Palestinians Ask Federal Court to Rule Biden Is Complicit in Israeli Genocide to World – 204 points –
Palestinians Ask Federal Court to Rule Biden Is Complicit in Israeli Genocide

“Genocide can never be a legitimate foreign policy choice,” plaintiffs argue in case against Biden, Blinken and Austin.


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Nevertheless, on January 31, White reluctantly dismissed the case based on the “political question” doctrine, which reserves foreign policy decisions to the political branches of government (executive and legislative), not the judiciary. That leaves the court with no jurisdiction to check the executive in this case.

At the same time, White wrote, “it is plausible that Israel’s conduct amounts to genocide” and the evidence and testimony “indicate that the ongoing military siege in Gaza is intended to eradicate a whole people.” White exhorted the Biden administration to “examine the results of their unflagging support” of Israel.

If Biden sets this precedent, everyone is going to be so fucking shocked when Republicans abuse it.

The ruling was essentially the US president can violate US and International law without being held accountable and it counts as "political policy" because they're the president.

trump could glass an entire country he doesn't like, and there'd be no way to hold any accountabile because we decided Joe Biden can do a genocide for some fucked up logic that Trump would do more.

This is the danger of the only standard being the letter by someone's name.

It’s not just the President, no matter hard you like to point the finger. The entire US government has been responsible for supporting Israel since Congress voted in favor of aid.

The problem the CCR is going to have, prosecuting as a US organization, is evidence of war crime. News reports and foreign court findings are inadmissible as evidence of crime in US court, and they clearly won’t have support from the State Department.

Because Americans are used to accountability, give me a fucking break

Yea, like the whole „war on terrorism” wasn’t just an excuse to go shoot some brown people just because profit.

I love how libs have to everyone about Trumps trial every 5 minutes as if accountability is real and he justice system is functional. Then blame all on the GOP judges.

But when Biden is complicit in literal Genocide it's 'nah fam who cares anw accountability isn't real the president can do whatever he wants"

I love how trumpers pretend to be leftists and whine about whatever can make Biden look bad enough to influence the election.

The ruling was essentially the US president can violate US and International law without being held accountable

I mean, this has been the case for a while, it's good to get it in writing for when we have to name every rogue state

Republicans are already prepared to do more than abuse it. Haven’t you been paying attention?