1 Post – 130 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Nah, I've used my parents' induction hob and it's ridiculously fast to boil liquids. A half pint of milk was boiling over in 20s. Gas stoves can't compete.

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Related concept: buy twice. Buy cheap the first time. If you use it enough to break it then buy a higher quality option.

So far the buy cheap options haven't broken, so...

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There is no ethical consumption under capitalism

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I don't have any regrets about making dead baby jokes when I was much younger, but definitely won't be making them now with an 8 month old daughter.

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Sounds like a man who needs paternity leave.


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The Bandcamp sale is hopefully good news. Songtradr looks like they're just in the music business and don't (from their Wikipedia page) have any obviously dodgy investors.

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Do you really have to be hand-held past the "eugenics" and "white nationalism" mentioned in the article to figure out what they mean by "far right?"

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Some people have questions because they just don't listen when information is given, or have no ability to think for themselves.

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That might be how you learn, but it certainly isn't how everyone learns. Also, that's just a shitty take on teachers.

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Small mention for Darktable as an alternative to Lightroom.

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I'm going to repeat Ursula K Le Guin and Margaret Atwood because it's hard to overstate how much of everything is in their works. Iain (M) Banks I'll also echo, but will add China MiƩville because there aren't enough anarchists in this thread.

The article really doesn't engage much with what YV actually wrote; she says that she disagrees with him sometimes or that other people disagree, but with very little substance.

Like others have already commented, she's also excessively obsessed with describing his house and wife. I can't believe The Observer paid for her to fly out there to write such drivel.

It should be easier to whistle blow if someone thinks a worker is losing capacity to do their job, but having an arbitrary age at which you're no longer allowed to work in office doesn't serve its purpose. Some people can have dementia starting in their 50s, and other people in their 70s are excellent in higher level positions due to how much experience they've amassed.

If anything, there should just be better peer performance reviews across the board.

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They only say "a growing trend" of non-clinical treatment without actually giving numbers. Does that mean the absolute numbers are going up, the proportion of non-clinical to clinical are going up, or that more people are talking about it on social media?

People need to learn that there are consequences to dangerous and irresponsible driving.

Shame life is political eh?

That's an interesting thing to note. If the people more likely to approve of Tate and his message are the ones looking for easy money then that could indicate a degree of selection bias.

I wonder if the AI is detecting that the photo is taken from further away and below eye level which is more likely for a photo of a man, rather than looking at her facial characteristics?

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It's the responsibility of driving a car to make sure the space the car is going into is empty. They didn't do that and caused you bodily harm. I got hit by a careless driver last year, and have successfully filed a personal injury claim and have pressed for a criminal case. Don't give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Farming what though?

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Even so, the only way my wage is going to keep up with inflation is through promotion. It stiffs people who just want to keep doing what they're good at and not fail upwards.

I'm pretty sure your ethernet cable shouldn't be getting hot

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Find a well -rated outdoor store nearby, and go in and ask them to help you find a good pair. Be completely open about having no idea how to fit boots, and try to be as descriptive about the most common issues you've experienced. You can usually get free return if you wear them inside the house for a day or two to check fit.

It can be time consuming to find the right pair, but once you find a good pair it'll make a huge difference and give you somewhere to go from one they eventually wear out.

Don't take specific brand advice from the internet because everyone's feet are different shapes. It's a very individual thing.

That appears to be the current goal, but it still looks like the phase-1 will be on healthy adults which is pretty creepy to imagine!

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Is "slipped" the right word here, like "oops, that accidentally happened"?

It seems more appropriate to call it "forced."

I think that's pretty dependent on the country

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Are you mad? Anti-woke champion Musk is building the hyper loop so clearly hyper links are anti woke as well!

It absolutely, demonstrably is. I've gone home after working nights as a nurse and it's scary that people drive in that state, and are also responsible for others' lives.

You confident that blue Labour will reverse this policy?

B12 deficiency causes iron deficiency

To "affect" a change would be to alter the change itself, for example if the university had already been reviewing its portfolio then the protesters might be affecting the change by making it happen more quickly.

To "effect" a change would be to cause the change in the first place.

FDA approval ain't evidence that something is safe. See the recent approvals for anti-Alzheimers meds that have a terrible side-effect to benefit ratio.

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I think local initiatives around the world would mean initiatives around the world which are specifically local, rather than large, multinational planting organisations.

Sure, how about corporate greed?

It's still way above my public sector pay rise.

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That's a shit joke. Racial essentialism just ain't funny, and the context is kinda irrelevant.


I'm going to assume they're not British...

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I know PBJ is already a thing, but toasted peanut butter and banana sandwiches are actual power food.

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And livestock

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