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Joined 1 years ago

Well yeah. Alito was executing "the plan" they all already agreed on back at the Federalist Society. SCOTUS has been captured by far right forces. The court is illegitimate and corrupt to the core.

15 more...

Yer foods gonna be shite

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If I were a Republican, I'd be embarrassed. The foreign enemies of the US want the GOP to win every election. How can they see that and not feel shame over what they've become? They are the domestic mouthpieces of America's enemies.

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Good prevails over evil — that’s the American spirit.

Which is why the Satanists should prevail Ron.

"Let's see, how can I make it even shittier.....?" -Elon

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If he'd held out one more day it would have been 700k. 2 more days, 1.4M. 3 more, 2.8M.

i.e. Musk caved before it became consequential.

1.4B if he'd waited 2 weeks more. 23.4T (that's Trillion) if he wanted to shield Trump for a month. I'd say it was a heavy fine that worked as intended.

Someone check my math.

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This was so dumb. It was entertaining to watch Bernie break it up tho.

"Sit Down! You are a United States Senator!"

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Someone should have made Kissinger follow that rule.

And empty chairs for loyalists should they succeed.

Tuberville is a traitor. I wonder what position he's been promised in the fourth reich?

He doesn't deserve to be in government at all after his treason. Here he is 3rd from the presidency. Fuck this Christofascist.

What? The party that constantly cheats at elections is cheating elections?

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So conservatives rushed in with a steady stream of gifts and perks to make Thomas wealthy so he'd stay and continue rubber stamping anything sent his way. It's disgustingly corrupt.

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I came to Texas this week for a vacation. Power has already been out here for 6 hours so far and was blinking on and off last night. Getting strong 3rd world vibes down here...

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Liz says she thinks he will lose. I hope she's right.

That treasonous rat Jim Jordan is so full of shit. [Dismissed the Jan 6 committee as a "partisan witch hunt"](Jim Jordan Refuses to Cooperate With Jan. 6 Panel then turns around and starts an actual partisan witch hunt once the GOP took the house.

I hope he chokes on a cheeseburger.

or dies of a stroke taking a shit. I hope they find him with his ass in the air.

I mean.... Could they really make it worse? Gaetz already aired all the dirty laundry on the house floor. We all know how screwed up the GOP is...

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Fuck them all. This episode highlights what an absolute sham SCOUTS has become. I've lost all trust in the courts. It's just more political bullshit. There is no "justice," just a bunch of religious assholes forcing the rest of us to follow their backwards ass rules.

Let's also not forget Darth McConnell's role in all of this. Straight up stole a supreme Court pick from Obama. This court is illegitimate.

.... Also because he's a traitor and a draft dodger with no respect for duty.

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I wish.

"This is my committee!" While jumping from the bench into the gallery

He'd break a hip tho, irl.

It came out years later that Reagan's team likely orchestrated that deal, convincing Iran to hold the hostages until after the election.

It was wild to me that none of the conservatives I know connected the dots. If the person is railing against the anti fascists...... what the fuck are they?

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I'd argue the smartest were likely atheists or agnostic and were either quiet about it or got killed over it.

I relate. I'm appalled. I also don't know what to do about it. If they pack the military with loyalists we're in trouble, yet they're on track to pull it off somehow. It's terrifying.

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"... Their plan was to have Biden die...."

Can you hear yourself? That's f'ng crazy.

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So Desantis is busing in voters. Lol.

We just flipped a city council seat where I live. Feels good 🤗

their search engine is better than everyone else's

It's not though. You never even get to see what the competition would be because they lock competitors out of the market.

I'm really happy about the case against them. This trial is uncovering a bunch of dirty tricks they use. They have far too much power and far too much of our data and are abusing it.

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Don't forget Reagan/Carter. Reagan manufactured the October Surprise, making a deal with terrorists to prolonging a hostage situation in Iran, just to tank Carter in the polls.

If Desantis has taught us anything, it's that he sucks at trying to manage insurance markets.

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It weeds out the dumb and the lazy 😉 . I like it.

"Part of God's plan" is their coping mechanism.

I don't understand how the religious don't take the next logical step of concluding: "Then God is a fucking bastard and the plan is sadistic."

Where's the legislation? Dems would sign on in a heartbeat.

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Then you're not very smart or observant.

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To your point, I ran across this video of an eradication attempt. Insane numbers being killed but they keep coming.

That's rich. Nah Sidney.

Time to pay for all that treason.

Yet more unforgivable, terrorist acts from Russia.

Some of what I've read indicates Manchin running third party would ultimately hurt Biden more and help Trump more.

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If fascism comes to America, it will be at the hands Donald Trump or one of his devotees.

~300k Russians troops are no longer able to participate in this war.

I wish they would go the fuck home and stop getting maimed and killed for this piece of shit's ambitions.