25 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They're not too happy, and they may even write a strongly worded email expressing their unhappiness.

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I'm seriously thinking of trying Linux when Windows 11 is forced. My computer has the specs to run it, but I'm just tired of Windows and Microsoft.

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Don't worry, you'll probably get like a $5 bill credit as an apology/settlement to never be able to sue.

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They might have been able to turn a profit, but apparently u/Spez (fucking dipshit) collects over 190million in CEO compensation.

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And his best childhood friend said that he would never do it and warned her if something happens to him it was Boeing out for revenge.

A family member of mine is fairly high up in Amazon and does something important with AWS but I have no idea what, and that's exactly what he's saying about these forced return to work initiatives. They over hired during the pandemic and now they want to cut the fat.

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Rape Babies, the next great band name.

If you use third party inks you might get hacked, so we're going to go ahead and hack you in a ransomware style attack by locking your personal property until you comply and use our inks. Get fucked.

Happy you guys liked my post. Just traveling around taking pics on my phone. The user name comes from a post on that other site, where apparently a country only allows you to pick horse names from a government approved horse name list. ClopClopMcFuckwad apparently is not on the list to my dismay.

Can someone much smarter than I am, explain like I'm a toddler?

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You're not happy your tax dollars funded a 20yr war in Afghanistan that was ultimately lost in less than 2 weeks, and Gulf War 2: Iraqi Boogaloo The Hunt for Nonexistent WMDs?

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If I wanted to drop my Netflix, Prime, and Disney+ and still have lots of options for stuff to watch, what would you guys suggest. Please explain like I have the IQ of a half eaten apple that's been sitting out in the sun for a week, I can barely figure out Lemmy having come over from Reddit.

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Who Killed the Electric Car is an excellent look at early EV business in North America

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Probably European.

However, given that CRV7s use solid fuel, they might still be considered safe if stored correctly and not exposed to moisture or contamination.

I would bet my next full paycheque that these things were not stored properly, and basically sat in a field in rural Saskatchewan with little more than a polyethylene tarp on them for the last 40 years.

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He seems to be of two minds

Yeah, strokes and dementia will do that.

Yes just like the mega church pastor who has a private jet so he "doesn't have to fly with the demons."

Can you point me in the right direction of where to start? My last adventures of file sharing ended with Napster and Limewire.

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I suggested this to a friend pretty much as soon as the war started, and I was called a conspiracy nut. Glad there are others who think similarly.

BF4 was an all time favorite game for me, but subsequent games in the franchise were hot garbage. Cautiously optimistic about the next game release.

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Lucky for me my mom died before she could reverse mortgage her house! Free house y'all.


As a Canadian, kindly fuck off.

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Why the fuck does someone need a wrench connected to the internet in the first place?

I went appliance shopping recently and the salesman tried to get me on board with a WiFi connected fridge, his sales pitch was that I'll get a push notification on my phone when the air or water filter need to be changed, and there's a camera so if I'm at the store and I can't remember if I need to buy milk, I can open the camera app and view the inside of my fridge and see my milk level. GTFO, not everything needs to have an app or internet service.

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Of course they did.....

That TD building is grotesque.

I don't know if they're still doing it, but an Arbys near me had "happy hour" I think it was 2pm to 4pm and they had like sliders and small fries for a pretty decent discount.

There's a company that uses robots, controlled remotely by severely disabled people, to be servers in a restaurant. I'd probably do that.

Hey, stop poking holes in the narrative man, GuNS R baD!

Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

All I got is a Gatorade, some Viagra and a fistful of sunflower lechtin and a deadline.

The farmers took out some cartel members in a brutal fashion because they were sick of the extortion, then the cartel came back with reinforcements and rounded up half the village and disappeared them for what they did to their gang members.

Passport was an amazing device I still wish I had mine, I really didn't care there weren't many apps, to me the form and function made up for the lack of apps. Hopefully Punkt will bring to market the MC01 Legend and we'll have the option of a Passport 2.0 if you will.

Elon has a history of over promising and under delivering for years. I'll believe it when I see it. ASTS has documented their tech works and was confirmed by AT&T, Vodaphone and Nokia.

I thought it was Always Sunny in Philadelphia....

I would like to know the price of the yearly subscription, and if the PUNKT Legend will ever be made.

If I buy one of those Android TV boxes off Amazon, can I install all this stuff on it?

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Yes OC. This particular photo was taken at the border crossing around the fall of 2012. Spent 4 months in the area. Its worth visiting for sure.

Just because its allegedly in a warehouse doesn't mean it was climate controlled or properly pest controlled. If you've spent any time working in or around the Canadian Federal government you will know that expenditure on facilities maintenance is almost zero, outside of the National Capital Region.

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Oh, he got the Epstine treatment, shame good honest people fall victim to capitalist goons.