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Joined 1 years ago

What the fuck is with these comments.

Jewish people outside of Israel (citizens of other countries) are not equal to the Israeli government. They have no say and no control over what the Israeli government does. They are not connected.

Jewish 20 year olds going to college in the USA do not deserve to be attacked for simply...being Jewish (see Tulane University events). And so on.

Attacking Jewish people worldwide for the actions of the Israeli government is pure antisemitism, plain and simple, and needs to be called out and condemned.

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Any unencrypted language is crackable; if you are simply using an alphabet to obscure English, it will be immediately broken simply due to frequency analysis of the the letters and word lengths. A whole unencrypted language is harder but there will be plenty of context clues to crack it. Encryption is by far the best way to ensure privacy.

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I think my feelings about this can be summed up as "holy fuck". I thought the Dems might try to save him to avoid another budget shit show, but after he lied about them on Sunday and didn't make any overtures to them, they gave him the middle finger as a bloc, and he deserves it.

Right now the Crazy Caucus is effectively acting as a third party spoiler, except they are actually in office, in a position of power.

Will a coalition form, as Hakeem Jeffries put on the table? This could effectively neuter the Crazy Caucus. Will R's actually oust Gaetz and possibly others out of the House? Something else?

Without McCarthy running again or naming a successor, this is a real push-comes-to-shove moment for the R party.

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Good, I am glad they charged him. These ecosystems are fragile and human travel damages them. And some of the thermal vents are literally boiling...and they have crusts over them so you can't tell where the edge is. Yellowstone is a rugged, beautiful and dangerous place that must be respected.

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I am a materials scientist working in another highly, highly regulated field, and part of my job is working on how to accelerate materials discovery and qualification for next-gen technology. Part of that means working with codes and standards bodies and regulatory agencies to get their acceptance in the new tech. It's going to take some time, but it's worth it.

Thus, the Titan story touches a particular nerve for me.

This entire tragedy could have been avoided if codes and standards were followed. The 2018 whistleblower was concerned about flaws in the carbon fiber composite that could grow and cause implosion failure after repeated pressure cycling. It looks like this is exactly what happened.

Let me point out that the pressure at 4000m is about 100 MPa: that's above or near the yield strength of many common alloys. It's a lot. Let me also point out that carbon fiber composite doesn't yield, it just fails catastrophically, and also let me point out the idea of Weibull statistics, which look at the variation of things like yield and ultimate strength for brittle materials - there is generally a large range of measured strength based on the internal flaw structure of a component. Whistleblower asked for non destructive examination of the material to understand its flaw structure: an extremely usual request and generally something that everyone is on board with doing. Why not here?

Multiple people raised concerns about the safety of this sub. Rush ignored them all, or refuted them all with BS arguments. He said they didn't need to qualify the sub because commercial subs were so safe over the last 35 years that it's just human error these days, ignoring that the reason subs are safe is BECAUSE they are qualified, leaving ONLY human error as a problem source! It's like saying "I don't need to vaccinate against measles because no one catches measles anymore"... Because everyone is vaccinated against measles! But look what happens when vax rates drop: we get measles case clusters.

Regulations are written in blood, and this was ignored by Rush. The first thing drilled in to you in engineering school is that you must protect the safety of the people you are engineering for. Rush abandoned this principle out of greed and hubris. And now a teenage boy is dead who didn't even want to go on this trip. It sickens me.

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Just... Freaking... Deploy nuclear plants! We have the tech, we know they work, their footprint is small. Why the frack do we feel the need to chase these ridiculous zany ideas that face obvious fundamental engineering flaws, like, oh I don't know, STORMS and corrosion??? Maintaining these would be a bloody nightmare.

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Did you read the article? First paragraph: " In Los Angeles, a man screaming "kill Jews" attempts to break into a family's home. In London, girls in a playground are told they are "stinking Jews" and should stay off the slide. In China, posts likening Jews to parasites, vampires or snakes proliferate on social media, attracting thousands of "likes". "

This is not Jewish people being offended about anti-Israeli protests. This is Jewish people being the targets of blatant, direct antisemitism because they simply exist as Jews.

