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Joined 1 years ago

I don’t think such a time ever existed, at least not for the groups currently taking the most heat.

People have been getting publicly harassed for their race, gender, sexuality for as long as this country has existed. They could not “just bowl”. The opportunity never existed for them.

It’s nostalgia for a unity that never existed.

Last I checked, having a military base is not grounds for invasion and sovereign countries have a right to determine their alliances.

And even if it was grounds for an invasion, which it emphatically is not, Ukraine didn’t have any and the major European states were against Ukraine joining NATO until after the invasion.

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So you approve of the United States actions towards Cuba then? Since you approve of Russias actions towards Ukraine?

Right, didn’t think so.

Why it’s almost like you aren’t basing your stance on any kind of ethical value or set of principles at all….

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Ok maybe I’m misunderstanding the ban but the book isn’t transmitting data is it?

I thought the TikTok ban was based on who has access to the data, not that the data exists.

I’m pretty certain transcribing confidential information into a book and calling it free speech wouldn’t circumvent the laws restricting access to that info.

Ive got collective thousands of hours in paradox titles. The good dlcs (and there are trash ones I haven’t bought) adds dozens of hours of playtime. They also keep the mod community active which adds hundreds more.

It seems expensive but 10-20 bucks every few months is reasonable to me.

My bigger issue is some of them are starting to feel very paytowin with the feature/power creep (compare vanilla Russia/Ottomans in EUIV to dlc versions for an example)

And how nice is it if you are the “wrong” kind of person?

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Worked out so well in getting us a conservative dominated SC and has had consequences that will last a generation but sure, why not do it again

If the goal is simply to keep money circulating and people employed, there are more efficient ways to do that.

Reddit, as a whole only has about 2000 employees.

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The facts include the fact that Ukraine doesn’t have any American military bases.

So you are still wrong.

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Irrelevant. That countries do things forcibly doesn’t mean I have to tolerate bad actions or should be quit about when they do bad or ignore bad arguments that try and justify the bad actions.

But I’m glad we now agree the invasion had nothing to do with a nato base.

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Depends on what part of the 3rd world we are talking about. Majority of African nations for example do not have UHC yet. Asia is a better off in this regard but not the entire continent.

I don’t think people without first world problems were buying AirPods and iPhones to begin with.


So after Russia invaded? Did you forget Crimea?

Not to mention Sweden of all places can’t even get into NATO. You think an Ukraine that was partially occupied was getting in? You think the Russian government doesn’t know that?

Are you ignoring NATO membership for Ukraine was already torpedoed by France and Germany who are only changing their mind now because Russia decided to try and take the whole country? So no NATO has not “consistently postured” any such thing. It was explicitly decided at The 2008 summit to not offer them (or Georgia) membership. The US cannot unilaterally add anyone to NATO. Nor does the general-security of NATO get to decide that. No action plan or invitation was offered. The words have about as much weight as countries claiming they will stop global warming. Without concrete action, meaningless.

I’m not sure when you are citing the Monroe doctrine like that established some kind of precedent when Russia has been invading and neighbors before the United States was even a country.

I don’t care who Latin American decides to back. That’s their sovereign right. You know, that thing that’s being violated by Russia. I never said anything about it.

What I adressed was a comment playing apologetics for Russia with inconsistent application of its standards.

So don’t try and hide behind the some “might makes right””geopolitics” BS now.

After all, if our standards and morals don’t apply to the conversation since these are globe coinquering monsters who will do whatever they can get away then why are you still making excuses for Russia and blaming it in NATO.

Because you have an agenda.

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And yet is much more directly impacted by, and involved in, the situation in Ukraine and you know, it was a direct exchange between those two parties and referencing those two parties and not the US.

You’ve got a bad case of American on the brain. You hate the topic but can’t change the subject.

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Because India needs oil. A lot of it and for cheap. India is also buying US weapons and phasing out Russian ones.

It’s almost like India is a country with its own interests and doesn’t treat the world as one giant chess match between Russia and the US.

You know. Like Latin America.

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Baldur’s Gate II is and will always be the most influential and important game of my life.

Pretty sure the French government ignored them anyway. Pension reform still went through.

Revisionist history from talks about construction in 2020.

When Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014.

Whose history again?

I’d love to see you quote me on when I ever said the US acted righteously. What I did say was that bad behavior by the IS is not grounds to justify bad behavior from Russia.

And again, the comment that started this chain was definitly trying to do that.

The rest is just white noise to try and expand the argument out of its scope.

Also known as arguing in bad faith.

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The only people framing the geopolitical relationship with the EUas part of this so called chess match is you.

You never did present that evidence I asked for by the way. So we are done here.

Might wanna reread what I’ve said and what I’ve adressed since you know, I was responding to a comment on the article, not the article itself and this conversation has little to do with the article at all, mostly due to people like you making it about the US.

You know, the article about EU nations asking for support for a European nation from Latin American countries…..

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Which brings up the US how? Hmmmm…..

