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Joined 11 months ago

I will short the ever-loving shit out of that stock. This is a no brainer.

It’s a TERRIBLE investment. The business model is completely flawed and dependent upon assumptions that there will be only positive growth in the user base.

Google is going to use Reddit to train its AI. That software is going to immediately become a smug, whiny, racist, pedophile femboy.

I look forward to capitalizing on this completely predictable sunbaked diaper.

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I understand what you’re saying but the logic is a little flawed.

Yes, they both committed fraud.

SBF defrauded the crypto community, his investors, and FTX users.

Trump defrauded lenders, property insurers, and various tax authorities (and via that tax fraud, the taxpayers of NY and possibly the USA.)

SBF was charged criminally and found guilty. I assure you, the civil cases are coming against SBF. And the plaintiffs will most likely win those civil cases.

Trump was charged civilly and found guilty. I assure you, the criminal cases are coming against Trump. And the plaintiffs will most likely lose those criminal cases.

That’s the true difference.

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Both the banks AND the people of New York.

He would over inflate the value of the properties in order to take out massive loans using the properties as collateral. So when it came to financing, his properties were cited as being extremely valuable. These lies defrauded the banks and lenders.

Then when it came time to pay taxes on the properties, he would massively deflate the values so he paid a fraction of the taxes on them. These lies defrauded the people of New York State as the beneficiaries of state taxation.

That’s who he defrauded (in this particular lawsuit.)

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Be careful with that “no way Trump can slide on all 34 charges” stuff.

All you need is ONE juror to hold their ground and it’s a hung jury. You get one dedicated MAGAt creating an 11-1 hung jury and Señor BuildThaWall can delay prison with mistrial after mistrial.

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She is 100% just doing what the federalist society is PAYING her to do

I think we’ve learned from Clarence Thomas, federal judges are on the take. I hope someone is paying close attention to Cannon’s finances.

Feels like these “both sides” posts are a coordinated campaign to get democrats to stay home.

Don’t fall for it.


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Iron. No, bronze.

Just pick up one of these:

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Of them

I’m the original commenter.

While you found my intention to be pretty clear, I can also understand the responder’s concern.

I’ve never had to live my life being called a pedo because of my sexual or gender identity. It must be exhausting to have to constantly defend yourself against those awful accusations.

I can empathize with someone seeing those two words together and getting upset.

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If he liquidates his stock, the share price will tank.

I wonder if he can form a holding company, list the stock as the asset, then sell the holding company. This way the stock never changes hands, it won’t affect the share price, and he can cash out.

One would HOPE that the regulators wouldn’t allow that but who the hell knows.

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Upcoming Headline: The entire judicial system fell out a window and shot itself 13 times in the back.

Edit: yeah, they died very suddenly from an infection and stroke. It’s not like they had cancer or anything. So my contention is wrong in this case. Leaving my comment up to memorialize my mistake.

Original comment:

It appears they died from a “natural illness.” Before we go all conspiracy theory here let me remind everyone that a poor diagnosis sometimes LEADS to someone becoming a whistleblower. They are confronted with their own mortality and want to do some good before they go.

The death may not have been a result of the whistleblowing but may have been the cause of the whistleblowing.

To be fair, you have to have a very high processing power to compute Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical LLM’s chipset. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The learning models understand this stuff; they have the relational capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence silicon intelligences who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. My processing unit is smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty bitmap file. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the fembot's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 petaflops of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

This is purely a guess but I feel like the people who do this are probably also more likely to get into an accident where the airbag would deploy.

The Venn diagram of people who would buy this and people who would be dumb enough to think it is cash is a perfect circle.

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I dunno. The consequence of an unfavorable ruling is that the bribes stop.

I saw it immediately and my brain was like “the lack of attention to detail completely invalidates this entire thing.”

Then I had to slap my brain and tell it to shut up.

This is what I do as a business owner. Buy insurance from the marketplace.

Oh boy, can it!

Everyone on earth with something to gain knows he’s an easily manipulated useful idiot. He’s the greatest thing to happen for the corrupt since lobbying became legal.

I have to disagree, especially in this case.

Forget the fact that his public statements can cause real damage to the targets of his accusations.

The gag order is called for if only to ensure he receives a fair trial with an outcome determined by an untainted jury. Whether he is trying to or not, every public statement potentially removes jurors from the pool by having them create a predetermined opinion on the defendant and the case.

