3 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 2 months ago


Anytime I have to tell/explain to someone that I'm asexual/Sex repulsed.

"Oh damn, thats sad, were you raped or something?" is the typical response I fucking get.

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S'all good at this point I mostly expect people to ask/say such things

Still not enough blue...

not blue enough....

Im much rather punch/kick pedos and rapists but yea sure I'll punch a nazi ig(?)

whacha mean order around???

Just use Revanced. Lmfao. Been using it since highschool (4 years ago) fucking amazing. Practically Emulates Youtube premium

Youtube Revanced~

Yes. Im not doing it out of pure rudeness, It's all towards people who either openly will share Pedophilic/Animal abuse content or people that will mock/turn school shootings into some kind of conspiracy theory. Those people fucking sicken me.

dunno. Cant think of any.

I tell some people to KYS just so the website forces me into a ban for 6 days.

Its nice.

edit: The people I say this to are genuinely scum of the earth. Pedos, People that share animal abuse vids, and people that disrespect the current situation surrounding school shootings.

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this place still feels much emptier than reddit :(

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I just got fairly downvoted and made fun of on a post of mine asking about jobs where they dont have a dress code- and someone called me a fucking anime girl or some shit. I guess it was from the Text emojis I was using- but like damn that was my second post here on this site😒

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Aw sweet. New copypasta just dropped.

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Ofc You can wear what you want as a software developer- At this point its required you wear pink stripped socks and a skirt/j I thought about it- but I suck real bad when it comes to coding things. I have a massive interest in computers, but coding is one of those things I lack in skill ;w;

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tbh- I had made my account 2 months ago, but ONLY STARTED USING IT just a week ago cus I was locked out for whatever reason. I had forgotten about it then but now im desperate for a reddit replacement because reddit wont answer back my 20 appeals :' )

Im interested in shitposting, Costume construction/cosplay, I also ask a lotta questions n stuff, Home DIY improvement is a new one... That should be most of it.

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Really? how so :000 Im- a bit curious about PC building, I wanna learn that Desktop computer jargon I hear some people use

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Dude- this is my second post here on Lemmy. I asked for people to be nice and I suppose you didn't bother to read that. I'm not a fucking "anime character" I'm autistic as shit. I find comfort- as a black girl- in being able to express my love for Kawaii fashion. I want a job that will allow me to express these values as they mean a lot to me AGAIN- as a black person. If thats a problem with you then please just move on to a different post. At the very least just ask me some questions first before going off and judging me like that.

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From my point of view, this place seems very niche, techy, and "inside joke"-ish... So ima say a Cyber/tech coffee shop with a buncha (kind/seemingly friendly) Nerds all huddled up at tables together. Theres a separate cafe room just for- whatever the fuck Linux users do. And 75% of the men there are femboys in thigh highs. Everyone speaks in a way that, unless your a regular customer of the cafe it's gonna be complete fucking gibberish.

awee- But I wanna work at a job that isnt just me in my house all day. I already bed rot enough as is 😭

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Men need to acknowledge the power of their legs and do it fast before I SNAP. Too many dudes just be like "Oh nah- its too gay" and fucking seal em off, thus ending the days of Leg appreciation./hj

( ͡° _ ͡°)...

gonna need the deets of that job/warehouse rn. a nice, robust sorta jobat a warehouse sounds really nice tbh. I WANNA GET FORKLIFT CERTIFIED TOO. Its a good fitness.

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OH YEAAA- 100% I could kick it at a smoke shop. Sounds fun as shit

Thats already a style. Its called Depression+Horrible sleep schedual


Damn it- now i gotta spend the next 30 minutes gushing and fangirling about it >:(

Yea- Im not entirely sure what their deal is. I guess because I use text emojis they assume me to be some kinda Main-Character Manic anime girl. I'm not even in any anime subs to begin with- Bleagh. I'm sure comments like his arent gonna be common here(I hope)

They banned me cus I told someone who was mocking the Uvalad School shooting to "Choke on butter" I was banned for several days, and i was fine with that- Until MOTHER FUCKING OPERA GX- SIGNED ME IN AUTOMATICALLY TO MY ALT. Now im fucking perma banned, and reddit WONT ANSWER ME NO MATTER WHAT I DO- Im so desperate at this point. I really really really want my account back and I miss being in all of the active forum communities there. Lemmy just isnt the same

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Is it stressful working in a Call center? Are callers nice at all?

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It was my reddit username and I love that name so damn much cus it was funny- now reddit wont fuckin give me my account back and im still pissed off about it ;-;

Ouhhh network stuff sounds pretty neat. I also have a bit of interest in cyber security

I really really hope theres some kinda way to get my account back. I appealed 20 times, not a single answer

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This breathes "Roblox animal hoodies but IRL" and tbh- Im here for it.

golly, with how small this site is, it seems like ima be seeing the same folks in a buncha different servers.



I am IN-FUCKING-LOVE with this website. Hands down. It all looks so fucking wholesome and endearing to me. Buncha holder men cherishing that nice, vintage-style look and rocking it real well. Found this picture and I smiled so fuckin hard. He looks like sucha kind man, A grandfather I wish I had but never met. This makes me hopeful.

Aw fuck yea

scuse me while I cry about it just one more time this week 🥲

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