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From an article that neither mentions the US or does the joint statement by the Latin Americans countries mention the US.

So yeah, maybe go back and read the article. Bringing the US up is conjecture unsubstantiated by the article. And weren’t you big on o Lu focusing on the article just a few comments ago?

I get you struggle not to tie everything back in the United States but American exceptionalism is a fairly toxic idea.

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Case and point. EU nations (aka Not the US) asking for support for an eu nation (which did not have anything to do with US coups in Latin America) is to you about the US.

You can’t even imagine Latin American countires having issues with Europeans treatment of them, like the article states. The response text but up colonial reparations.

The US is not the center of the world. Countries have motivations that don’t factor the US.

For someone who doesn’t like the US they have gotten deep in your head.

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Which doesn’t make make them the center of latin American reasoning. Geopolitics is more complicated than that. NOr is their anything in the article to imply anything of the sort.

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Big powers like the entire EU? You know. Who the article was about.

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The most fun I ever had with a MGS game was watching someone else play it.

How can you know if the delivery is better if you don’t even know which words are being inflected upon, if they are being said awkwardly, so on and so forth.

That you use Star Wars kinda cements the point. The prequels were infamous for their odd dialogue and stilted deliveries.

It’s not that the voice acting or delivery is better; it’s that you can’t tell the difference because you don’t know what it should sound like.

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There’s a vast gap between “dog shit” and “good” though. Mediocre or Acceptable being an examples. Which is my point, if you don’t know the language you don’t know a good performance from a mediocre one from an average one or a good one.

I’m gonna point back to the example earlier. Non English speakers watching Star Wars in English even though the performances and dialogue were widely mocked w

So find a single quote of the Latin American countires opposing the text as written had a thing to do with nato. You can’t.

You do realize the majority of these exact same states (including India, who you listed as supporting the war. What?) have already condemned the war at the UN. So no, it’s not as simple as pro us and anti us. Countires do indeed have interests beyond america or Russia and indeed do have bilateral concerns.

Just because you can’t see the world through anything but the US lense doesn’t mean the rest of the world can’t. And just because you think Latin America should have every action they take be shaped by their relationship with the u tied states doesn’t mean they think that.

So unless you can actually put up some evidence rather than your wild conjecture I’m afraid I’m done here.

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Where’s indias aid to Russia?

And it’s politics. The power of words is immense.

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Purchasing the iPhone was a choice though. It tools more energy effort and money to do than to not do. So again, not comparable to the country you are born in.

What happened to forced participation you harped on earlier.

Sure you can buy it and complain but a valid question remains “Well why’d you buy it”. And instead of answering this question and trying (and failing) to hide behind the lie that you were Forced to.

A very quick pivot from your previous argument or forced participation.

I hope the young folks do devolope mutual aid networks and arm themselves. Since that’s….you know actually doing something about a scenario they didn’t choose.

Whereas the most effective action about apple policies is buying a different brand.

My god you can’t even understand the point I’m making is the examples where terrible not that the point was wrong.

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You definitely are since the US only pays about 16% of NATOS budget. Which is a smaller percentage than what the US pays to the UN peace keeping forces.

You… know that NATOs budget is not the same things as NATO combined military spending right?

And also irrelevant since the EU is not NATO. They share members they do not have identical membership.

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No, you can’t. Intonation and tone is very different in different languages.

And sounding emotional is not the same thing as good acting, for example over delivery is a thing. Something you could not tell without speaking the language. Acting is a lot more than sounding emotional. Good acting is even more than that

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I’ve never seen such a desperate attempt to twist a really bad take into viability before.

No it is not the same as expensive brand of phone you buy.

And if that what it was supposed to be then it’s even dumber than I thought. Participation in the political brand would be voting. Which young people mostly don’t do. Hence the thread.

In real life young people are not buying the brands of politics they don’t like. They are the exact opposite of the the person complaining about apple from their iPhone while wearing their AirPods.

So it still doesn’t apply.

Also go back, and reread it again. Said it doesn’t require an iPhone. Not that it doesn’t require phones.

Yes, because the suffering of a serf with literally no option, and the observation of a consumer on a new and unrefined product is the same as someone buying the most trendy brand consumer product with variable alternatives….

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Yeah but no one’s forced into owning an iPhone, let alone AirPods.

The only one forced is the serf.

Hence the meme fails to say anything. Willful participation(buying apple products) is not the same as forced participation. Nothing is stopping you from buying a third party headphones. Modern life might demand cell phone access, but it doesn’t demand an apple product. Let alone an apple accessory for that apple Product.

The level the meme wants to operate at (deep unavoidable participation in unfair systems) falls apart because it only provided one actual example of that. Hell at least use something like nestle which is so ubiquitous you can actually consume it without being aware. But no one is accidentally buying AirPods. No one is forced to buy AirPods. Apple phones still connect to any Bluetooth headphone.

It’s yet another example of some one mocking faux deep thought while engaging in it.

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