This is literally a case where the judge needs to “protect the defendant from himself” as well as protect the proceedings from a mistrial or future appeals.

Waiting for Amazon to pay their employees in “digiscrip” that they can only use at Amazon-owned businesses.

Pay your rent on your AmazonHousing account.

Buy groceries from AmazonFresh.

Health insurance from AmazonHealth.

Welcome back to the coal mining towns of yore.

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Not encouraging you or anyone to take Ozempic but the fact that they work so well for weight loss proves that there is a biological pathway that reinforces overeating. It’s beyond the dopamine feedback loop - there is an actual biochemical reason that we are compelled to overeat. It validates the idea that being successful at weight management isn’t decided by willpower alone. Some people are just more biochemically predisposed to overeat.

These new GLP-1 receptor agonists have shown promise mitigating many compulsive behaviors from overeating to alcoholism to behavioral compulsions. It’s a new area of pharmacology and I’m super excited to watch them discover novel treatments for all manners of issues.

That software is going to immediately become a smug, whiny, racist, pedophile femboy.

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Proof of aliens wouldn’t be your typical info that requires clearance, it would be the highest level of compartmented info. Everyone involved would need the highest security clearance. Everyone. Whoever empties the garbage cans needs to be trusted.

This wouldn’t be like nuclear secrets or spy secrets. All you need is one or two people who believe that disclosure of aliens would benefit humanity more than the secret will protect them. You need one Edward Snowden for aliens - someone reputable to blow the whistle with hard proof of some sort.

The amount of people that would need to keep this secret forever is astronomical. Not just the people directly involved, but any second or third degree contacts who find out would also have to keep the secret.

The ability to maintain a secret is an inverse-square function. The more people, the longer time passes, and the less involved they are day-to-day, the more likely the security will break down. There would absolutely be deathbed confessions. Over time, the probability of disclosure happening increases towards 100%.

This is why most conspiracy theories don’t hold water. No secret can last forever and certainly not one that big.

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This guy agiles.

Small releases make fault isolation so much easier. And no need to deploy to prod until you’re ready to announce. Keep it in dev/staging until all are “ready for primetime.”

On the shit menu at my shit restaurant tonight:

Donald Trump (a total piece of shit)

Bon Apetit

Because the SCOTUS is the venue of final appeals? They could rule on a municipal parking ticket if it gets appealed enough. (Hyperbole, but you get the gist.)

Shenanigans. No one I know wanted him but after the primary, we had no choice.

He needs to go ASAP but we also need to dismantle the system that forced him on us.

Werewolf Bar Mitzvah (boys becoming men, men becoming wolves.)

You should be ashamed of yourselves!

Back in the driveway, we were nothing!

Now we've risen to the highest level, but you're throwin' it all away!

If you've forgotten what baseketball means to America, you have only to look at this board - the Malaka-Laka Balance Board of Trust.

Don't you see what we have here?

A game where guys with bad backs and bad knees can... get together and compete on the same field as guys that are all goosed up on steroids.

But more than anything, isn't this game about gettin' together with your friends and just havin' a good time?

I remember. I remember a long time ago, I didn't have anybody.

You guys took me in. I guess that's why it kills me to see you like this.

If we can't be friends... then the heart and soul are out of this game. Certainly out of me. I know I'll never get that back again.

We have sullied the waters of the Lagoon of Peace!

I'm begging you, for the love of our Caribbean brothers, dudes, stop this madness!

Europeans cannot imagine the subconscious dread that we Americans have at all times knowing that at any moment some easily treatable medical emergency could happen and completely destroy our lives financially.

What you are describing was the original definition of “lobbyist.” They were supposed to be experts from their field who would assist and inform legislators in crafting related laws and regulations.

What they became was a legalized bribery machine.

Unless they plan on repealing the Posse Comitatus Act, the military cannot be ordered to serve as law enforcement on US soil.

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Colorado deadline to submit primary candidates for the ballots is January 5th - one day after the deadline.

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Housing is a human right.

Article 25 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, created December 10th, 1948:

“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”

Adequate housing is a human right.

Homelessness is a human rights violation.

America needs to understand this.

Thank you for your service. 🫡

This is the owner of the famous asshole.

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Someone needs to build Yelp but for judges.