People who stuck around on Twitter; what's it like being force fed conservative social media? to Ask – 162 points –

Trying to prep myself for when they foxify all social media platforms.

Edit: you all better be careful saying you don't see any of it. Leon might catch wind.


My husband stayed on there. Luckily, it's just for the porn.

Sounds like he gets off on giving Elon traffic, gross.

Just use it for the porn. Occasionally will click on a trending tweet and immediately get bombarded with tons of Russian propaganda. "Ukraine are Nazis" "America first!" "Look at this poor starving (white) american child, Biden just approved 60 billion to Ukraine!"

All shit like that, it focuses very strongly on what Russia wants Americans to believe, in my experience.

It’s wild to me that so many people trust Elon with their porn viewing habits 👀

You know you can just... stop visiting all social media sites right? Its not easy but its very doable. Ive mostly done it (significantly reduced to almost nothing).

We are on social media right now?

Yeah, but lemmy is awesome

Sometimes this feels like antisocial media.

Lemmy isn’t social media. If you’re defining forums as social media then literally and comment section on any website, including blogs and news sites somehow become social media. I don’t know how people started thinking forums are social media but it’s just plain incorrect.

Forums and comments sections are 100% social media, you are mistaken there. I guess we'll just have to argue back and forth ad nauseam or something

I'm just here on lemmy. I've been lurking reddit just to see more breaking news but that will stop come novemeber.

Why November? Is something happening?

I won’t even click on Twitter links, let alone actively visit. You should do the same.

I'm still pissed at the way Reddit was celebrating Musk's takeover, as if it was some big loss to him. Oh boy, a billionaire lost some money that he would have wiped his ass with, this is great as long as the fascist doesn't turn the biggest social media platform into a fascist mouthpiece!

funnily enough, my twitter feed doesn't have any conservative media.

it is full of gay bara scalie porn, though.

For me it's Russian invasion of Ukraine. With a few local politicians doing stupid things mixed in.

Mine with a daily year progress, A high amount of suggested content (booo) and some random stuff.
I keep it only around for thr aformentioned daily yeer progress tweets.

I like to clown on nazis

Especially when they're shitting bricks in the reply section of a post from either Mark Hamill or Stephen King

Edit: We need a collab

I recently had to login in to update to a new 2FA app and oh my was it a wasteland. No one I had followed was still on it. And I mean that after scrolling for 5 minutes. It was just terrible.

I mean, if they left it, possibly went to Mastodon, that sounds wonderful to me:-).

I follow scientists, virologists, epidemiologists, etc and get tweets with the latest covid research. I also see a lot of stuff from Gaza and a few things about movies. I'm moving off there but while some people are only on there and giving me information, I'll keep going back.

Be the change you want to see. Those people will never leave the platform as long as people like you still engage with them there.

I installed a extension to block everyone with a checkmark after Elon introduced paying for them. My feed has even less shitters then before its amazing. If I ever want to add more I just go to any AOC tweet and let the extension work.

Allright knuckleheads, here's what you do:

  1. Follow people who's content you're interested in

  2. Browse Following and not For You

  3. That's litterally it

I get so peeved when people browse algorithmic feeds and then complain that they see bad content. You fools. You cretins. I'll have you know that i actually have a pleasant experience on Twitter AND THAT'S NOT A JOKE, i genuinely have a good time on a bad website purely because i stay away from the For You feed. It's literally that simple. The only time i get conservative propaganda is when someone i follow quote tweets it with a snarky response.

I've had someone assume i was a nazi because i'm still on Twitter and i got a little (too) mad at them because we clearly don't share the same reality. They browsed For You and quite rightfully left the site never to return, and they don't understand how i'm able to stay; no shit, i'm able to stay because i don't browse Following.

Now the thing is, this is how i've always used the internet, from the start i've built my follows list with this browsing habit in mind so i only follow like 200 people with the specific purpose of seeing their content; but for a lot of users, following is more like pressing "like" on a profile, and they end up following 5000 accounts. In that case you're gonna get way too much content sprayed at you and pruning your follows list is going to take forever. I don't know what to do in that situation tbh

Musk still forces his own tweets, his advertisers, and whatever else he chooses into your feed, even your "following" page. You can't block it.

*EDIT: maybe not anymore? See replies.

This is just a lie. Have him muted and never see his tweets.

Not a lie, it's how I remember it working (and complained about at the time) but it's entirely possible they changed things since I deleted.

Ads yes, everything else no. I haven't seen a musk tweet or any tweet from someone I don't follow that wasn't sponsored or an rt from someone I do follow at any point in the following tab.

i kept using it for the few mildly high quality posts by queer people, but it feels like it almost stopped. might delete my account now

They would need to be force feeding me conservative content in order for me to be able to answer the question. They're not and never have been. Same applies to ads.

If you learn how to curate your feed, it won't be an issue.

I tell some people to KYS just so the website forces me into a ban for 6 days.

Its nice.

edit: The people I say this to are genuinely scum of the earth. Pedos, People that share animal abuse vids, and people that disrespect the current situation surrounding school shootings.

You mean you tell them to KYS right?

Yes. Im not doing it out of pure rudeness, It's all towards people who either openly will share Pedophilic/Animal abuse content or people that will mock/turn school shootings into some kind of conspiracy theory. Those people fucking sicken me.

Not all humans live in America. It is possible for people to use Twitter without seeing material related to your country's political shituation.

Pot, kettle

Edit I'm a dumb dumb and used the wrong phrase.

I mean Lemmy is social media just like Twitter, and is not free from the risk of political "forcing"

So I meant it like Twitter, Lemmy. But me dumb

I'm forcing conservative media on you?

Lemmy, and other political media.

I guess the phrase is wrong. I'll edit my comment saying I'm a dumb dumb for using the wrong phrase

A forum is social media? I don't know any motherfucker here.

Absolutely, in so much as posts are made by people with the intention of it being seen, and possibly swaying people to an idea.

Anonymity does not change this. It's not like people know everyone they see a post for on Twitter either

Edit aside from my using the wrong phrase, it's funny that folks think Lemmy is special