. The coffee company also asks customers about their allergies, informing them that their products may contain allergens. “Once Dunkin’ asks about allergies, and someone with a disability requests a dairy-free product as an accommodation, they can’t impose a surcharge — as they don’t for caffeine-free drinks, etc.,” Kanter said.

Kanter, the founding director of Syracuse University’s disability law and policy program, believes the lawsuit makes a strong case for discrimination under the ADA. “If a person qualifies as a person with a disability, and they’re entitled to an accommodation or modification — which in this case looks pretty simple as nondairy milk — they cannot be charged extra,” said Kanter.

The legislation is simple, and being tested currently in the courts with how it effects business practices. It's also telling how privileged most of you are on here, you imagine yourself as the "owner" who is shocked and dumbfounded by this turn of events. Anyone who has actually worked in the restaurant or service industry knows this is company bullshit.

The Alternative-Milk items are mere percentages of percentages. All Food Costs and future sale projections are calculated for proper ordering. They already have the items on hand....there would be no restructuring or change in conducting business under a judgement on this case. The use of other free alternatives (sugar-free,etc) for disabilities being used as advertising is a damning indication everyone skips over. Caffeine-free doesn't cost more to have or stock? Any of the Splenda/etc is corporeal and drops out of the Ether for everyone?

Again, the numbers are so low for alternative-milk your brain would skip a beat if you look at their figures.

Starbucks pays to produce one cup of regular coffee. Amateur speculative estimates range from $0.20 to $0.75.... Starbucks has recently been repurchasing its own shares and paying dividends to increase returns to investors....The costs of goods sold, depreciation and amortization expenses, and store operating expenses have declined over the last six years, with only general and administrative expenses rising. (link)

Starbucks isn't saying shit, they know the reality of how bad it actually looks. There is no "Woe is me" in any of their financial reportings so they just have to bite the bullet.

Starbucks also expects to continue robust store development in China, with net unit growth of approximately 13% annually. Globally, Starbucks expects to approach 45,000 stores by the end of 2025... Starbucks now expects global revenue growth in the range of 10% to 12% annually from fiscal 2023.... growth is expected to be in the range of 15% to 20% annually through fiscal 2025. Starbucks plans to resume its share buyback program reinstituting a healthy return of shareholder capital, yielding an annual EPS benefit of approximately 1%, net of incremental interest, beginning in fiscal year 2024. Between dividends and share buybacks, the company expects to return approximately $20 billion to its shareholders in the next three years. (link)

They're playing ball in China, we've all seen enough examples of companies having to bend the knee or getting out. I don't get why everyone is not happy about these events. Want a "free" market where large corporation monopolies exist? Sure, but you gotta at least allow some crumbs to fall for the peasants lest they get hangy again. Want freedom and inclusion for all groups of people to experience life? Starbucks is an American institution now by cultural standards, you can't academically refute that looking at any media or even economical standpoints. It's on every corner, reasonable accommodations should be made and enforced for the general public. This isn't a Ma and Pa coffee shop, this is why lower court judges exist and can weigh in on individual cases where they can seriously consider the context of the business standards.


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The discussion seems very muddled and opinionated ITT because I'm not even sure if you're talking about a Discord Server or a forum/communication platform on a dedicated server. You might be able to slap together a Discord server faster, but the organizational power and not putting that extra work on users for Discord participation makes forum's superior. Part of the project development is sysadmin. If it's not, why take it FOSS at all? Discord is designed to take up your time, those pretty bots and "perks" keep you viewing. What could've been a well thought out message on a board with a reply now becomes 20+ texts which you're stuck communicating on. Rinse and repeat every day, on a forum you simply link the previous conversation and you're done.

I think it's a neutral wash atm, Discord may be packaged better to be mainstream but it's bloat all around with lots of negatives. Anyone saying Discord is better is just preference at this point, lots of counterintuitive comments like we need "real-time" communication but also anything else takes up project development, like Discord is some kind of time saver.

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It rubs the lotion on it's skin.

I guess we have different perspectives. Ease, convenience = forums, existing userbase? = Do you prefer Reddit for this reason?, familiarity = forums lol, search-ability = forums, privacy = forums, etc etc.

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If you can’t grasp it, that’s on you. It’s also why purity moralizing isn’t useful

oh ok, thanks for the clarification.