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These guys are not part of "the ruling class." I live in this region and there is a backwards group of local asshats who feel entitled to hunt and kill protected creatures for profit or hunt using illegal methods and leave carcasses to waste for the sheer fun of it. These people are typically working class and this black market hunting would provide them with income they probably would not be able to get otherwise. We have a LOT of wild lands out here, it's a very rural area.

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Intersex genital surgery and circumcision should not occur on children. Adults should be free to choose what they want done to their bodies.

Same, also a member of TST and a practicing romantic Satanist. It's brought a lot of strength, clarity, and confidence to my life.

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There's an easy way to prevent the deaths of women by their male partners! It's called "men don't kill their female partners." It's that easy. Try it sometime!

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I fucking hate Aptos. It makes my work emails (Outlook) look "quirky" and that is NOT what is needed.

This is real, unfortunately

This is horrifying. As a woman, I am laughing my ass off, full score!

Right. Like damn, get real. We gonna have 50-story towers decorating the landscape for every 73 homes?? It doesn't even make sense for extremely remote and impoverished locations due to the amount of materials it needs (cost).

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I think they decided that he is such an incredible piece of shit who stabs them in the back and reneges on every deal (see: his attempt on Sunday to blame the budget fiasco on them, his renging on the debt ceiling deal, his stance on J6...) that he wasn't worth saving. Either some R's join with D's to make a coalition (as just called for by H. Jeffries) or the R's have to get their shit together, painfully, for the budget. The last CR clearly showed the issue with the current R party composition. There is a wing that essentially acts as a third party spoiler. The CR was very much a win for the Dems (except for Ukraine funding, although I am of the personal opinion that a clean CR is the correct way to do a CR, fund other stuff separately).

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I want to point out that it's specifically Christian fascists that are the major driver of this. There is a powerful organization called Project Blitz that operates in the USA with the stated goals of removing separation of church and state, including the result of restricting abortion severely.

It uses a ton of material to power 73 homes annually (652 feet high and 45 feet in diameter), works best in a desert but requires a lot of water. Yeah, nuclear energy is really threatened by that. Modern microreactors in development make, for example, 1.5 MWe at let's say 90% capacity factor. Assuming about 1000 kWh/mo for a house, that microreactor, which can fit on the back of a semi truck and be transported down the highway that way, can power 985 homes anually and doesn't require cooling water (will require water for electrical steam generation).

Yeah, I will stick with nuclear, thanks.

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Aaaand this is what we were afraid would happen. Hamas doesn't care about the civilians of Gaza. It is such a horrible organization, there are no words to express it.

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Check out their website. You can join there.

What a tragedy. This woman was shot dead and unceremoniously left to decompose in a storage unit. The chief suspect is her estranged male partner.

I hate the fact that this is another gun violence and male-on-female domestic violence statistic. She was a person, damn it.

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Regarding the camera, I do a lot of backpacking and my phone is my only camera. Upgrading to appreciably better camera tech is something I will do. Example (Pixel 6 phone):

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Check out the book "Compassionate Satanism" by Lilith Starr. You can buy it on TST's website, I am not sure about availability on other platforms.

Romantic Satanism holds up the depiction of Satan from Romantic period literature as an ideal. The book has a nice analysis of Satan's use at that point as a rebel against authoritarianism who fought for Enlightenment. Romantic Satanists are non theistic and do not believe in the supernatural. TST is an organization of Romantic Satanists but you don't have to be a TST member to be one; the seven tenets of TST are a major guiding force as well.

Totally suggest reading the book - it's fascinating and well written.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. This could have the makings of constructive dismissal. Relocate to a place with vastly different legal protections or be fired? Hmm. Since it also would possibly disproportionately affect female employees, I wonder if some discrimination could also come in to play?

Not a lawyer, just spitballing ideas.

Current hypothesis (in the article) is that the children don't have immunity to endemic diseases after years of lockdown and are now getting sick. There doesn't seem to be the same rise in cases in adults, who probably have pre-existing immunity.

