1 Post – 207 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Most of the people whinging about censorship

To further add on that, to complain about censorship for a mod that LITERALLY censors the game.

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Not to mention that the argument that moderators are acting in bad faith against what the users want isn't really holding up if a rather decent chunk of active users are in favor of doing this.

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I see you person from 2027 looking back at this post finding statements to prove how they were lying when they said this.

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We can just wait for the mod that recreates Skyrim in Starfield.

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It took them a week to make a tweet saying basically nothing?

Not to mention that it's such a sudden announcement. I mean, sure, they gave people 3 months notice in advance, but when you consider the scale of many games probably take longer than 3 months to make the decision AND actually make the switch (or make up for the switch), it's cause for quite a bit of harm.

Granted, the majority of people may not be affected by it due to needing to meet a requirement of like earning $200,000 and 200,000 installs at a minimum, but I feel like the once you reach that, it's just downhill from there.

In addition to your example of costing the devs for reinstalling the game, you now have to consider the possibility of a user (or group of users) maliciously reinstalling their games to financially damage the developer. Sure, Unity says they'll have fraud detection for stuff like that, but then it's literally up to the people you owe money to decide whether you should pay more or less money to them.

I mean, it's less about the coins and more about something that has an equivalent monetary value being wiped without any compensation whatsoever.

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An uninstallation fee for users to prevent them from defrauding devs by repeatedly reinstalling.

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Yeah, it really can't be helped. The piracy community can always just shut down and congregate elsewhere. It's significantly harder for a more general community to scatter and reform.

Wait a minute, hold up, this wasn't in the game unless you have that?

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It wasn't even to release on their software platform, it was more explicitly a "non-Steam" release as games were available on PC via both Epic and Microsoft's Store.

Honestly, what do you expect someone to say when asked a question like that? There's no answer there.

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It's an arms race. They block adblockers, adblockers block the anti-adblocks. It breaks for maybe like a few hours before it's circumvented.

Well, I mean, at least it's good for anyone who working on a project now. Or rather, it's not terrible for anyone working on a unity project now. It's not going to clear up the black mark that went down the past week. It's gonna get brought up every time Unity is mentioned.

I mean, technically speaking, it isn't Day 1. It's Day 1031.

Sure it is, hence why it's called a lightYEAR. It's the time that a year passes for one light.

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Oh. For a second there I thought it was going to be like "Tofu only refers to a specific kind of compressed soybean and you've got other variants like 'Sofu', 'Kofu', and 'Tafu'".

Surely, I can't be the only one where that came to mind?

Yes, such that they'll bounce back given a few days, weeks, months, years tops.

There's a mod right now that adds the item you need to change appearances to a vendor for like 10 gold, so I'm not really sure what cheats it's preventing exactly.

"Walked right into that UC ambush, same as us and that thief over there."

"That's Solomon Freestar! The true High King of Skyrim!"

And the dragons are just space ships and the souls you absorb are just... uh... radiation I guess from damaging the reactor. Or the magic space civilization from Starfield originated from here, so that's why everyone has magic.

I'm not backing down from the space ship dragons though, that part is just brilliant.

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I'll be honest. I do miss Reddit. I often think about going back to it. Reading this though, it reinvigorates my belief, I made the right choice and I'm never going back.

I don't think I understand why it even needed to be mentioned. The type of person who is going to dismiss a game purely because it doesn't live up to another game isn't the kind of person who is going to take this advice to heart.

And no matter the costs to make a game, it's not going to stop people from trying to make a game like Baldur's Gate 3 anyways. Just look at any game that tried to copy Skyrim. It's a very highly specialized game in a very well known franchise and takes several years to make, often longer than most development periods for other studios.

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No Man's Sky still has the same problem it began with, although the landscapes are vastly improved. It doesn't matter what planet it is, there's nothing to distinguish it from the last planet other than what species owns the system, the flavor of hazard present, and the overall color.

No Man's Sky honestly has not enough planets with just dead barren empty planets. At least in Starfield, there's some magic in seeing actual fauna. You don't get that feeling in No Man's Sky because you've seen fauna and flora on the last 30 planets you've been to. You need those empty planets to make the planets with life actually feel special.

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Not just a job application, it's basically also free training and familiarity as well.

Not to mention the amount of money they literally burn through EGS. If I remember correctly, the plan was that it wouldn't be profitable for another 3/4 years (by 2027).

You don't need AI to unfairly filter out résumés, they've been doing it already for years. Also the argument that a human would always make the best decision really doesn't work that well. A human is biased and limited. They can only do so much and if you make someone go through a 100 résumés, you're basically just throwing out all the applicants who happen to be in the middle of that pile as they are not as outstanding compared towards the first and last applicants in the eyes of the human mind.

It's literally described in the very first sentence:

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player joked that their fiancée may have found the rarest possible ending for the game when Wild Magic turned everyone into dogs and cats for the final cutscenes.

They could sell for cheaper, they just can't sell Steam Keys specifically for cheaper than what's on Steam itself. Which makes sense honestly, you're literally using their service for both presence and distribution.

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Yes, almost all of it is bad. But that's only because there's a lot of bad games on there. There are certainly great games on mobile, you just have to find them.

You don't even need all of that really. A lot of Steam functionality can be utilized just by adding it as a Non-Steam Game. Steam Workshop isn't the necessary if you have a modding scene, you just need a good mod manager.

The key point on whether I'll use your storefront or not is whether your plan for success is to buy out anti-Steam contracts (remember that it's not exclusivity to EGS, its to not release on Steam) to get customers and low revenue cuts to get developers and most importantly, to run a loss leading business for a number of years until you are profitable. If EGS were to ever become profitable, how long until they switch to squeezing out as much as they can? They've already rescinded their "curated" catalog.

I disagree. I definitely feel like I'm there with everything scaled up to real size. Like I never really considered how absolutely massive Radroaches from Fallout were until playing Fallout 4 VR.

It could be worse. They could have looked towards Autodesk for inspiration.

I wonder if those privated games are still shared via Family sharing. I would expect it not to be shared, but I didn't see it specified.

Or better yet, just don't use Adobe products. Staying in their ecosystem is how they end up getting money anyways if that's what you know how to use.

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The tools are usually stripped down versions of their internal kits. At least, that's what I've read on the topic. I don't actually know whether that's entirely true or to what extent if it is.

The other reason may also have to do with console modding. Getting that set up or whatever.

On the other hand though, say you've been writing a web novel that could be sliced up into 3 separate books or you just have 3 books that's only now getting released. You could release them over time or you could choose to have all 3 go up at once. Not to mention as a first act of defense, it's a reasonable action to make and is easily adjustable later on.

There's probably other reasons why someone would release more than one book at once that's completely understandable, especially when considering what technically counts as a "book" such as translations or a company publishing titles of multiple authors under one name,

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I've seen other games add a secondary loading bar for the individual task at each step. So, sure, its stuck at 5/7, but then the second loading bar shows it's still processing.

Perhaps the best indication is just telling the user what it's doing rather than an arbitrary progress bar.

Edit: Just gonna add, I've been playing Bannerlord and the game (while heavily modded) just silently freezes when starting a new game. Outside of task manager and watching the game just not do anything for a while, you wouldn't even realize it was frozen.

Not to mention that Steamworks DRM is practically non-existent anyways (and that it also wasn't necessary to use, it's rare, but some games just don't protect their game with any DRM).

The mattress case, because it fully encapsulates your mattress, reduces the areas where bed bugs can hide.

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Playing on the Steam Deck for a few weeks and then picking up a Nintendo Switch, it felt like I was holding air.