After blocking hundreds of promotions, Tuberville said the US has 'the weakest military than we've probably had in my lifetime' to politics – 665 points –
After blocking hundreds of promotions, Tuberville said the US has 'the weakest military than we've probably had in my lifetime'

Tuberville failed to mention that he's personally prevented hundreds of officers from being promoted because he disagrees with a 2022 Pentagon policy.


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I relate. I'm appalled. I also don't know what to do about it. If they pack the military with loyalists we're in trouble, yet they're on track to pull it off somehow. It's terrifying.

What I truly think at this exact moment. Its too late. They've stated civil war if Trump doesn't win, and him winning is not a good thing. A lot of institutional things tend to die quietly and the aftershock isn't felt for a while. I think we're experiencing one of these institutional deaths, the death of our functioning democracy. Keep both eyes on any MAGA you know.

I've written off most of the magats that I've known. Many that I've known that supported Trump early on have turned their backs now and feel stupid about ever supporting him. I've lost all respect for anyone still supporting that weak ass man baby and have cut ties. If they want a civil war that badly then I suppose we'll have it. I hope they're ready for gun soaked America. It wasn't only right wingers buying guns under the loose current structure.

May I suggest we tear down all the confederate monuments after we win this time, starting with Stone Mountain, GA?

May I suggest we tear down all the confederate monuments after we win this time, starting with Stone Mountain, GA?

Can we also tear down anybody sporting the traitor's flag? The number of people way up here in the north (like, sharing a border with fucking Canada) displaying the confederate battle flag is too damn high.

Only after we reenact Sherman's March to Sea in those places

Not necessary. Georgia would be blue if it weren't for the GOP gerrymandering and cheating every election. It's purple even with their shit. You'd burn more allies than enemies, especially in Atlanta and Savannah today.

Oh I don't mean a literal reenactment, just where the traitors are and only they are.

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