1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 weeks ago

People didn't like my answer, so maybe this site would better explain:

Nevertheless, when you compare espresso beans vs. regular coffee beans, you’ll notice the former is always dark roasted and oily. This is not to say that regular coffee beans cannot be dark and oily. However, they can feature other characteristics as well, while for espresso beans, these qualities are non-negotiable.

We now have a collection of maybe 400 DVDs (not pirated, legally purchased). Sure, everything we watch is reruns, but there are no commercials.

There are two primary varieties of beans, arabica beans and robusta. An expresso bean (arabica) is generally darker (roasted longer) with more visible oil.

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This article says he's a pastor, but upon searching for confirmation, cannot find it.

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Steam may be okay for the wheat crust, generally when baking bread steam is applied in the initial rise period, but is generally turned off at the end for a dry final bake. The cheese is another matter. Ideally the cheese has to do more than melt, it should develop a partly caramelized appearance on the top (slightly brownish in places). Whether that would happen with this kind of oven is unknown.

Here's a current press item about the issue, dated Jul 04, 2024, Donald Trump, Katie Johnson Allegations: Everything We Know - Newsweek

Is nuclear war winnable? I've been led to believe it is not: MAD.

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An oxymoron. The principals of science are provable through repetition. Faith implies lack of proof. An oxymoron.

Circumcision is not gender-affirming care? "Oh, that's different!"

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Media Bias Fact Check (MBFC) rates them "mostly factual" with left bias.

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If I was president, I'd limit work hours to 8 hours per day as much as possible, not 12. Sure, you can't schedule emergencies, but you can provide goalposts.

At some point in time people are going to be killed.

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MAGA pastor = deceiver.

I predict Loper-Bright is gonna reverberate through lots of issues. This is just the beginning, sadly.

I just made a batch of white rice, once cooked I freeze it on baking paper. Not long ago I looked into baking paper, it's loaded with some kind of plastic non-stick chemicals.

You go get 'em, AOC. Personally, I'd like to see the Declaration of Independence rewritten so that it doesn't give this false impression about our form of government and kings.

Liz Cheney is not an enemy combatant. If this is Trump's definition of one, that as an authoritarian any dissent to his will is considered treason, then he'll still need to change the rules of military tribunals to allow prosecution of non-combatant civilians. In case anyone hasn't read it, Wikipedia has a page on Military tribunals in the United States - Wikipedia

It's curious Trump seems to believe that mere political dissent equates to enemy combat and physical violence. Imagine what he must think about Jan 6 that he has been keeping to himself. Can anyone say "project"?

He's saying he must be given a military tribunal as an enemy combatant?

I think the immunity ruling of yesterday ended the U.S.'s checks and balances against a King, Monarch, or in more modern terms, the Unitary Executive. Overturning Roe Vs. Wade was the Judicial Branch warning shot.

I predict that in the future the U.S. will have a new revolution, but it'll probably be at least a century away. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

I've never had an OnlyFans account, but I do have social media accounts. I have had the distinct impression in recent years of being stalked, followed online.

However, that intensified monitoring seems to have only just begun. NCMEC just got access to OnlyFans in late 2023, the child safety group told Reuters. And NCMEC seemingly can't scan the entire platform at once, telling Reuters that its access was "limited" exclusively "to OnlyFans accounts reported to its CyberTipline or connected to a missing child case."

Hu Youping, 54, was stabbed multiple times while trying to restrain an attacker at a school bus stop in China’s eastern city of Suzhou on Monday. She died in hospital two days later.

I don't pretend to understand the politics of the extremists, but Hu Youping is a hero. RIP.

Sorry to read that. How dare you sun yourself as nature intended. /s

Laws are only for little people.

...“The ACLU believes that if St. Isidore’s was a private school, it would have been able to impose its own rules on students and staff, but public schools can’t and must obey anti-discrimination laws covering hiring and admissions.”

It's too bad that private schools can legally supply a curriculum to kids which fulfills compulsory requirements. So much harm has been done to some kids in those schools.

And the victims minimum ages would be about 50. Better late than never, I guess.

Bourbon and soda on the rocks!

How do we address the alphabet mafia? You know, the LGBTQRSTD. ...

STD? Maybe she thinks Gomorrah is a venereal disease?

That's not Republican Jesus!

Ultimately, the Carbon Tracker analysts conclude, policymakers must decide between developing new, rigorous alternatives, or sending the bill to taxpayers by default. That will likely involve compelling resource-rich firms to start setting aside savings from their profits now.

Workers have taxes withheld from their paychecks. Seems fair a similar mechanism should exist for oil profits to fund orphaned-well cleanups. But -- we really need to transition away from fossil fuel entirely! Does this create a motive for the government to insure a company or two are profitable enough to subsidize all the poorer companies cleanup costs, therefore motivating increased use of fossil fuels?

... religious right leaning conservative democrat ...

Um, no. Biden is pretty solidly in the center, his record is a mix of left and right positions, and his positions have evolved as he's aged. I do believe he's religious, but he is not trying to force his religious beliefs on us like some states are currently doing with the 10 commandments bullshit.

Christian school expelled girl after rainbow birthday photo Such a fabulous example of Christian forgiveness!

Perhaps it's evidence of a Master Control Program. 🤣

I was not berating Frokke, I was making a comment about Biden's position.

Please point out where I used quotes and claimed you said it. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Probably more than a few generations. The U.S. failed to deal with the Islamic religion other than giving education to females. The entire culture of the area would need to be changed, and that means mitigate aspects of a radical religion. The U.S. was probably unwilling to do that due to its freedom of religion philosophy.

Circumcision (genital mutilation) on infants is widely practiced, thus logically it must be okay. This article asserts Biden says gender affirming surgery should be delayed until 18 years old (not okay on infants)

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So genital mutilation surgery is okay, but gender affirming surgery is not?

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