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"Those people are dangerous, so we need to make a government that kills people." The world is willing to burn because a few people who are different exist nearby.

"This knowledge exacts a terrible toll."

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Don't forget about Diarrhea Zero and the next gen remakes for 1 and 2. Also, there's the ARG in the DFW airport bathrooms back in the early 00s. There's also the previous series Diarrhea is based on, The Skids.

Typically there's an entourage that includes the people who actually run things and/or communicate the decisions made by the oligarch. They will own the company but rarely make direct decisions for the company. They may make business decisions in the beginning of the company history but by a certain size they are detached from most operations and hand down proactive choices about what the company should be doing with its resources.

The primary vehicle for their money is the control of the company they own, the actual stocks that they borrow against for spending money.

Since they have access to any amount of money they want, there is no need to do any actual work. Any interaction with the company is just personal preference and the owner is more useful as a mouthpiece and investment magnet for the company. With few obligations each week, days start to not matter and sleep schedules are fucked. Sobriety becomes a burden since there is nothing to live for - it has all been accomplished. The only thing left to do is get drunk/high and spend money.

Owning a successful company, even a successful local business, is usually enough to detach a person from the average experience of daily work and set schedules. Millionaire business owners are just as warped as a billionaire so it becomes a question of where the shit happened. Billionaires go overseas to do fucked shit.

Anecdotally, most millionaires don't work. Some have hobbies that make a few thousand here and there but they don't worry about schedules. They are on rich time.

Edit: the ones who are in business leadership and making millions each pay period are literally sociopaths. They run shit to exercise power. They don't actually need to be there either except for some decision making meetings and coordinating with other organizations.

Is 3 days enough?

They got it from their mom.

How tall is Adam Driver and that horse? They're almost eye level. I had no idea Kylo Ren was supposed to be as big as Vader. Kylo needed to pickup more people by the throat to show how much bigger he is.

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Our parents and their parents all tried to conform to a type of idyllic family stereotype that was never attainable. Family members were ignored and ostracized for behaving outside that stereotype. Excuses like "it's a fad" started specifically because of the need to explain away the behavior without allowing any follow up questions.

It took a long time but we are finally able to embrace our differences and recognize what's actually normal. Conservatives are still fighting to live that unattainable lifestyle and mad at everyone else cause they can't.

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he states that the industry is seeing "quite a bit of pushback" from players when it comes to devs reusing systems and assets, which may pressure developers to make certain things from scratch for a sequel when there might not really be a need to.

Who knew that people don't want a small number of different mob types that are reskinned to be the same enemy in a different color? Why do gamers have to be so picky with their need for "variety"?

Why wouldn't he wait then? If he's waited 12 years so far, why not wait the extra year or two to avoid any charges? He's instead agreed to plead guilty. Sounds instead like he realized he would never win the stalemate and was tired of house arrest.

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Look at what a ruinous libel suit will do to motherfuckers. It's beautiful man.

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Or a low res sunset?

The trickle down is our tears

A monopoly is also called a trust and to quote Wiki: "antitrust law is a collection of mostly federal laws that regulate the conduct and organization of businesses in order to promote competition and prevent unjustified monopolies."

Trust busting means breaking up corporate monopoly or oligopoly.

According to the new statement from Midnight Society, the studio’s leadership became aware of the allegations for the first time on June 21 shortly after Conners’ tweets went viral on Twitter, and began its own investigation into the situation. “We assumed his innocence and began speaking with parties involved,” the company wrote.

They heard the allegation, looked into if it was true and how true it is, and found a reason to sever a major figure from the roster. That's not a "it's just an allegation" - that's a third party investigating a potential child predator and not liking what they found.

The truck was first shown in 2016, nearly 8 years ago, and only came out last year so there was about half a decade of hype building around this thing that was busy sucking in all the gullible rich people.

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Waiting for the right to panic about stats they have been trying to hide for 30 years. Or they will force a recall vote to remove the Surgeon General.

He's enthusiastic, not experienced, about the outdoors. He told no one, had no bearing or equipment, and got lucky that he was found. The article was being gracious about his abilities to be outside - and he survived a week and a half with nothing so the article can't say he's bad at it.

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He is No Man.

The true horror is that this is some Greek smut. We need good, clean Christian nudity for our money.

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Alaska also has a form of universal benefit income (UBI) from oil industry payments to Alaskan residents. The payouts arent enough to actually live on but it's regular free money for a population that can actually use it.

Capitalist oligarchs want a system based on having money to pay for education, health care, childcare, etc. Each part of our lives will have a price tag and only the rich will be free to live as they want - the rest of us are tied to their decisions and will accept the scraps given to us.

Part of their plan is to dismantle the education system and make everyone too stupid to know how we lived and how much we are being abused.