If people are not stepping up to do the community management and infrastructure work, I will go with the past of least resistance.

That's basically it in a nut shell, path of least resistance. Doesn't refute any claims made in the article or arguments presented here. Just a shame another company has a stranglehold on a whole category of services that have to be used to participate in society ... while developing FOSS.

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It's an awesome milk (leche) inspired cake. I've had the 3 milk (tres leche) cake and it's amazing (the wetter the better!). Gonna have to look into what 6 milk products they're using for this though. It's a sweet and juicy dessert where I've had it and doesn't disappoint.

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Found the Huckabee team account. But seriously, thank you for plastering the comment section over and over while missing the point.

I think you might just be blinded by Discord for some reason. I'm not sure what "niche" you're referring to with Discord that can't be provided with forums (unless you're worried about cosmetics I guess?). There are forums with real-time communications like chat, notifications, direct-messaging. I'm not trying to argue, getting your perspective is always helpful and might show something I'm missing, but your responses seem vague and not really a counter-point.

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For me, it's any community of Tradespeople. I can find relevant manufacturer and adjacent code regulations for modern equipment or building techniques anywhere online. The problem comes from obscure-ancient technology that was discontinued 60+ years ago, the only references to those are on Reddit and very specific forums.

I recently ran into an electrical panel that was built in the 60's and was promptly made illegal (split bus residential panel, no singular main disconnect switch). Even being trained and educated as an Electrical Engineer, it only gave me the ability to understand what the panel was doing, not the history and use cases of the past (since their use in residential applications is obsolete). I was able to find discussions between inspectors and electricians, how things played out with local authorities, and the on going debate of their practicality by actual professors discussing regulations and safety. I will miss these resources if they become unavailable at a future date (the whole enshitification process).

That being said, places with higher than average traffic (like reddit now) tend to give a lot of crappy answers. Lot's of diy'ers thinking their way is best (whether it's code compliant or not), and others who don't care about discussion and only want to say you're doing it wrong because it's not how they would do it (and nets them the highest profit margin on a job). There's lots of owners out there that are probably afraid to ask a question now adays because of the responses (same linux community effect), even though the information around it could be important.

a dedicated UPS circuit so I could have a single, large UPS to backup everything that needs it

That's beautiful and didn't cross my mind. I've done solar installs so my mind always just thinks of that type of battery bank for my needs, that's definitely a viable alternative that I could tie into the cctv system for continuous security as well without adding extra systems. I've only had a small "pc" UPS that crapped out on me years ago but I see they're scalable so I will entertain myself looking at some specs while pondering.

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For anyone confused or refuting this in their mind, look up the DNC's history on ranked choice and the efforts they've used to stop it. The only effective legislation passed in a few states was done by citizens with outside state help.

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Thank you for the cat6a recommendation. I was not trying to state this as something needs to be a "great improvement" nor am I looking for only recommendations that have a certain return value in mind. I recognize most "tech" things won't be taken into consideration for resale nor will I probably stumble into a tech person who would appreciate and pay extra for the value. Ducting would involve HVAC as it's something I'm familiar with and wouldn't be an issue.

I wasn't trying to get into a financial debate with housing and never said how long I've resided at this house but I can see how you would assume that from my post. I only stated the remaining years I have as a time-limit for any recommendations (can't wait around for household fusion to come available :P /s). Think of it as a fun hobby/side-project I'm doing involving the Tech that will give me a stepping stone for familiarity and exposure to how I eventually want to do a "forever" home I'll rot away in. I imagine there are plenty of projects/ideas out there I'm missing because I always run across something fun and new (like stair lighting with sensors and programmable modes).

The architectural design and remodeling parts involving financials is a whole separate category and has been my jam for decades so I'm not worried about that (dilapidated houses call to me and I've always answered so they can be lived in again). 3 years is plenty of time if you're qualified and have the expertise, I've already spent considerable time working on this property so don't worry too much about it. This is simply a "what do we want to do with the rest of our time here and improving the house that has shown us love" scenario. I do appreciate your comment though, I realize none of this is really special and helps tamp down my enthusiasm since I always tend to get carried away. The weather monitoring is an apt example, I never liked the prepackaged setups so had plans saved to build my own. That's something that will probably be better suited for the next home.

