People who stuck around on Twitter; what's it like being force fed conservative social media? to Ask – 166 points –

Trying to prep myself for when they foxify all social media platforms.

Edit: you all better be careful saying you don't see any of it. Leon might catch wind.


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I tell some people to KYS just so the website forces me into a ban for 6 days.

Its nice.

edit: The people I say this to are genuinely scum of the earth. Pedos, People that share animal abuse vids, and people that disrespect the current situation surrounding school shootings.

You mean you tell them to KYS right?

Yes. Im not doing it out of pure rudeness, It's all towards people who either openly will share Pedophilic/Animal abuse content or people that will mock/turn school shootings into some kind of conspiracy theory. Those people fucking sicken me.