She killed a puppy for acting like a puppy and scaring birds during a hunt. It was 14 months old and sounds like it had zero training. So she takes it to a gravel pit and shoots it. A puppy. For being excited by birds. And it wasn't trained how to behave around birds.

And then she writes on Twitter that her autobiography has more stories that will upset the press. She is actually psychotic.

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This is a propaganda article. It's meant to start the idea that social security change should happen; Social Security had a surplus and was on track to support Gen Z with boomer level benefits until George W Bush drained the fund to pay for the Iraq war. A 100 billion+ surplus (which would have been 2T by 2011) was sucked dry at a billion dollars a day for a war that brought nothing but misery. This current crisis is brought to you by the Republicans.

Social Security is currently facing an uncertain future as it is expected to face a 23 percent across-the-board benefit cut in 2033, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, unless something changes until then.

Some bullshit conservative think tank is trying to spin up the idea of cutting benefits to prevent taxing billionaires. Don't let the rich lie anymore. Make the rich pay!

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Google internal politics ousted the last of the OG Google guys and replaced him with the same person who killed Yahoo, Prabhakar Raghavan.

The general consensus is that all of the changes to Google since 2019 were driven by profit instead of trying to find things, like a search engine should. And those decisions were spearheaded by Prabhakar Raghavan, who used the training of a data scientist to run Google into the ground for short term financial gain. Sundae Prichai hired Prabhakar Raghavan directly and then promoted him from Head of Ads to Head of Search after firing the guy who had been helping guide Google Search since 1999.

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Retailers fear things that would help consumers consume? Sounds like retailers don't know how to succeed without gouging.

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He was a darling because he was a literally unknown person who introduced themselves with a controlled media profile who sold a way to approach the fossil fuel problem. The nice thing about the left is their views evolve rapidly to current events and Elon has been inescapable in media, so naturally he reveals his true neocon form.

Most households have a TV with TV speakers, only capable of L/R. Why pay money and have people sit through a corporate short film for a feature most won't use?

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They must want electricity like they've heard about in camp fire stories.

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Wow, the article even has a section detailing why the boys were there with BB guns:

The two surviving teens told police that they were at the store to return or exchange Hazrat Ali Rohani's BB gun because he was having some issues with it, according to the police report. One of them also said that he had his own BB gun with him and brought it along so employees could check out a "magazine issue" he was having.

Myers straight up murdered the kid. Fortunately the article also points out he was arrested and the video evidence shows clear 2nd degree manslaughter, so he's going to jail, losing his guns, and most likely won't watch his kid grow up. His kid has a chance to grow up without a bad influence in his life now, so that's good.

He held the records up to the light knowing he would be burned by it. Truly the definition of a hero.

You don't need to put in the effort to hide those IPs. An IP starting with 192.168 is a private network and virtually useless as any way to compromise your network - an outsider would need access to your network (via your modems public facing IP) and know the device access credentials to make any use of the IPs.

That being said, it appears your input devices are unable to connect because they can't be found. That means a mismatch in network details somewhere. Check the IP address and confirm it's using the same subject; does the device connecting use the same 192.168.1.x network as the input/source device?

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A Sikh was murdered in Canada. Turns out that he was unwelcomed in India because he said the Sikh should have their own state. India doesn't like people encouraging revolution in their country and send some folks to stop him. He's killed and Canada has the receipts to show it was a state sponsored killing and Modi's government is directly responsible. India tried to say "nah, not us" and the US showed Canada their receipts that confirm India murdered the guy. Now India is mad that they got caught and trying to make Canada look like the bad guy.

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Wait until generative AI tells a customer to touch electricity.

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This was a weird and gripping tale of a user who can't stand being not an admin. Why they would dox themselves as the person that earned a previous super-duper ban is bewildering.

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It's not just America. The CCP specifically knew what American shareholders wanted and provided a cheap source of labor for foreign businesses. By depressing the Yuan the government kept prices for services low when compared to any domestic company. It was a plot started by ruthless executives looking to sacrifice anything for lower operating costs but it was recognized and abused when the Chinese government saw how to exploit it.

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Traditional marketing is dead. No one likes ads. But the amount of people watching game streams? Enormous. Slay the Spire is the typical tale of how streaming sparked a deck building gold rush and it started when a streamer played a few hours and got some word of mouth going.

Marketing is still a very viable approach to figuring out how to sell a product. But ads themselves are actually poorly regarded and when folks are given the option of how to receive retail information, they don't want unstoppable messages for things that don't appeal and will never be purchased. And it sours the brand to viewers who have to watch.

But getting some charismatic people to have fun with your product? Guaranteed to get some eyeballs who are willing to be there. That's what ads will start to look like: appeals to friendship.

Marketing is still working but unskippable billboards on the gates of our entertainment are dying off.

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Russia has lost half a dozen ships to a nation with no navy. And they want to throw down with one as experienced as the UK? "Attacking the home of Storm Shadow missiles is a good thing" is the thought of an idiot.

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