Eh, anything linked on Reddit has it's own link on here in regards to News. I get news from multiple sources offline and on so putting up with Reddit's negative aspects isn't worth it for me. I also enjoy the discourse on here a lot more, Reddit responses seem more of a "bubble" than the entire Lemmy community you're labeling.

I'll share 2 semi-recent posts I read as an example of why I'm on here instead of Reddit. Btw, both of these posts are about the same BBC article but obviously paint a completely different picture.

Reddit : Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse

Top 4 Comments (1387 total)

  • holy shit its been 7 weeks since that collapse? (13.4k upvotes)
  • Part of the ship, part of the crew! (4712 upvotes)
  • I think "stuck on the ship" is a better phrase. "Trapped" brings to mind being wedged under a fallen brace or something. (8388 upvotes)
  • So not trapped just maintaining the ship like they’re paid to do. (5756 upvotes)

Lemmy: They detonated chunks of the bridge while sailors are on board because the US won't allow them shoreside.

Top 4 Comments (30 total)

  • This shit is extremely weird and happens all over. For some reason sailors are just absolutely not allowed off their shitty falling apart ships and have to stay on board even after the owners vanish and leave them hanging in the wind. There are sailors trapped in this situation in ports all over the world - the ships are too damaged to sail, or the owners vanished without paying port fees and the ship is impounded, or whatever. Weird shit. And all these sailors, mostly from global south countries, are trapped. The country they’re stuck in won’t let them off the ship, they have no way to pay for port fees or fuel and sometimes even food or water. It’s utterly fucking bizarre. I don’t think it’s a large number of ships in absolute terms, but it is common in the sense that at least a few ships are trapped in this limbo all the time. There’s this whole world of ultra-shady shipping with ships that are registered in sketchy tax haven countries, or have no registration, and they get abandoned all the time. And sailors in general just get treated like shit. A lot of sailors come from poor global south countries and get treated as disposable. Terrible conditions, bad or no support from the ship owners, if something goes wrong they can be stranded and totally fucked. It’s a mess, like a serious problem for workers.
  • the FBI still has their seized phones and shit, so not only are they stuck on a damaged ship they might be unable to reach out to family and friends (not sure what the communication/internet situation is on a ship like that).
  • If you think this is wild you should read some stories about stowaways. I know a guy who sailed with a dude who had been a stowaway on danish ships for a couple decades, and that was a nice story. A lot of the stowaways get tortured and/or killed and then dumped in international waters. A stowaway is any person who is not on the ships’ manifest. Lot of refugees that just… disappear. Stowaways can be made to work while they’re on your ship, though you have to provide them lodgings and food. There’s a lot of people who get found on ships, are made to work and then are unable to leave the ship because no country will take them. Then they’re just stuck there forever.
  • How the fuck is “you have to let people on cargo ships into your country at least temporarily” not in any of the treaties we have regarding international shipping?

I just don't have the time to read through 1300 joke comments to get to the 30 or so of actual discussions I'm interested in. The fact that the top comments are just arguing over terminology semantics used in a title (and not the conditions or situation these people were forced into) isn't something I wish to waste my time on.

If gets to be like Reddit, I just have to move to a smaller instance and I'm done.

But either way, when you start, you just have to accept that something has a cause and effect.

It is what it is, that's the point I was trying to get across. People get held up on the why or how which is impossible to know without further studying because it's not always intuitive to our perceived everyday experience.

You know I didn't really mean a "belief" right? Just the ability to let your mind sink in an experience or knowledge without first grasping the full concept "like 'magic'".

That doesn't sound plausible like you said. Either you're way off the average living expenses/wages or have your formulas wrong.

Jon Stewart On The False Promises of AI | The Daily Show Timestamp around 1:10 for the image itself. The first 3 minutes covers it then transitions into the AI segment. The image itself was rather ridiculously overblown by the media with their rhetoric, but I believe any political candidate publishing media depicting violence on another political rival should come with consequences.

I highly doubt he just felt a little parched and decided to go to the ER. I also wouldn't suggest to others to diagnose themselves as dehydrated and go to an IV clinic (unless they perform medical check-ups from licensed physicians as well).

In an interview Monday with Business Insider, Adams said he went to the ER in Scottsdale, Arizona, in January after he became lightheaded while hiking on a work trip.

