Palestinians Ask Federal Court to Rule Biden Is Complicit in Israeli Genocide to World – 204 points –
Palestinians Ask Federal Court to Rule Biden Is Complicit in Israeli Genocide

“Genocide can never be a legitimate foreign policy choice,” plaintiffs argue in case against Biden, Blinken and Austin.


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Because Americans are used to accountability, give me a fucking break

Yea, like the whole „war on terrorism” wasn’t just an excuse to go shoot some brown people just because profit.

I love how libs have to everyone about Trumps trial every 5 minutes as if accountability is real and he justice system is functional. Then blame all on the GOP judges.

But when Biden is complicit in literal Genocide it's 'nah fam who cares anw accountability isn't real the president can do whatever he wants"

I love how trumpers pretend to be leftists and whine about whatever can make Biden look bad enough to influence the election.