
0 Post – 274 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Debt? What debt are you talking about? You know how taxes work?

We wouldn't need to guess if these people interacted on such topics, but they don't. Wonder why.

The point is to keep escalating until the government cannot just keep throwing cops at the problem. This, however, requires some level of popular support, which does not seem possible given that about half the American electorate is fine with slavery in the first place.

Concentration and extermination camps are two different things (and Auschwitz illustrated that clearly after 42 and the Birkenau camp).

A very quick glance at what happened at the US-Mexico border makes me think the camps there fit the bill, or at least the usual definition of the word (basically, indiscrinate mass internment).

It is

If your customer has write access to a production system, I'm not sure they're the most irresponsible here.

"They're not dumb, they're just worse at processing information than their other fellow humans."

The amount of people nitpicking about the brand of pseudocode or arguing the question is tricky reminds me of some coworkers, and not the good kind.

If you belong to the above category, try to learn some new programming language / read about some algorithm descriptions (not implementation) and go out take some sun. The question is super intuitive if you're not stuck to a single paradigm or language.

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My current company's IT team does not know what CAMM RAM is, does not recognise an nvme ssd inside a laptop, and still talk to us like we're idiots. I hope you guys here are better than them!

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Should have stolen taxpayer's money instead, silly them

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Containerization helps isolating system dependencies however

Importing wage slaves to feed the capitalist meat grinder is no solution either, but given whom they elected recently it seems the Italian solution to this problem will be inspired from the Handmaid's tale

Can I forward your comment to my IT team? Because they've done worse than that already :(

Ah yes all those white people with German names in south america, their grand parents definitely moved there for the scenery.

Have you missed the news about xz? I thought about was doing a joke about that.

Until they come with some preprocessing step, or some better feature extractors etc. This is an arms race like there are many of

As usual with those posts, basic information such as country of residence / spoken languages are missing. Finding student jobs in Germany is trivial, but I doubt those contracts can be done for non-residents

Yeah, just make your own Spotify, how difficult is that?

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Small landlords are the cheapest IME, and often act like they are doing you a favour. Big ones are cold, but at least treat people like customers rather than janitors

Idk, we could have saved millions of people if we had done this in 1918

Salariés are thrice are high in the usa, and rent is probably twice the amount. Munich is definitely cheaper than cali. They could have also moved to a cheaper place within the USA, however. Also local regulations don't apply to big company in the USA, Germany might require subtler bribing.

Also, software people are not unionised in Germany, despite many of us being proper engineers (i.e. with a title), meaning it should be very easy. Well, my current company let me understand I should avoid talking about even a Betriebsrat (= mini union) if I were to make a career there sooo... No need to worry about that. Probably why they're not moving to e.g. Paris. Good luck getting qualified people not covered by a "convention collective".

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All three are scripting language. Don't touch JavaScript, but consider typescript instead. Your requirements are vague, but python should probably be your first choice. It honestly does not matter which one you choose

Been living in Germany for a few years now, I'm absolutely not surprised. Germans may have learned that throwing people in ovens is bad, but they never learned that they are not übermenschen. Which eventually means the former creeps back in

Supermarkets already optimise many things, products with lower margins are at the bottom in aisles, and all the junk food or cheap liquor is next to the cashier.

Also, ever been to IKEA? That thing's a labyrinth

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Oh but it did burn down too! Turns out that installing Microsoft product on everything does not protect you from cyber attacks (rather the opposite).

But now I'm protected from the very dangerous UDP packets the machines we sell send, much safer.

Would you have called GameStop a thriving company before GME? Stock market and reality do not always align.

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Who's supposed to surrender? Theres no government, it's not a war, it's a massacre.

I might be confused, isn't this the whole point of a jury in the first place?

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Germans and over engineered solutions, most iconic duo!

Because Americans are used to accountability, give me a fucking break

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Smarter? He's not doing this out of stupidity I think

Obviously those ones are not whom op is complaining about

Why would those two things be mutually exclusive? That it comes from Ebonics, and au the same is becoming used in other English dialects? I have an idea of what the answer is but I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt

If you need to deep fry something to like it, you don't actually like it

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Can't wait for the EU to ban Facebook :(

But what community is the author talking about? I only skimmed but I still have no clue whom this article concerns. There must be some context I'm missing, but then it would have more sense for the author to give some links, now this just reads like some rambling that has nothing to do with programming

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A filter for USA centric posts / community / instances

Ugh as a system developer I'm happy when compiling anything takes less than 5min

Yup. Just moving between German and French websites can be a pain in the ass. Default filters in shops, prices with or without taxes displayed first for professional things, different menus etc. They can be different in the most subtle ways, which is way worse imo.

Don't get me started on websites who think they know better than you which website you'd like to visit. Stop redirecting me based on my IP or language settings! OK now I'm just venting sorry