From his wiki he looks like a fit military figure who's probably not had the many health complications (is also still in his 40's). As a doctor himself and probably his colleagues around him (work trip), I imagine the recommendation is to get checked-up asap. It's also kind of ironic you're calling out the former Surgeon General and a licensed doctor while giving alternative medical advice lol.

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I'm only replying for visibility at this point because of the upvotes and the dangerous scenarios that are being promoted with this advice. Breaker with LOTO would be more acceptable but even then I wouldn't trust it. People have been killed because something was wired up wrong and circuits were accidentally connected (meaning breakers off but currents still going from a connection down the line to another breaker, it can appear that the circuit is dead until a switch is flipped sending current and happens in home lighting constantly). Also, someone can simply plug the device into another outlet leaving them with a death on their hands.

I know it's dramatic and these are just comments, but something like this could save or take a life. I've seen too many workplace accidents and refuse to work in unsafe conditions or environments anymore even if it costs me the job. Last unsafe worksite I was in, nearly all of the workers walked out together when we arrived in the morning to start at a new site and saw what the project manager had in store for us (probably helped that the owner was hated and payroll had been getting screwed up for weeks). I'll never forget that day and still keep in contact with most of them. We are all waiting and scared for the day a mass casualty is reported from the shitty work they were trying to make us do (some did report it to the authorities, but never heard what came of those reports).

Bad day to visit Lemmynsfw, or maybe a great day, you do you.

"kinda have to believe in real magic" a better terminology for the premise is "suspension of disbelief". I can't believe people are in here arguing about actual magic and not seeing the metaphorical aspect of the shower thought. If it's a conceptual barrier like which can happen with Autism then I apologize.

They're all bad. Full stop. You're rationalizing with "just". That lovely lady would've downsized or eventually would've had a full-time resident (even a friend or family), there is absolutely zero incentive while she's able to take advantage of the situation. Is she a registered business and paying taxes like all the other short term stay? That second guy, come on, you're really not that blind right? No one is willing to PAY what he wants for that rental. He can get that price point he wants with short term rentals.

I hate the housing narrative because everyone plays real fucking coy when it comes to their scenario. Do we have a housing shortage crisis or not? Do we have housing for all immigrants or for refugees across the world? Is rent and housing prices sky rocketing because of demand? Like wtf, any defense is just a pity story "think about the rich people with their easy life, we might be them one day!" Every single fucker in here defending renting just wants an easy scam to get rich and hates to see their future "dream" squashed like that.

What's this 0-100 scale you're using? Just a personal comfort gauge that you're assuming everyone uses? I'm American and it doesn't even make sense to me. 70ish is room temperature, 98 is body temperature, 32 is freezing. That's a really weird scale which doesn't have any nuance to it especially since temperatures reach above 100 or below 0 in a lot of places. Add on that people like different temps and it's really confusing.

For anyone willing to learn, a lot of devices have conversions from F to C. I have about half of my temp reporting equipment split so I can better understand C since all I personally knew was F. It also helps to have the formula in your head and convert it anytime you see F so you'll slowly be comfortable knowing both of them. (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 = Celsius, usually just do / 2 for a simpler time: i.e. 72F - 32 = 40 / 2 = 20C (really 22.222C but it gets you in the ballpark at least). It's even easier to use the formula since 32 is Fahrenheit's freezing temp so just always minus that away and divide by 2.

Like others have said, Fahrenheit is just easier for us because it's what we grew up with and learned. It has nothing to do with the actual system besides personal experience. Thinking the "0-100" is a scale that makes sense when the bottom 3/4 is colder than comfortable room temperature is just being irrational.

This is one of my favorite conundrums about life you touched on above with another comment and this one. Does an advanced society really exist fully "in sync" with their environment? Probably no space program if so, technological progression is slowed to thousands or millions of years (think of only harvesting resources deposited by natural water flows etc). Or do successful lifeforms use up their planets (then solar systems) resources with enough time to get out of dodge?

Every planet and star system will kill their inhabitants sooner or later. Any culture that is gravity bound will surely perish without advances. The "Fermi Paradox" has always been more about threading a needle than a true/false statement for me.