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You need water to generate steam to turn a turbine and make electricity (same for coal, natural gas, fusion). However, many advanced reactor designs do not use water for the reactor coolant itself, unlike light water reactors that do. They use gas, molten salt, or liquid metals. As a result, you can get to quite high temperatures useful for process heat, such as hydrogen production. Direct desalination might also be doable, the issue/question being on the design of the non-nuclear side of the plant.

A lot of Gen IV designs are in the process of commercialization now, with demonstrations slated for later this decade.

Walmart sells Raid flypaper. Got a strip hanging up right now because I had a party over the weekend and of course got a bunch of houseflies. The guy is off his rocker.

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I applaud you fighting back against the hive mind. I have been working on it as well when I have the energy to engage. Thanks for making this point.

Holy fuck. It's truly horrifying. These people were bound up with metal wire and burned to death, put their hands in front of their faces to protect themselves as they got shot in the head, or were decapitated. Soot in the trachea means they were alive before being burned. A bloodstained baby's mattress whose blood will be used to ID the disfigured baby. A popular recipe book open to a page and covered in blood.

Hamas did this. It cannot be denied. This was an atrocity.

You matter.... But some things energy.

Am a woman. Girl's best friends, in no particular order: IUD, my own bank account, vibrator.

Out of curiosity, can you specify the topics or give specific examples of this shitty behavior you speak of? Without examples it is impossible to determine if you are discussing behavior that is straight-up pathological (e.g. name-calling) or people having a different opinion.

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Not definitively. Ancient Egyptian hyroglyphics withstood it for a while but the Rosetta Stone cracked it (also I suspect modern computing would have done so by now anyway). The Voynich Manuscript is uncracked but there is a hypothesis that it gibberish, an uncracked natural language, or a ciphertext (encrypted).

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Although not an extreme ultralight backpacker, I follow those principles for what I take with me and I like to move fast in the high mountains. I don't go to take photos, I go for the experience, but good photos are a plus. I can get some great photos with my phone at this point, though it certainly isn't the same as a DSLR camera. My phone has my maps for navigation and my books for reading in camp as well. It's waterproof and resilient and weighs very little. It is extremely convenient for use - put in pocket, take out when needed.

I posted this in another comment, but srsly did you read the article? "In Los Angeles, a man screaming "kill Jews" attempts to break into a family's home. In London, girls in a playground are told they are "stinking Jews" and should stay off the slide. In China, posts likening Jews to parasites, vampires or snakes proliferate on social media, attracting thousands of "likes"."

That's not criticism of IDF being taken badly, that's random Jewish people being subject to severe antisemitic rhetoric simply for being Jewish.

Can I just please ask that we change the tone of how these kinds of articles are discussed in Lemmy vs Reddit? I live in ID, and we basically are run as a state by a small group of GOP extremists because they have managed to manipulate the primary system and related machinery to push them to win. There are a LOT of people in this state who are normal folks and not extremists.

It was disheartening on Reddit when there was this broad brush of "fuck em, they are all subhuman idiots" when these stories come up. We need help to overthrow this minority extremist rule, not condemnation and abandonment. There ARE efforts pushing back, like Reclaim Idaho and this lawsuit and the state Democratic party energizing.

So, please. Remember the human, and work with us to help turn Idaho purple again, and help the people impacted by the stupid Legislature - women, children, LGBTQ, etc.

This article is about Jews who aren't Israeli. Stop derailing the conversation.

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I disagree with the instance's philosophy. I think "be nice" leads to a lot of unintended consequences and echo chambering. Edit to add: One of the Seven Tenets of The Satanic Temple is: "The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.". I don't go out of my way to troll; however, I feel that Beehaw's instance philosophy does not align with the idea that we have the freedom to offend with our own opinions.

Conversely, I am not LGBTQ+ and I don't need to be in their space. They get to deal with normies all the time in everyday life.

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People have died in pirate attacks before.

Recently, ships have been hit with missiles.

A lot more people could die if the attacks are not stopped or avoided.

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Face towels (washcloths) really only one use and then wash. Body towels I switch about once a week but I live in a dry climate and they dry fast. I also use a linen towel which is very absorbent but also dries much faster than terry. Kitchen towels I change depending on how I used them - normal use (drying hands), every couple of days. Cooking? Change after I am done cooking.

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