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Joined 11 months ago

that reason is not sneakers

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Airplanes are vehicles, yet it won't do you much good to take them to a car mechanic.

Just dont pet other peoples dogs without their consent, service or not

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The bible seems to consider it murder only if it's another christian.

[if someone] has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, [...] you shall stone that man or woman to death with stones.

-Deuteronomy 17:2-5

If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the wife you embrace or your friend who is as your own soul entices you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ [...] you shall kill him. Your hand shall be first against him to put him to death.

-Deuteronomy 13:6-10

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I though it was working against Big Baby *ahem*

I got a milkshake a while back, in a plastic container, with a plastic lid, for some reason it also came with a plastic spoon, and a paper straw, since they are cutting down on plastics...

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GPUs haven't been reasonably priced since the 1000 series.

And now there's no coin mining promising some money back.

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predicted? they're facebook, they are not predicted to be bad, they ARE bad.

lets learn from history and not be deer in the headlights

he really was doing cool things.

He was buying cool things

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Why remove references to the original creator? thats low!

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"a single user says..."

The daily dot is a fucking joke.

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I don't think they do it anymore, but spotify started out with a p2p network on the backend.
Super smart way of bootstrapping such a thing without having to upfront huge server costs.

he is still qualified to tell them how the equipment works...

are we gatekeeping tank school now?

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not being wrapped in a $5000 clear coat.

This is such bullshit though. Deloreans were built with uncoated 304 stainless steel (think, same as in food grade stainless stuff), and with all their other issues, rust is not one of them.

If Teslas rust, they chose the wrong steel, the end.

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an LLM is an AI like a square is a rectangle.
There are infinitely many other rectangles, but a square is certainly one of them

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to build it to that accuracy the car would have to cost millions

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why did they comply?

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If that was statistically significantly true, Sweden would be autism central. We have since sometime in the 70's been giving our children milk with every meal.

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Ford was an innovative car maker, Musk bought an innovative car maker. They are not the same.

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Oh no now I feel old. My first thought was this would be about the switch from Times New Roman to Calibri...

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its a good long term business move. And mozilla is a nonprofit, not beholden to the whims of shareholders, so they can do long term moves in peace.

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Of course it's stable.

Just like with Windows, the more advanced stuff you do, the more advanced problems you'll have.

If you just wanna set and forget, avoid arch based and you're golden.

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The quote from Magritte there sums it up quite well.

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Idaho has argued that states — not doctors, and not the federal government — should be permitted to decide what kind of emergency medical care women can receive.

Small government something something

"the mass murderer have killed multiple people in Spain and Italy, but we can't just assume he will do the same thing in France"

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"We have seen that you can embed viruses into cartridges, through the cartridge go to the printer, from the printer go to the network, so it can create many more problems for customers."

If the cartidges didn't have drm chips you wouldn't have anything to load with malware to begin with.

11: It's the only browser on the market that is not either apple webkit or google chrome based. And it's in our best interest to keep said market healthy, with as many competing actors as possible.

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Body camera video equivalent to 25 million copies of “Barbie”

Literally anything but the metric system

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alcohol maybe?

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read up carefully. It is a strategy that can lose you more than you put in.

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Extra expensive digital hifi cables.

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almost just as scummy though

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Except the DeLorean. Which doesn't rust at all.

Tesla's idea wasn't even bad, they just cheaped out enough to ruin it.

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Love it on X, needs some work on wayland yet.

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to be fair the tools recently got orders of magnitude better

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gpt3/4 are already trained on reddit data. Not reddit data exclusively, but there's a lot of it in there.

Breathing doesn't strip me of the right to complain about the bad air.

finally some good news!

This thread starts with a document literally proving people have been saying that exact thing for 30 years now.