Remember when the body washes contained literal micro plastics and were advertised as such? to – 448 points –

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I didn’t realize America has banned them. Good. I just figured they were a fad.

Hey we're actually ahead of the EU in something!

I want to see more regulations around plastics. We have the ability to make biodegradable plastics and we can research better ones. Plastic is a bane to the environment.

Shit we can't allow that. I'm gonna go to the Euro Parliament to lobby for banning 10 random things.

Just random? Like maybe ban ice cubes and fitness gyms and people with braces? Just randomness lol

I’ve been wondering what happened to that fad. Amazing that they were banned! Let’s do more

Edit: “replaced by metallized plastic glitter”? wtf

I remember my sister telling me to use facial wash for acne with stuff like that in it. Thank fuck I've ADHD and never got a routine going with using it.

I used it because I never thought about how bad it would be for the environment. Switched to dissolving exfoliants like salt as soon as they were available though!