For the past couple of years I've been on a "home cooking" stretch making as many different varieties of cuisines possible, dough is by far one of the toughest to perfect even with decades of experience in the restaurant industry . Without decent equipment costing an outrageous amount you're going to be spending hours and multiple attempts to get a product that resembles the flavor and texture profile you're aiming for.

I feel like the responses I see to how "easy" home cooking is comes from the Dunning-Kruger effect. No one enjoys setting up a flour station and having to clean that shit up (especially if you're a dough slapper, which why wouldn't you be). A beginner cutting up and prepping the ingredients for a deluxe pizza is going to take 30 mins alone (precook sausage, 7+ different items needing to be cut, blending sauce, shredding cheese). The dough is a whole other paragraph that's just making me tired thinking about it, but decent dough takes time.

Top professionals know the years of hard work and learning that is needed to efficiently run a quick kitchen. There's so much research needed, trial-and-error, and shitty recipes out there it's beyond unnecessarily complicated without a solid template (mentor, family recipes) to follow. It becomes a second hobby (which people don't have time for) if you want to completely replace expenses and keep the same quality from desirable restaurants. Got a shitty oven that doesn't cook evenly? Can't afford anything but a wooden spoon and a large plastic mixing bowl? Temperatures in your dwelling that vary rapidly effecting your meal prep? The poorer you are the more you have to micro-manage every detail when you're already stretched so thin.

Or you're just wrong and crying loudly about it? I don't even know wtf the original point is you were trying to make before this pity party started. "You don’t seem like you are a car enthusiast, so go on any car forum or facebook group and ask about some fake wheels or eBay special turbos." You're a fucking joke. Lots of wasted time explaining nothing at all for scary car scenarios. I don't even want to post this reply but your comments are fucking stupid and misleading. and you end it with a fucking "planned attack" scenario by terrorists or nation states? JFC just make a sane statement and run with it, don't rant on about nothing then get confused when you're downvoted.

Sleep tracking? I'm ootl with smart watches in general so forgive this ignorant comment, but I assume for this to have to sleep with the watch on?

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Thank you for the vid link, got a new channel subscribed now. Great starting point to show people and dive down the rabbit hole with.

Yeah I couldn't think of a better word lol. I should've prefaced it by saying the one from the pic above looks dry as hell. I like to see that sweetened milk slightly settling out of it when you cut a piece from it. Though it's probably delicious in it's own right, I just don't know where those 6 milks are disappearing to if it's even drier.

I'm not delusional with righteousness to the point where I don't get what you're saying. Obviously we're all having conversations involving the nuances so it's a legitimate debate. It's late and I'm having trouble breaking it down into a short reply without a wall of text so hopefully you'll fill in the gaps of my meaning.

I suppose it depends on what "hat" you're wearing. Are we individuals surviving and trying to continue in a turbulent society like 99% of the populace, or are we participating and forming a society we wish to see our younger generations take over? No matter my rhetoric, I don't fault anyone for the actions they take in today's world so don't take anything I say personally. That being said, "land" is a finite resource. There is no getting over or around that. It's a simple physics matter that everyone is just glossing over for their financial portfolio. These are the "Oil Baron's Lite" of the old world brought to the new. You can't think of the new world without the realization that the world is getting smaller over time. I refuse to believe anyone is that dense when it comes to physical manifestations, the "world pie" in being continually split up amongst the more fortunate.

Same with the company. Sure, owning a small portion of a profitable company is fucking fantastic in today's eyes and society. Look at Hershey or Apple with the continued labor practices everyone promotes with purchases. You would be financially insane to say those are bad companies to be invested in. Is that the end to the societal metric though? Profit over outcome? Which is your formula, "Past societal norms + societal progression" or "societal progression + Future societal norms".

The past "Venture Capitalist" in the 1920's might've gotten away without knowing where the actual "labor" or environmental degradation of your invested companies profit might impact or subjugate from. In the 2020's though? You're either reaping too much of a profit to care, or you're too lazy to do due diligence so you're not worried about the actual risk of an investment after all.

Yeah does anyone else wonder if this screams of incompetence from upper management? OP was ONLY able to get the disks, RAM, CPUs and Network Card. Sounds like someone higher up gave the "ok" just thinking the "Server" frame was the important part security wise. It would be an interesting scenario to see if the data center was able to upgrade the system while keeping all of the base components compatible and everything under cost or if this was just a screw up.