Reddit files to list IPO on NYSE under the ticker RDDT to – 175 points –
Reddit files to list IPO on NYSE under the ticker RDDT

Social media company Reddit filed its IPO prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday after a yearslong run-up. The company plans to trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “RDDT.”

Reddit said it had $804 million in annual sales for 2023, up 20% from the $666.7 million it brought in the previous year, according to the filing.

The company said it has incurred net losses since its inception. It reported a net loss of $90.8 million for the year ended Dec. 31, 2023, compared to a net loss of $158.6 million the year prior.

Its market debut, expected in March, will mark the first major tech initial public offering of the year. It’s the first social media IPO since Pinterest went public in 2019.

Reddit first filed a confidential draft of its public offering prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission in December 2021.


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I will short the ever-loving shit out of that stock. This is a no brainer.

It’s a TERRIBLE investment. The business model is completely flawed and dependent upon assumptions that there will be only positive growth in the user base.

Google is going to use Reddit to train its AI. That software is going to immediately become a smug, whiny, racist, pedophile femboy.

I look forward to capitalizing on this completely predictable sunbaked diaper.

Except the stock market (and all the cultists who worship it) don't inhabit the same reality as the rest of us.

It doesn't matter if Reddit is a good investment or not- what matters is if Reddit feels like a good investment to those assholes. The market can remain irrational a lot longer than you can remain solvent.

It’s a TERRIBLE investment.

"We are not profitable"

-Spez, certified jailbait aficionado

I've never shorted stock before, but I'm really tempted to start now. RDDT will become the inverse meme stock.

read up carefully. It is a strategy that can lose you more than you put in.

Better than a true "short" is to buy a put option on the stock for 100 shares. You buy a contract that lets you buy someone else shares at a lower price. If youre sure the stock is going to decrease, you pay a minor amount to make more money when it does.

You can then opt to exercise this and get cheap shares, or more likely, sell the put contract directly for profit.

You can also sell a call option that says you will provide 100 shares at a higher price. If you think the stock is going down, you will never have to actually fulfill this, so the money you made from selling the call is pure profit.

The positive with options is that they limit your losses if youre wrong, unlike shorting where technically your losses can be unlimited. Options are also easier to get into than shorts, which generally require specific brokers that have minimum account size.

The negative is that options are time limited. They last only a certain amount of time you specify when you buy. You can be 100% right about how the market will move, but if you get the timing wrong, you still lose money

I think this is what I had in mind when I said I would consider shorting RDDT. Gonna watch and see what happens with the IPO first, though.

Shorting an IPO isn't really available to most investors. Liquidity is super low and most brokerages won't be able to offer it for a while.

It's also pretty common in the short term for a stock to ipo and be trading below the ipo price for a few months, so there's lots of demand for shorts.

I also should learn how to short a stock.

I'll just stay poor rather than risk becoming part of the investor class.

I'm serious.

Do you have retirement savings? Welcome to the investor class.

No I do not. I'm part of the more 60% of American families that live paycheck to paycheck.

On top of what others have said keep in mind shorting isn't just you saying the stock will go down, it's you saying the stock will go down more than others think it will. Tbh I wouldn't even touch anything to do with shorting or options if I were you. It's incredibly risky and should only be done by people with more experience than you and I.

Absolutely correct. I played around with options several times during the height of the pandemic and lost over 99% of my investment. I think it was about 99.3%. It's straight up gambling.

Shorting a stock can result in you owing more than you've already spent. That's back alley gambling.

Keep in mind there are literally thousands of Redditors who have the same idea.

pedophile femboy

you don't need to continue this bigoted line against queer people, intentional or not.

Are you actually serious?

If you read the whole thing, it's clearly supposed to be a mashup of different aspects of reddit.

I’m the original commenter.

While you found my intention to be pretty clear, I can also understand the responder’s concern.

I’ve never had to live my life being called a pedo because of my sexual or gender identity. It must be exhausting to have to constantly defend yourself against those awful accusations.

I can empathize with someone seeing those two words together and getting upset.

I cannot emphasise with a person too dim to understand context however

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Apparently typing or saying the word is offensive? Lol

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